Being sold To The Highest Bidder

Being sold To The Highest Bidder

By:  Jessica Garcia  Completed
Language: English
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In a world where werewolf elites wield power with iron claws, a clandestine auction emerges as a sinister spectacle. Caught in its whirlwind is a young woman thrust into prominence by her formidable father, Alpha Don Julio. Surrounded by towering figures of werewolf nobility, she becomes a coveted prize, her value measured by the dizzying bids that encircle her. When the feared Alpha Johnathon Dupree of the White Wolf Pack enters the fray with a staggering one million dollar bid, the stakes soar to unprecedented heights. Whispers of Dupree's cruelty, particularly towards women, amplify the tension, shrouding his intentions in impenetrable mystery. Yet, behind his glacial gaze lies an enigma she feels inexplicably drawn to unravel. As the saga unfolds, loyalties will be tested, veils of secrecy lifted, and a forbidden romance teeters on the brink of ignition. Enter a realm of intrigue, power struggles, and clandestine desires, where each turn of the page unveils a new revelation. In a perilous game where trust is a rare commodity and love is a potential snare, will she seize her freedom or succumb to the allure of the man who purchased her at a staggering cost?

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Rachel Rutherfurd
Good twists!
2023-10-21 19:24:05
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Summary does not reflect the story
2024-04-06 16:38:53
50 Chapters
Chapter 1: Echoes of the Unseen
In the heart of a room, brimming with the underworld's most infamous werewolf kingpins, I find myself questioning the twisted turn my life has taken. My father, the formidable Alpha Don Julio, has thrust me into this auction, offering me to the one with the deepest pockets."500... 1000... 100,000..." The bids are rising quickly around me, as I stand exposed on the pedestal." Their disgusting eyes scan my body, evaluating my worth, calculating how much it will cost to have me in their possession. Just when the tension feels unbearable, a chilling voice cuts through the murmurs: Alpha Johnathon Dupree, the feared leader of the White Wolf Pack, declares, "One million dollars.""One million going once, one million going twice, one million for the third and final call... Sold!" The auctioneer's gavel struck, "To the man in the blue-gray suit up front."Hearing the finality in those words, a wave of dread washed over me. The tales of his notorious cruelty towards women echoed in my mind, ma
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Chapter 2: Shadows and Secrets
The haunting resonance of the lullaby still lingered, casting a spell over everyone. The room was thick with tension, each face painted with a mix of confusion and dread.Dupree was the first to break the silence. "Who was that woman?" His voice was low, more to himself than anyone else.Don Julio responded, his voice strained. "I have my suspicions, but nothing concrete. That emblem... It's a relic of our ancestors. Few remain."I touched the spot on my chest where my own pendant lay hidden beneath my dress, its presence now carrying a weight I hadn't noticed before. "That lullaby... my mother sang it to me."Dupree's gaze snapped to mine. "You never mentioned this before.""I didn't think it was significant," I admitted, feeling a rush of vulnerability. "It was just a lullaby. Why would it matter?""It's more than just a lullaby," Don Julio interjected. "It's an ancient song passed down through the seer lineage. It's believed to be a protective chant, warding off dark forces."A mur
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Chapter 3: Unveiled Fates
The once-silent mansion erupted into chaos. The sounds of clashing steel and fervent incantations filled the air, punctuated by the desperate shouts of allies and the dark taunts of invaders.Dupree, drawing his blade, bellowed, "Protect the seers!" He then looked at me and Eryx, "Both of you, stay close!"But Eryx, ever the defiant one, quickly retorted, "We're not defenseless. We can fight!"Lysandra, appearing suddenly at our side, whispered urgently, "There's a secret passage to the east wing. It will lead you to safety. Go!""No," I declared firmly. "We won't leave our people behind."Eryx, gripping the hilt of a dagger that seemed to materialize from thin air, nodded in agreement. "Together, we stand a chance."Don Julio, amidst the fray, called out, "They're after the seers! We need to hold them off!"With a shared nod of understanding, Eryx and I began chanting in unison, our voices weaving an ancient spell. A barrier of shimmering light began to form around us, expanding outw
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Chapter 4: Whispers from the Abyss
The luminous glow of the tome provided the only source of light on our precarious ledge. The spirits' haunting chorus continued their words a blend of warnings and lamentations.Dupree's face was etched with frustration. "This is no natural trap. It's a test, a challenge set by the guardians of the seer lineage."Eryx, holding the tome tightly, added, "They want to ensure only the worthy access its power."Lysandra peered into the chasm, her face pale but determined. "These spirits, they're not just guardians. They're memories, remnants of seers who faced this very trial and failed."The chilling implication hung heavy in the air — the fate of countless seers, trapped in eternal limbo, their power and potential never realized.Suddenly, my mother's apparition emerged from the mist once more, her voice clear amidst the cacophony. "To find the path forward, one must first look back. Embrace your heritage, accept your destiny."I stepped forward, my voice quivering with emotion. "Mother,
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Chapter 5: Rituals and Relics
The dust from the battle had barely settled, but the urgency in the room was palpable. Every surface was littered with ancient manuscripts, arcane symbols, and relics, each shedding light on the profound depths of seer magic.Eryx, his face illuminated by the soft glow of a hovering orb, traced his fingers over a particular diagram in the tome. "This... It's not just a concealment ritual. It's a conduit, a way to channel our energies more efficiently."I moved closer, peering at the intricate patterns. "But there's a catch, isn't there?"He nodded solemnly, "Every powerful spell demands a price. This one requires the essence of two seers and a relic of great power."Lysandra, clutching a scroll, interjected, "And I believe I've found that very relic. The Crescent Amulet. Legend speaks of its ability to amplify a seer's capabilities."Dupree raised an eyebrow, skepticism evident in his tone, "And where do we find this amulet?"Lysandra hesitated for a moment before replying, "It's said
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Chapter 6: Echoes of the Past
The haunting lullaby reverberated through the Crypt, sending shivers down Lysandra's spine. Her glowing orb dimmed as if even it was affected by the ominous atmosphere. Dupree, jaw set and fists clenched, tried another passageway only to find it leading to a dead end.Don Julio, rubbing the emblem on his chest plate, remarked, "This Crypt doesn't just challenge our physical resolve, but our mental fortitude. Every turn, every passage, seems to be a reflection of our memories."Seraphina, her pendant glowing brighter with every note of the lullaby, whispered, "The melody isn't just a guide; it's a key. It’s connected to the memories of the seers of old, and perhaps even to our own."Lysandra, recalling ancient tales, said, "There are legends of places like this — where time blurs, and past, present, and future intertwine. We need to confront our past to navigate our future."Suddenly, the passage ahead of them shimmered and shifted. Instead of the dark, cold corridors of the Crypt, it
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Chapter 7: The Labyrinth Below
The abyss beneath their feet seemed to yawn wider, consuming the remnants of the chamber floor. The very ground they stood on crumbled, sending the group into a free fall toward the unknown.Lysandra, amidst the chaos, managed to conjure a shield of energy, slowing their descent. "Grab hold! I can't sustain this for long!"Dupree, his hand firmly gripping Lysandra's, shouted over the rushing wind, "Everyone, focus your energies! Combine your strengths!"As each member channeled their power into Lysandra's shield, it expanded, catching the group in a protective bubble. Their descent began to slow further, eventually bringing them to a gentle landing in a vast subterranean labyrinth.Eryx, still holding the now dormant Crescent Amulet, looked around in awe. "Where are we?"Seraphina, her senses heightened, replied, "Beneath the Crypt. This is the Labyrinth of Echoes, a place few have ever tread and survived."Don Julio, observing the intricate patterns on the labyrinth walls, murmured,
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Chapter 8: Celestial Convergence
The amphitheater, bathed in the soft glow of the celestial bodies, stood as a testament to times long past, its stone etched with the wisdom of millennia. The constellations overhead seemed alive, their patterns telling stories of ancient battles, love, betrayal, and redemption.Eryx, looking around, remarked in awe, "This place... it feels like we're in a different time altogether."Lysandra nodded, "It's a convergence of past, present, and future. Here, all moments are one."Dupree, eyes scanning the amphitheater's entrances, said, "We need to be on guard. This setting, as mesmerizing as it is, serves a purpose for Moros."Seraphina, clutching her pendant, murmured, "It's not just about the surroundings. Can you feel it? The energy here is amplified, and potent. Every move we make will have far-reaching consequences."From the other end of the amphitheater, Moros emerged, flanked by the ancient guardians. With deliberate steps, he approached the group, the Crescent Amulet's twin — a
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Chapter 9: Echoes of Eternity
The chilling proclamation sent a ripple of apprehension through the group. The sealed chamber's entrance, now slightly ajar, exuded an oppressive darkness, a stark contrast to the luminescent symbols that had guided them to it.Dupree, his eyes narrowed, whispered, "Final trial? What more does this place demand of us?"Seraphina, her strength slowly returning, murmured, "The Crypt isn't just a guardian of relics; it's a sentinel of history, a test of worthiness. Whatever lies within that chamber has been deemed too powerful, or perhaps too perilous, for common access."Lysandra, still reeling from the rush of visions, added, "It's older than the amulets, bound to the very essence of this place. We tread on ancient, sacred ground."Moros, ever curious and driven, mused, "A power older than the amulets? The potential... It's tantalizing."Eryx, his protective instincts heightened, warned, "We should proceed with caution. That chamber was sealed for a reason."As they approached, the cha
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Chapter 10: The Keeper’s Riddle
The looming door stood as an enigma, an ancient barrier between them and the Crypt's most closely guarded secrets. The shadowy figure, the Crypt’s essence, maintained its position, acting as both sentinel and guardian. The Lament of the Lost continued its haunting refrain, now complemented by the soft, rhythmic heartbeat of the Crypt itself — a reminder of the living entity surrounding them.Lysandra, her eyes fixed on the glowing inscription, mused, "Only truth shall open... It's a riddle. Everything in the Crypt has been a test of understanding, not just power."Dupree, squinting at the symbols on the door, remarked, "These markings... they're reminiscent of the seer languages, but there's a depth to them. They’re layered, almost like they tell a story within a story."Seraphina, drawing upon her connection with the amulet, whispered, "The door isn’t just a physical barrier. It's an embodiment of the Crypt's consciousness. To pass, we need to align with its essence."Eryx, taking a
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