

Bella's POV

I awoke from unconsciousness to find myself back in my comfortable room. My heart fell when I realized that my uncle's ruthless decision had kept me imprisoned and helpless.

I jumped out of bed and ran towards the door, wanting nothing more than to get out of this captivity. My hand went to grab the handle, but it was locked, which once again sealed my doom. The realization struck me like a punch to the body, engulfing me in a feeling of oppressive terror. I dreaded to imagine what fate Alpha Draco had in store for me if I didn't leave right away.

I whispered to myself, "I need to get away," my voice hardly audible above a whisper. My eyes began to flood with tears as I realized how dire things really were. I knew I had to find a way out before it was too late because time was of the importance.

A fleeting notion crossed my thoughts as my need to get away grew stronger. I had to get away from the cruelty of my pack and escape. But I had to face the harsh truth: I had nowhere to go.

I suddenly realized that Aurora was one of my school friends who wasn't from the Goldcrest pack. Maybe she might provide a haven, a safe haven from the horrors that would await me if I stayed. Resolved to find Aurora and ask for her assistance in my time of need, I set out with renewed vigor. In a world full of darkness and despair, she was my final hope for salvation and my lifeline.

I was so relieved when I finally got Lucy's number to ring, and my fingers were shaking nervously but excitedly.

I struggled to keep my talk private as I said, "Aurora, it's me, Bella," into the phone. My voice was about a whisper.

"Hey, Bella! Moon Deity, Bella!" On the other end of the call, Aurora's voice burst with anticipation. "I thought I would never be able to hear from you again ever since your dad prevented you from attending school."

I felt both thankful and nervous at the same time after hearing her remarks. My sole hope, my sanity in this desperate situation, was Aurora. Maybe if she helped me, I could break free from the grip of my destiny and find safety outside the Goldcrest pack.

With the weight of everything that had happened that day coming down on me, tears welled up in my eyes as I opened up to Aurora.

"Aurora, I've had a lot going on today," I admitted, my voice quivering with passion. "I was rejected by my mate, Max."

The disbelief in Aurora’s response mirrored my tumultuous thoughts “How could Max do that to you? He’s an asshole!” Her words resonated with pain reflecting the betrayal I felt within my soul. “I’m probably cursed or something,” I spoke with my voice filled with bitterness. “Why on earth will he leave me for Malia who isn’t his mate? He marked her Aurora, he f*cking marked my cousin!”

It felt unfair in every way, and the betrayal hurt me deeply. Auora's sympathetic stillness gave me hope that I wasn't suffering in silence amid all the chaos."What did you say?" Aurora's voice crackled through the phone, filled with shock and disbelief.

"You heard me right. I walked in on them having sex and right before my eyes, he marked her," I choked out between sobs, the memory of Max's betrayal still fresh and painful.

"And now my Uncle wants to sell me to rogue Alpha, Alpha Draco. I need help, Aurora. I need to flee as soon as I can."The gravity of the situation sunk in as Aurora realized the danger I was in. "How do you intend to do that? You are at the Alpha’s mansion, remember? You can’t simply go in and out as you wish… you may be killed."

I felt a surge of fear gripping me at her words. "I know," I admitted, my voice trembling with terror. "But I will be in bigger danger if I am sold to the rogue king of the Valeshade pack."

"What!?" Aurora's incredulous exclamation made us both perplexed ."Yes, they will be here first thing tomorrow morning… I need to go tonight, Aurora."

"Hell no! How can they simply sell you off like you are not part of the family? And out of every other individual, it’s the rogue Alpha king?" Aurora's outrage mirrored my own.

But before we could continue, the doorknob creaked open, signaling Clark's arrival. Panic surged through me as I hastily ended the conversation."I wasn’t talking to anyone, I swear by the moon goddess," I stammered shakily, praying that my cousin wouldn't suspect anything.

As Clark's warning echoed in my mind, I waited until I was sure he was gone before cautiously opening my window. Peering outside into the darkness, I scanned the backyard, straining my eyes to ensure that no one was awake and watching.

Fortunately, the rest of the household appeared to be asleep, and there was no sign of the regular guards that patrolled at this hour. I took a deep breath, collected the few items I could carry, and slipped out the window without a word. I followed a trail that would take me out of the Alpha's estate and into the woods, moving swiftly yet soundlessly. I was terrified at every sound of leaves rustling and twigs creaking, but my will to get away was stronger than my terror.

The comforting sound of crickets lulled me into the wilderness as I entered the woodland. I was desperate to get outside the pack's boundaries and find protection, even in the terrifying darkness and desolation of the woods.

My heart was racing with panic as the black SUV raced towards me. Fear shot through my veins. I had attempted to conceal myself, but someone had found me.

I fled as fast as my frail body would allow, attempting to evade the scary cars that were chasing me, following Zoey's instincts. But despite my best efforts, I was unable to get rid of them. When Zoey insisted on taking over, I gave up control and trusted her judgment to lead us to safety. We turned and moved quickly, hoping to confuse our assailants, but it was no use. I could feel my strength failing by the second as they drew nearer.

Abruptly, one of the vehicles skidded to a stop, and a human appeared, instantly changing into a hideous wolf in front of my eyes. I was overcome with terror when I realized that the rogues had found me far sooner than I had thought. I desperately wanted Zoey to push herself even though she was weaker. But before we could go very far, the hideous wolf snagged me and trapped me against a tree with an unbreakable grip.

I begged him fervently, "Please let me go," my voice trailing in tears as I fought against his tight grip. However, all was in vain since now that I was at the rogues's mercy, my worst fate was going to come true.

My heart fell farther into despair as the man's irritated whining vanished into the distance. Tears were streaming down my cheeks as I wondered why I had been dealt such a bad hand. What action had I taken to earn this? But my pain was soon eclipsed by a stabbing pain in my arm and a thick feeling of sleepiness. I knew I had been injected with something, and panic shot through me, but I was losing power and could not fight back.

My thoughts were occupied by worry and uncertainty as my vision became blurry and my thinking became more and more foggy. At the Valeshade pack, what was waiting for me? What horrors would I have to endure as the rogue Alpha king's ruler?

Tears filled my eyes as I fought to remain conscious, but the sedative in my blood was too strong, and I lost consciousness. 

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