Catering with Love

Catering with Love

Oleh:  NeaNea  Tamat
Bahasa: English
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Talented Chef Renee' has been consumed with running her new catering business with her sisters, Jennifer and Suzanne. It isn't until John walks through their door that she realizes something may be missing in the recipe of her life. For the past year, John has been dealing with the fallout of his wife's abandonment. He's had to learn to be a single dad to their 8 year old daughter and will do anything to fill the void her mother left. It isn't until he commissions Renee' for his daughters birthday party that he realizes he's forgotten that he's not only a father, but a man. They both think they're content in their lives, but sometimes the right amount of spice can turn an okay dish into a magnificent one.

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47 Bab
Renee' "Three Sisters Catering" my sister Jennifer said, her face beaming as she raised her glass of champagne. May it be a smashing success. "And make us happy," my twin, Suzanne, added as our glasses came together with a tink. "Allow us to share our gifts with others," I said, my eyes tearing up as I looked at the happy faces of my two favorite people in the world. "Salude," we chimed, then tipped the pretty flutes back. I sighed as the chilled bubbly liquid trailed down my throat. Champagne taste happy, like celebration, and drinking it I just knew we'd made the right choice in opening our own business. Even if our Aunt Cathy told us we were nuts, or the guy who ran the restaurant on the corner glared at us everytime we wwalked by ... I felt it in my gut. I'd always dreamed of not only cooking and baking for a living, but also of doing it my own way, in my own buisness. It just so happened thaat my sisters were my best friends who just so happened to share the same dream
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"Where the hell is Suzanne?" Jennifer asked with a scowl as she stomped into my kitchen. "Ah, I think she said she was going to check out decorations for the upcoming Wilson event," I answered as I rolled out dough on the floured table. "Why, what's up?" "Mrs. Chapman just cornered me for fourty-five minutes about her daughter's baby shower," Jennifer complained. "Suzanne promised me she'd handle it. She knows how that woman drives me batty." "Where'd she catch you?" I asked as I kneaded. "On my way out of the bathroom at the deli." "Yikes," I said with a chuckle. "She blocked the sink, so I had to listen to her gripe while I waited to wash my hands. She held me hostage, Renee'." I laughed ar the look of pure horror on my younger sister's face. "What else do you have this afternoon?" I asked, trying to take her mind off of her hostage situation. "I'm going to pick up the new business cards, then run over to the event space and make sure everything is on schedule for tonigh
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Hugging her had probably been a bad idea, but, damn, it sure felt good. I started out innocently enough. I really had stepped into Three Sisters Catering with the intention of begging, pleading and bartering for a party for Amora. Then she had stepped out from the back ... the sexiest brunette in a chef's coat I'd ever seen. And the way her curves had fit snuggly against me, her head resting perectly just below my chin ... Well, let's just say my body hadn't reacted to a woman in that was since well before my wife left me. I'd ended up stuttering and stumblinga my way out of there. I think I winked for God's sake. What a tool. The important thing was that she's said yes, they'd consider catering Amors's party. I'd been trying so hard to give Amora everything she needed since Kayla had walked out of our lives. I couldn't always give her what she wanted monetarily, but she knew she was the most important thing in my life, and I really wanted to make this birthday special. It was t
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"What's this?" Suzanne asked, the tone of her voice causeing me to look up from tarts I was finishing up for tonight's event. It took me a minute to realize what she was talking about, as she waved a piece of paper in the air. "Oh, it's a last-minute tea party for a little girl," I replied, tryig to sound like it was no big deal. "No shit, last minute," my twin exclaimed, one hand on her hip while she used the other to shake the paper at me. "I don't have time for this. Literally, don't have time. Why did you say we'd take this on, Renee'? You know wer're jam-packed for the next four days." "I know that. I do, and I don't expect you to do a thing. I'll take care of it." "You'll take care of it!" "Yep," I said, then grew wary when Dru narrowed her eyes at me. My sister never missed a thing. "Why, Renee'?" she asked as she stalked toward me. "Why, after a year of cooking and baking, like the genius you are, but not crossing over into event planning, management or budgeting will yo
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"You want a snack, Mor?" I asked as my daughter settled at the kitchen table to do her homework. We had a strict do your homwork first thing after school policy, so our evenings were with usually the same. Amora would walk the two blocks from her school to mine, we'd ride home togther, and she'd do her homework while I make dinner. After, she usually caught up with one of her friends while I graded papers or worked on lesson plans, and before bed we'd watch a couple episodes of whatever show we were binge-watching. Currently, we were on 'Heartland' which we both were loving. "Sure," Amora replied with a half shrug as she started on her math worksheet. I smiled at the back of her head, thinking how great it was that we were finally in a place where we were both content, and my daughter was happy. Kayla's abandonment had hit us both hard, and Kayla had taken quite a while to recover. I'd spent many nights holding her while she cried herself to sleep. It was hard for me, a thirty-ye
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I may have gone a little overboard, but once I'd started thinking about different tea party ideas, I couldn't help but want to make it a birthday this little girl would never forget. I'd chosen a delicate tea set with pretty pink rosebuds, lots of pretty pastel decorations and flowers. Tons of flowers. Colorful macaroons, sweet little sandwiches, tiers of cupcakes coupled with strawberry punch, lots of ffun candies and cut outs for the photo booth, all teamed together to make a nine-year-old's birthday dream come true. My sisters and I had loved playing dress up as girls and being in the kitcchen had always been my passion, so it hadn't been hard to tap into my inner child when deciding what to do for Amora. I just hope she likes it. I was getting out of my 4Runner and heading to open the back when the front door opened and John came out of the house and jogged toward me. I don't know why, but I found him jogging towrd my in loose fit jeans and bare feet strangely sexy. "Hey, h
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The next couple hours were a whirlwind of giggles, tiny sandwiches and enough sugar to ensure that I was in for a long night. Renee' was amazing. Not only were her decorations on point, and her food was delicious, she'd kept the girls entertained and had successfully given my little girl the party of her dreams. I hadn't seen Amora smile this much since her mother left, and I was eternally grateful to Renee' for that. If I hadn't already planned on asking Renee' out, and I guess I sort of had, even though we'd been interrupted, I defintely would have wanted to take her out after seeing interact with my daughter and her five boisterous friends. Now the tea party was over and the girls had all escaped to the backyard to jump on the trampoline while Renee' and I cleaned up. She was currently boxing up the props she'd used for the tea party photo booth, while I was slyly popping leftover macaroons in my mouth. "I saw that," Renee' said with a chuckle. I turned, mout full and a sheepis
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"So, how did it go with Mr. Adorable Dimples?" Jennifer asked as we stretched out. We were off Mondays and that's when we got together with our adult recreation soccer league. The three of us had been playing soccer since we could walk and enjoyed getting out and playing whenever we could. Which wasn't as much as we'd like, now that business was booming. "I already told Suzanne the whole story last night ... It was good," I said vaguely, hiding my smirk when Jen started to pout. "Well, I was working last night so I missed the girl talk. You can't hold that against me, Nea, I was bringing home the bacon," Jennifer complained as she crouched down. "Fine," I said with mock experation, "I'll give you the cliff notes." Jen kept her eyes on me as she waited expectantly. She had recently cut off her long black hair that matched mine and Suzanne's in length into a cute bob, and dyed it a bright red. It totally suited her. "The party was great, fantastic even. I had a blast decorating an
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I was finishing up my lesson plans for when we moved on to 'Pride and Prejudice' next week, but my eyes kept drifting up to the clock. Much like my students, I couldn't wait for the bell to ring, signaling the end of the school day. Normally, I stick around after school, grade some papers, straighten my room and prepare for the next day, but today all I could think about was picking up Renee' at three thirty. I couldn't remember the last time I was this excited about anything. Sure, it was only coffee, but it didn't matter what we were doing, I couldn't wait to see her again. The bell rang and I jumped from my chair, pushing through my students as I tried to beat them out the door. "Where is the fire, Mr. B?" "Sorry ... Sorry," I muttered as I reached the hallway, then started speed walking toward the exit closest to the teacher's parking lot. "John." I bit off the curse before it passed my lips, then turned to see who was currently stalling my swift exit. "OH, hey, Rebecca. Wh
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I was overcome by nerves. All morning I couldn't stop fretting over this coffee date with John. I mean, what did I really know about the guy. Sure, I knew he was a good dad, his house was nice, and something about those glasses he wore made my body pulse, but I didn't really know him. Shoot, I hadn't even known he was a teacher until he had mentioned it in that text. Although, out of all the professions out there, high school Engligh teacher was better than assassin, or jewelry thief. But, when I stepped out into the storefront and saw him standing there, not even trying to hide his pleasure at seeing me, I shoved my doubts to the side and decided to dive in. It was just coffee, after all, it wasn't as if I was his new mail-order bride. There was no commitment being made. "Thank you," I replied, when his compliment penetrated my thoughts. I'dd probably tried on twenty different outfits before finally deciding on the blue dress. It was conservative, yet flirty. At least that is wh
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