Beauty and Her Beast

Beauty and Her Beast

By:  Ebony Rose  Ongoing
Language: English
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28-year-old, billionaire hotel owner Grant Cerulean is the city's most eligible bachelor. He is handsome and charismatic but the problem his wife recently cheated on their marriage with a business rival and he is hurting from the betrayal while trying to push his divorce through the court. Enter Angela Gray, 20 years old, beautiful, curvy, kind, tattooed, and covered in piercings. Unfortunately, she can only see her flaws and after a traumatic childhood she has sworn off men entirely. Her only loves in her life are her job, her boss and her two work colleagues Anya, and Jack, who is gay. A chance meeting in the rain triggers a series of meetings that culminate in, these two making a connection with one another. He offers her protection and security and she becomes his lady, accompanying him to business events where his ex-wife is also in attendance trying to hurt his image by flaunting her relationship with his rival. But Grant has a hidden side to him that rarely shows itself and he fears will push Angela away from him if she should ever see it. Follow them as estranged family members, psychotic exes, jealous harpies, and twisted criminals will put both Angela and Grant through the ultimate test of determination and resolve.

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Love the lovestory. Love the whole relationships between the friends.
2023-11-21 06:34:40
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Ebony Rose
To everyone who has stuck with this story up to now and is eagerly awaiting an update I promise you all that this story is far from over and will continue. Currently I’m finding myself quite overwhelmed with home and work life and the chance to write evades me, however I will be back soon xxx
2023-05-02 08:50:59
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Ebony Rose
Hey all, ebony here. Sorry for the long delay with updates. That chest infection turned out to be a doozy and then things have gotten hectic at work but I am here to say that I am back to working on the story and I will have some content for you to read soon. Please bare with me xxx
2023-01-19 08:48:35
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Ebony Rose
Hi everyone x Ebony here - it’s currently 23rd of December here in the uk and I’m sure you’ve noticed I haven’t posted new chapters recently - unfortunately I’ve come down with a chest infection and am having to take some time off to rest - I will post as soon as I am better
2022-12-23 19:37:00
91 Chapters
Chapter 1: Angela pov
I pull my hood closer as I try my best to keep dry, I never expected that this morning could get any worse than normal but, as is my luck, the weather decided it could ruin my day. The rain is lashing down heavily and while that alone wouldn’t normally be an issue, the wind was so strong that it ripped my cheap umbrella to shreds in minutes. I am still ten minutes away from work and I hurry down the street hoping to get there before I’m completely soaked. Since the rain is in my eyes, I am finding it hard to see and suddenly I collide with a wall so hard, that I bounce off and land on my ass in a puddle. ‘Nooo! I don’t need this.’ As tears threaten to pool in my eyes, I look up to try to see what I bumped into and am met by a person, not a wall. He is standing at the crosswalk waiting for the light to change and I realise that if he hadn’t been there to block me, I would have walked out in front of the traffic. Before I have the chance to apologise his surprised look turns into a sc
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Chapter 2: Angela pov
I frown before opening the door and see Anya looking uncomfortable. “What is it?” “They left this and told me to make sure it came directly to you. It was a little scary, they were quite serious and intimidating.” I look at her hands and she is holding a small pocketbook, when I open it my mouth falls open in shock. “Oh my god! What did you do for them to leave you that?!” “I served them coffee and a latte, then left them alone.” “Really that’s it? Oh wait, was it your special latte?” I nod and she grins knowingly. “Stop it Anya, I don’t do anything to it that no one else would.” “Nuh uh, actually you do, everyone comments that it’s the best they have had anywhere. That’s why they keep coming back. You are special girl, and you don’t even see it.” “Whatever, it’s not like I’m going to be a waitress my whole life. I will eventually need to find a career.” “No don’t say that! My bestie can’t leave me here alone with all the teen pervs!” I laugh, she is so dramatic sometimes.
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Chapter 3: Grant pov
“So, are you ready to go?” “Mmm.” “Come on Grant, I know you’re hungry, maybe today we can order those tea cakes.” “What is it with you and that tiny cafe anyway?” “Best coffee in town and great service. Although, she hasn’t been there the last couple of days and no one will answer me when I ask.” That catches my attention, I know who he is talking about, the goth girl who served us on Monday, and made me that latte with the wing in the foam. I was surprised by the choice of decoration and was suspicious of Ellis when he sat staring at me over his regular coffee as I took a sip. I was shocked when the flavour hit my tongue, I am usually particular about how I like my coffee made but this was definitely the best latte I have ever tasted. A shame I was still in a bad mood, from my earlier run-in with some punk in the rain. Who bumps into someone else and doesn’t even apologise, then has the audacity to call me, rude? I didn’t see where they went as the rain was too heavy and I wa
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Chapter 4: Grant pov
“Hahaha, I told you not to.” “Oh, shut up.” He pouts like a child and not the twenty-eight-year-old man I know he is, and I laugh harder, causing him to throw his napkin at me. We get a few curious looks but for once I don’t care. “Come on I have a meeting at two, it’s time to leave.” “Ugh fine.” Ellis stands with me and we begin to make our way to the counter to pay. “You owe me for the coke stains on my jeans and you are going to pay for them to be cleaned.” “No, I don’t and no I am not, now if you would please leave, you are causing distress to the other customers.” “Bullshit! You poured my drink in my lap, I should have you fired.” “You are disrupting the peace, please leave.” He reaches out and grabs her wrist and in that moment is when I see it, just like when Ellis held her hand on Monday. Her body freezes and her pupils dilate, then her breathing begins to increase and I see perspiration forming on her brow. “That is quite enough.” My voice rings out clear, even tho
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Chapter 5: Angela pov
I thought he was going to touch my cheek and instinctively flinched but then he surprised me by pulling away. No one has ever noticed in time to stop before and I wonder if he is just naturally observant. But the severe expression on his face was more frightening to me than the idea of being touched by him, the similarity to my stepdad was enough for me to have flashbacks and I don’t like it. Once they leave, I get up and take a look at myself in the mirror, my makeup is a streaky mess but thankfully it is just my eyes. Everything else is still fine, so I rinse and reapply my eye makeup, while Anya watches from the doorway. “You know, despite the fact that the two of you argued so fiercely, I think he likes you.” “Ha! What, ever would make you think that a guy like him, would ever want anything to do with a person like me.” “Oh, just the fact that he marched your attacker off premises and then came looking for you to make sure you were okay. Broke the door down to help you and cau
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Chapter 6: Angela pov
“What are you trying to say Anya?” “Either he hates the way I make latte, or he was just there to check on you.” “Or both.” Says Jack between chews. I stare between the two of them as though they have both gone mad. “You are kidding me, right? It’s a public cafe, anyone can enter at any time for any reason. Maybe he just wanted a latte then changed his mind.” “He was sat down for a maximum of about ten minutes before he left.” “I still don’t believe he was there for me.” “Well, I may have a way to convince you.” I frown at her; I knew she wasn’t saying everything. “What now?” “Oh, only his business card that he left and asked me to give to you and only you. Also, a picture I took of him from my phone.” “Anya! You paparazzied a customer?” Jack shrieks. “No Jack, I took a quick picture, to show Angel that under the crisp suit, is a man who is just like the rest of us, but sexier.” “Oooh really let me see. I love ogling sexy men whenever I get a chance.” I roll my eyes at J
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Chapter 7: Grant pov
I was disappointed when I found out that she was not working on the weekend as I had wanted to attempt to clear the air before my flight. I stayed up late the night before plagued by thoughts of her and how we were unable to have a civil conversation, which only continued to annoy me more and more, as time passed by.I cannot understand why the thought of her disliking me upsets me so much. I never had this issue with my ex, in fact I only married her because our families insisted on it, there was never any love there.Attraction was not necessary for me to be able to coexist with her in our home and the sex was fine, but even when the frequency became less, I didn’t care.Now I see it for what it was, a sign that she was playing around outside of our relationship, whereas I remained loyal to her all the way through. It is hurting her now, which I relish because she broke the terms of our marriage by cheating and therefore, I have the right to demand a divorce and am not obligated to
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Chapter 8: Grant pov
I am gripping the phone with such force that my knuckles are white. My fury at what I just heard is frightening, even to me, but I don’t like the idea of her having another male close to her. I know she isn’t breaking any rules because there is nothing going on between us, but still, the idea of another man in her life is painful to me. The only thing that is able to calm me is the sound of my name on her lips. It’s the first time she has said it and somehow, it calms the rage in my blood, and I am able to even out my breathing a little. “Who was that Angel?” “Huh? Who? Oh, it doesn’t matter.” “It does to me, I would like to know who is with you.” “Why?” “Please tell me.” I can hear the edge in my voice as my anger is beginning to grow again at her avoidance of my question. “Grant, are you the jealous type? Because there is nothing between us, so what would give you that right?” “Angel, you are right, I am the jealous type; however, I also am right to be concerned for your we
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Chapter 9: Angela pov
I have no idea what possessed me to call him, but I am glad I did. Talking with him is so natural, it is just like breathing. There is never a time that we struggle to find a topic and before I know it, dawn is breaking on the horizon and I have spent the entire night talking to this man. His voice rolls over me like warm syrup and holds my attention like no other person ever has. It’s been an entire week since that first call and so far, we have spoken every night until either, really late or until dawn. I’ve managed to avoid telling him about my insomnia, as he either takes me at my word for not being tired or he insists on hanging up, when he realises how late it is, which I find really sweet. I never thought that I would place Grant and sweet in the same sentence, but it happened, and I was a giggling mess for about ten minutes afterwards. Jack and Anya have noticed a change in my mood, but I have not told them that I’m talking to him. Something is holding me back from saying a
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Chapter 10: Angela pov
“Buzzzz! Buzzzz! Buzzzz!” I am still wearing the clothes I wore to the shops. My over-large black hoodie, on top of my long sleeve top and baggy black jeans. My buzzer is still being pressed so I drag myself up and cross my flat, in the dark, since it’s not the first time and peak through the viewfinder in the door. Shock ripples through my veins and my heart begins beating faster as I see who is standing on the other side of my door. I don’t believe my eyes, a part of me is excited to find out why he is here, but at the same time, I am scared to let him in. As I watch he presses the buzzer again and I can tell he is not going to go away anytime soon, so I take a deep breath and gingerly open the door. “Grant?” “Hello, Angel.” “What are you doing here? How do you know my address?” “I came to see you. I just returned from my business trip and called to talk, but you weren’t answering
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