Captured by Florest

Captured by Florest

Oleh:  K. pearl  On going
Bahasa: English
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The world's unluckiest girl......ME Not only was I kidnapped by aliens, I was dumped by my boyfriend on the same day. Talk about unfortunate, ' I'm at the front line' Now I plan to give those alien a taste of their own medicine and find my way back to earth. Unfortunately there is a slight distraction in form of a hunk hot-headed alien who is convinced I'm his mate according to a prophecy, and makes me aware (EVERY SINGLE TIME!!!!)that he is not happy with it.Find out what happens when he head butts a very stubborn woman Suitable for 16+ and above....HEA guaranteed. I hope you enjoy and please don't forget to like my novel. Gracias Reviews will be appreciated

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9 Bab
Grandma mielle   I was coming back from work at the daycare I teach when i heard a sound like a baby crying I was confused at first where the sound was coming from, that was when I noticed on my door step a baby in a bundle lying there I quickly rushed to the stairs to carry it ,"who would do such a thing and leave a baby here", I looked  around for anyone suspicious but no one was there "awwn, it's a girl, She is red from all the crying but she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Her eyes looked back at me and I saw the greenest eyes I have ever seen like the forest, green and full of life, bright and lush in nature with healing power so vast the knowledge is eternal. 'Florest' that is your name, so fitting my precious baby girl is special.  Beside her is a bag with a written note on it  saying to keep the baby save and to give her the bag when the time is right. The hair on the back of
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Chapter 1
                Florest POV   Sometimes I wonder if I have a sign on my head that attract assholes. Cause that's the only explanation of how I get to be kidnapped by an ugly as fuck alien when they are billions of girls out there, not that I'm wishing any of them bad but "why me"..  I stressed. I mean -- come on there are beautiful girls out there, look at me I'm nothing special, I'm just, why couldn't you bastard just give a girl a break.          I was minding my own business cause I had a bad day already, first ,my boyfriend dumped me for a bimbo he met at work so he could have free sex.  I met Henry at my work, i work as a chef at an African American restaurant where I met henry, he was on a business meeting with his associates and complimented on the food I cooked. So i came out to thank them for coming and the compliments, then
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Chapter 2
                       Florest POV   When I woke up I was in some kind of cell, I groaned. The place is small with just a water basin and bucket to use at the corner but with the interior looking so advance like in the movies I know this can't be good, 'do they want to use me for experiment',I'm sweating now. I pulled my legs up and wrapped my hands around it, I can feel tears coming out already.       "What am I going to do, grandma mielle and Megan will be worried if they don't hear from me for a while"when I remember what I saw yesterday, I moaned, oh God I'm going to die. I felt something wiggling under my clothes, I gasped why didn't I feel it before "because you weren't thinking straight" and now you are going to be eaten by whatever is wiggling under my clothes. I tried to tossed what was under my clothes away buy it's not budging. &n
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Chapter 3
      Florest POV           About an hour after I had gone through my plans in my head, I heard a distance sound like a door opening, my nerves were on alert as I sat straight, already on edge as I kept waiting for what's on the other side to show,  I kept chanting in my head ' don't panic, don't panic ' repeatedly, I can hear footsteps getting closer now. Then it stopped right in front of the door             I heard a beeping sound, and a few seconds later the door lock clicked turning green. I pursed my lips,"hmmm so I will need like an access card to open doors for me" I thought. When the door opened I tried to school my face the best I can ,so as not to show any emotion that will leave me vulnerable.the door revealed a reptile creature with an elongated face and bleary eyes and he is about 9 feet tall, it's so big and wide it could crush me with one hand.
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Chapter 4
  Florest POV . I sobbed uncontrollably, I begged the healer man to help me, does he have a daughter at home? What will he do if his daughter was treated like this?, His jaw ticked . ' Listen to me young girl, you are not going anywhere with him, you hear me' ,I nodded,' I shouldn't have let things go too far, I should have reported to the council immediately I knew you were kidnapped, I'm sorry for that. But we can make this right', ' kulmar have been doing some shady deeds right from when he was transferred to command this ship. It's high time someone set him straight'. I listened carefully to what he said 'who is kulmar',I asked.          "Kulmar is the sixth commander of this ship" he explained. " The shorter one of the two". "Haaa, I see", I nodded in recognition "my kidnapper". he brought out a small knife from his pocket and used it to slice his wrist. I hissed, "what are you doing", he grunted. He
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Chapter 5
  Florest POV   I slowly walked to what looks like a market place. " Whoa!!., holy shiiit ", I gasped. This is an alien world alright.  Lots of people -- aliens going back and forth, talking at the same time. It looks busy and full, even at night time, lots of canopy stands with different colors and shades displayed in front of shops to show their goods. i looked longingly at some bags displayed at one shop, I don't have any money with me. The situation I'm in all came rushing back to me. I sombered, I need to find a place to keep my head down for a while. I wonder if I can find a job in exchange for room and board. I approached a bar , it looks chic and has a fun vibe to it. People are schattered around on chairs, the bar is full of people sipping their drinks and chatting. A busy bar, perfect for a part time job. they always need somebody to fill a space for another person.            
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Chapter 6
  Cohl POV   I sipped the dakr and grimace, " this is not right" he groaned. "It doesn't even taste like the one at home at all". Cohl looked at his friend sa'ard, I thought you said they can make anything. He pointed to his planet native drink. "This taste like ass" he said. Sa'ard grimaced "you don't need to compare it to that, I'm sure it's not that bad. He took the glass cup from hand and tasted it. He scrunched his face,"yeah, ok this is really bad". " Tariq actually recommended the food and drinks here" he said sheepishly.    I groaned,"Tariq" my other best friend, "I should have known, that guy has a poor judgement, and if by chance he made the right one. It's always by luck".  Me and my friends -- Tariq and sa'ard decided to have a much needed vacation. So sa'ard and I trusted Tariq to find somewhere relaxing for us which seems to be the wrong move and one I've been regretting ever since we land
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Chapter 7
Cohl POV   "Fuck" I cursed , where are sa'ard and Tariq, I ve sent them a message for help for a while now, could it be that paax figured out my secret communicator and hacked into it.... 'No, I don't think so, no one knows about it except from tariq and sa'ard, and they will die before exposing anything about me'', I nod. Something seems to be blocking me from transmitting or receiving any message, they must have figured out I might have means of communication and are taking great measure at stopping me. I blew out a breath, my friends are smart, they will figure out what to do.       I tug on the rope that ties my hand, grunting, that bitch sure know how to tie a knot. Fuck!!, I need to get out of here, Venice just left now, probably to bring back up. Trying again, I can untie the rope but it's going to take some time. Time that I don't have. I need to warn my friends that they are in danger. Then I heard
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Chapter 8
 Cohl POV  Getting to our ship, some men are waiting for us there including a paax.  I narrowed my eyes at the reptilian looking at Florest like a piece of meat.  Sending a silent message to my brothers. "What do you think guys, are they involved in my kidnapping in the ship", "not sure yet, they look like they came here for another reason", sa'ard said,  "if that's the case then it's all good, they probably just need money".  Florest wimpered beside me. "Hey, it's ok". She shaked her head.  "Kulmar" she rasped. 'Kulmar' she repeated, looking at the guy leering at her, "you know him", it's not a question, it's a statement.  "Well well well", a voice boomed. Turning to face the reptile, "you are blocking our way, can you move" I said.     The ugly pig grin "can I move", he laughed, turning to his minions, they laughed too.  " No, I can't do that
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