
Chapter 4


King walked into my office while I was staring out over the tall buildings.

"You're in luck. Robert Jenkins, otherwise known as Bob. He's a businessman who is both well respected and feared amongst his peers. There's also been a few run-ins with the FBI in the past, drugs. But we could never nail him. We also have reason to believe that he has some pretty big names who have partnered in his company to make it look legit, again, no proof." He dropped the file on my desk.

"Do I have the case?"

"I thought you wanted to retire soon?" King asked with a smirk.

"I do. But I want this case first."

"Why? Why are you so hell-bent on this? Is it because she's Kinley's daughter?"

I nodded, "Yeah. You know I care about Kinley, we bonded over all that shit with Gianni. How can I claim to care about them if I don't do something to help their daughter?"

King sighed, "Fin, you're a damn good agent. I don't want to see you screw it all up over this girl. She isn't squeaky clean herself. She's been pulled in on numerous occasions for drugs."

I nodded, "Yeah. Sloan mentioned she has an addiction problem. But that doesn't mean she deserves to be left out to rot. You know what a big part psychology plays in all of this. Let me take this case and throw that bastard away. That's all I'm asking."

"And if she needs to be thrown away too?"

"Then we do what we must."

King nodded, "Okay. The case is yours. Handle it how you see fit, but don't bring us any trouble."

"I've been doing this for so long, when do I ever slip up?"

King chuckled, "That may be the case, but then, you aren't normally emotionally invested."

I shot him an annoyed look as he was leaving my office.

Emotionally invested my ass.

I paged through the files learning more about Bob, I wanted to cram as much information as I could. Lifting the landmine phone I called the local precinct and set up a meeting with their Captain. Of course, I used my rank to get it. I knew how the Captain felt about me.

"Agent O'Clery, what can I do for you?" Captain Hilton asked me as I walked into his office.

"I'm investigating a man who you know well. Robert Jenkins. I need all of your reports on this guy. Everything."

"Jenkins is pretty much untouchable. He knows how to cover his tracks, we've had a few calls over domestic violence recently, but nothing that will help on your investigation."

"I'll be the judge of that. I want the reports." 

The Captain eyed me for a moment before nodding, "You always gravitate towards the Espositos, don't you? Follow me."

I followed him from his office over to a young woman with long blond hair, "Detective Swanson, this is Agent O'Clery. Help him out with what he needs." 

I nodded my thanks to the Captain before turning to the detective, "I need all the reports on Robert Jenkins."

She made a face, "That scumbag. The amount of times we've been called out by the neighbors is insane. The woman is always black and blue but she never wants to press charges. Not much we can do." She got up and walked away, returning a few moments later with a handful of files.

I took a seat at her desk as I paged through them. My blood boiled while reading the report on Ripley's condition.

"You people do nothing? You leave her with him knowing that he's beating the shit out of her?"

Detective Swanson raised a brow, "With all due respect, Agent, we can only do so much. If she refused to press charges, we can't do a damn thing. Do you want her reports too?"

I nodded, "Yeah." I could practically hear King's voice in my head telling me not to get in too deep. But it was too late for that. Might as well go all in.

I wrote their address down and placed the piece of paper in my pocket. 

"What does the FBI have to do with domestic violence?" Swanson asked.

I ignored her. 

She leaned down on the desk, "You single?"

"I am." 

"Why don't you join me for a drink tonight?"

I didn't look up from the file, "Thanks, but I'm not looking for anything."

She grinned, "A little birdie told me that Robert will be there."

I looked up immediately, "You know what? I could use a drink."



I rolled my eyes and got toy feet, "What is it, Bobby?"

"Look what I got you." He handed me a box, I could tell it was something expensive, and when I opened it I saw a beautiful emerald silk dress.

"Thank you. But what is this for?"

"Dinner. We're going out with some associates. Get ready. And don't do your make-up too harshly. Remember, I need a lady on my arm tonight."

The bruising was almost gone so it would be easy to hide under some foundation at least.

He didn't tell me what time I should be ready so I started immediately. He hated it if I made him late for anything.

By the time I was done, he made his way into the room to get ready.

"You look lovely. Now, remember, when we get there I will do the ordering."

"Okay. Is it a friendly dinner or business?" I hated his business dinners, he allowed his male business partners to treat me like a piece of meat on display.


Thank you, God.

When he was done we left the house and drove to the restaurant.

It was as usual a very posh place, Bob would never be caught dead in a restaurant that wasn't expensive.

We took our seats and I did my job of smiling but barely speaking to anyone. Two other couples were dining with us.

Bobby was partial to the rule that women were to sit and look pretty but have no opinion on anything.

I sipped the wine he ordered. I hated wine. But I dare not remind him of that or he would lose his temper and accuse me of embarrassing him.

The other women at the table spoke and every now and then while I stared silently around.

"Ripley, what is it that you do?" One of the men at the table asked me, I couldn't remember his name as I hadn't taken notice.

"She's a housewife," Bobby responded with a broad smile.

"Oh, how lovely. How did the two of you meet?"

I groaned. Bobby sure loved an opening to degrade me, and this was the perfect chance for him.

"Well," he began with a smug smile on his face, "She was a whore."

The table went silent and I offered a sarcastic smile. That wasn't entirely true, but again, I wouldn't dare interrupt.

"I fell in love with her and took her off the streets." He smiled as if he was some night in shining armor.

"Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom." I got to my feet and walked away from the table.

I splashed some water on my face and waited in the bathroom for a few minutes before stepping out. As I was passing the bar I saw the FBI Agent from before. He was with a beautiful blond woman.

"Ripley?" He spotted me.

I glanced nervously toward the table, if Bob saw me speaking to a man he would lose it.

"Nice to see you again. But if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my table."

He turned and looked toward Bob, "Sure. You still have my number, right?"

I nodded and made my way back to my seat, thankful that Bobby didn't seem to notice.

When we left I could sense Bobby was in one of his moods so I kept my mouth shut tightly.

"Who was that?"


The slap came out of nowhere as we were driving and I yelped in surprise.

"That fucking guy you spoke to at the bar! Who was he?!"

Shit. So he did see.

"I don't know."

Another slap, "Don't fucking lie to me!"

"I don't know who he is. He said he was a friend of my parents and greeted me. I greeted him and came straight over to you."

"You're cheating aren't you?"

"What?! No! I swear to God, I don't know him!"

"I'll find out if you're lying to me. You know that."

"I'm not lying, Bobby."

He huffed clutching the wheel tightly, "Nevermind that. I need you to do something for me."

"What?" I hated to ask, I knew I wouldn't like the answer.

"I'm trying to close an important deal. I need to you go out with the guy tomorrow night."

"Excuse me?"

"I'll drop you off with him. You will entertain him for the night. Whatever he wants."

I couldn't believe I was hearing correctly, "Let me get this straight. I greet a man who knows my parents and you slap me around. But it's totally okay for me to fuck one of your friends because you say so?"

"Yes! I am the one in charge!" I shoved my head against the window, "Are you forgetting that?"

"No, Bobby. Whatever you say."

"Good. That's more like it."

I turned to look out the window, I couldn't believe how my life had turned out.

All because of a fucking cop.

I was their informant once upon a time. But the drugs got to me and I ended up hooked for real. That's when everything went to shit. That's when Bobby came along.

I thought of O'Clery and his offer to help me. But then I thought of my father. Bobby knew too much about us, I couldn't allow my family to suffer for my mistakes.

When we got home I showered and sat on the closed toilet for longer than needed thinking about my problems and a way out.

Death seemed the obvious one, but I wasn't quite ready for that.

I still held some sort of hope that somehow I would be okay through this mess.

When I went into the room Bobby was sitting deep in thought.

This usually meant something bad was in store for me.

"Have you been doing drugs?"

"What? No. You have me followed, ask your guard you have on me."

He turned with a smile, "Well, tomorrow night there will be stuff on offer. If my associate wants you to take anything, you don't deny him. Understood?"

I felt sick at his words. I was clean for six months and now he wanted to force me back into it?

But I nodded, "Got it. Whatever he wants."

"Good girl." He got up and came over to me, kissing me on the lips, "Get into bed. Stacy will be over soon."

Stacy was one of Bobby's mistresses. Although, I wasn't sure if she was classed as a mistress when I knew about her.

He would have her over often, in the beginning, he even made me sit in the room while they fucked.

I nodded and climbed into bed, just thankful that he didn't want me to have sex with him.

"You'll need your rest. Greg is something of a party animal."

I assumed Greg was the man he wanted me to meet, so I didn't ask for confirmation.

I nodded and laid down, "Wait. Where is he taking me?"

He shrugged, "Dinner, probably. He has a taste for the nightlife, so a club. He wants to have fun while he's here. Who better to show him how than you?"

I wanted to slap him, but I held back. I knew better from the first few times I had attacked him.

"Okay. Just make sure he doesn't take me to my mother's club."

Bobby nodded, "I will. We don't want them doing anything stupid."

When he walked out I sighed and looked over at the drawers.

I had stashed Fin's number in there. 

I shook my head, no, I couldn't do that. Bobby would cause too much trouble.

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