
Chapter 1



Laying on the sofa with a blanket wrapped around my body I looked over at Bobby who was standing near the doorway.

"How are you feeling, baby?"

I shot him a glare, "You beat me black and blue. How do you think I'm feeling?"

"I told you that I'm sorry. But if you would just listen to me, none of that would have happened."

"I did listen to you!" I snapped angrily, "I did everything that you asked of me. Yet again."

"You lost me a deal when you clawed my client's face to pieces."

I rolled my eyes, I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "Yeah after he tried to force himself on me. What did you expect to happen?"

Bobby sighed and walked over to the sofa, crouching down in front of me, "Force himself on you? Ripley, you were there to do whatever he wanted you to. I permitted him, so you need to realize that you had no right to attack him."

I glared at him, but I knew better than to say anything to him.

I should have been used to these deals Bobby had me doing. They had started a year into our relationship.

It started off slowly, at first it was only dinners. I would keep his clients company.

But then it escalated. Dinner dates turned into groping hands. After that, it was nights in hotel rooms.

By that time he had me out of it on drugs just to get through it.

By the time I realized what I was doing, it was too late.

He threatened me, and I was too scared to call his bluff, so I went along with it.

And some days, I would push my luck and fight against it.

And then I would land up beaten; Bobby had a terrible temper and I knew this.

I knew that if I pissed him off, he would attack me. But I still pushed it.

So, it was my own fault, really.

But I couldn't stand to look at Bobby right now.

"I want to go and visit Faith."

Bobby sighed, "Not today. You need to rest and get better. You can't go driving around and hanging around kids. Those kids at that orphanage will be all over you, it won't do your ribs any good. Stay home until you're better."

Although his voice was kind and caring, I knew this wasn't up for debate.

It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

I nodded, "Okay."

"Good girl." He leaned forward and kissed me on my head.

Truthfully, his touch repulsed me. It made me sick to my stomach that he could do such things to me and then sit here and pretend that he cared.

He got to his feet and pulled out his phone, "What do you feel like? I was thinking we could order in and watch some moves today."

"Don't you have places to be?"

"No. Nothing is more important to me than you."

I almost scoffed, but I caught myself before I did.

Of course, he wouldn't leave me alone now, not after what he did to me.

He needed to be nice and have my emotions all over the place.


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