
46. Here She Comes Again.

"Pablo, you know all the drug dealers in this city. See if someone knows Alexandra Sinclair," Blair said to the right-hand guy who gave a nod.

"But, boss. How did she suddenly caught our attention?" he asked with a raised brow when Blair answered, "Maybe she was supposed to catch our attention a long time ago but... better late than never."

After the dinner, Blair was coming back from Giovanni's place after playing with his kids, when she stopped the car in the midway and dialled a number.

"Hello, Pablo? What was the address of the bitch, again?" she asked and after a five minute of listening to the guy, she nodded and hung up the phone.

Blair slowly parked the car outside the two-story house where she saw the open lights of the living room.

A figure so familiar, dressed in lingerie walked to the sofa holding the hand of the man and pushed him to the sofa.

Sitting on his lap she was kissing him while both of his hands were on her ass.

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