Amulet of the Witch

Amulet of the Witch

By:  Amber Withers  Completed
Language: English
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Skiora is a land that is far from the kingdoms and castles filled with knights in shining armour and damsels in distress. Tia is just a modern-day girl from New York who is transported to this realm filled with demons, magic and danger. Will she make it home? Or will possessing a magical amulet lead to a swift end?

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love light fantasy and forbidden romances!
2021-08-07 09:26:39
23 Chapters
I’m going to tell you a story. Normally, I’d tell you not to believe a word I say, but I promise you, every word is true. It’s also the reason you will never see me again. So, right down to its core, this is the story of how I died.   Let me start at the beginning.   Day One Running late was almost expected of me.  I thought I had found the perfect routine, but I still end up late. Late to every lecture, appointment, or interview. It wasn’t my fault, really. Something always happened. The day this all started, the subway had stopped unexpectedly and everyone on the subway was stuck for twelve minutes. Afterward, it was a mad rush to exit the station; I got my scarf caught on the escalator railing which pulled me down, and none of the taxis would stop for me,
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Chapter One
I didn’t die there.After the gun went off, I don’t remember hearing or seeing anything else. There was a flash of purple then it all went black, and that’s when I woke up in a very strange place. My initial thought was that I was still in the park only, somehow winter had stopped and the blistering heat of what felt like summer crept in. The sun had shone down at me with unforgiving aggression. I needed shade, and water. I looked down to locate my bag but I didn’t have it, which meant someone had taken my phone as well. That was when I realized there was no path beneath my feet and I couldn’t hear any traffic. The dirt was dry and a little dusty and the tall grass in the small clearing pricked at my legs through my clothes. I needed to get out of the sun.Because of the heat, I wrapped my jacket around my waist. Usually, the conve
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Chapter Two
The outfit that Patricia gave me was not flashy at all. A pair of lightly colored breeches and tan boots, paired with a white tunic and a darker tanned vest to accompany it. She had also given me a sage cloak in the event I felt cold. I was lucky in a way my hair was naturally blonde, it blended in well with the outfit overall. Regardless of how beautiful it was, I kept the amulet tightly tucked under the vest as per Patricia’s warning.  Corvu kept his word. He took me to a place with a painted blue wooden sign that read ‘The Dragon's Keep’.  “This place is also an Inn.” He says to me as he opens the large wooden door to a bustling tavern. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say I was about to be welcomed by the innkeeper to begin an adventure or quest.  “Welcome!” I jumped, not expecting the bartende
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Chapter Three
Day Three I wasn’t. I opened my eyes to the dawn peering through the one window in this attic, which lit the room enough for me to see that Corvu wasn’t there. Hearing faint voices I get up. The stairs nearby were steep and stretched around a corner, where I slowly waited to hear if it was Corvu’s voice so that I could come out. I didn’t want to meet any unexpected people or creatures.  “Are you sure, boy?” I recognized that voice as the barkeeper. “Amulet’s like that are dangerous, and using them is just as bad.” “I won’t have to use it,” Corvu’s voice responded, “, have you heard how much Daemonaria are willing to pay for an amulet like that?” “What color was it?” “It was an amethyst.” “Hu
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Chapter Four
After he teaches me how to build a fire, I tell him about what happened, leaving out some of the details like the amulet, but the kid was smart and figured out that's what it was, he’d heard many tales about it from the elders in his village. He told me if he ever had an amulet with that kind of power, he would take it to a Wizard, because trinkets like that are very dangerous in the wrong hands. Pixies are meant to start living on their own at the age of ten, because they are so used to living in forests and living off nature that provides for them. He told me about the Pixies, how as they grew older they could grow their wings, but only some of them, and no one really knew why but bravery was a key factor. Pixies are one of the few creatures aside from Elves that frequently work alongside humans, as they look so normal they were never part of the war the humans set on the Daemonaria. So I guess after all that, I did make a friend that was will
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Chapter Five
Rest doesn’t come easily to the weary. Especially not when it’s disturbed. I awake to Luca yelling at the top of his lungs. Bella must have also fallen asleep because she’s blinking rapidly and pulling out a short sword from the pile of items on the floor. The carriage is halted as she flings the door open. Gecko, who had fallen asleep on my lap gets up, but he’s frightened by what the noise was. I hear the clashing of swords and desperate to make sure Bella was alright I pop my head out of the carriage, only to be very just missed by a flying arrow. Scarcely using the door as a shield I look around. Men with masks were attacking the family, at least six that I could count from the dimly lit lanterns that hung on the carriage and what remained of dusk. It was an unfair number. “Bandits!” Yunda yells, helping his b
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Chapter Six
This city was nothing like the last one. In fact, I’d almost confuse it with a trip down an old street in the middle of London - at least the ones I’ve seen in movies. The buildings seemed to be made of something that was similar to bricks, plastered, with stained glass windows on every home. The narrow pathway into the main city square proved to be a bit of a trial. The stones that made the ground beneath me were charcoal in color and by no means were they smooth or laid neatly. In awe of the buildings around me, I must have tripped and stubbed my toes a half dozen times. The boots made it a less painful experience. The main square was beautiful. There are garden boxes laid about with colorful flowers, the shapes of which I have never seen. The flowers that glowed a little red reminded me of candles, I almost thought that if I touched it I might get burnt. Giggling at the thought my atte
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Chapter Seven
Day Eight  What was that sound?  I lean up, creaking in the cot as I do, to try and listen again. It sounded like crashing...and screaming? The candle that Gecko had lit to keep the bugs away was barely surviving in the night, but I was still able to faintly see. I get up and find my way to Corvu, who was sleeping above the blanket. It is a warm night, but I can’t imagine ever sleeping without a blanket myself.  I nudge his shoulder gently, “Corvu.” I whisper. His eyes open as if he weren’t sleeping at all and leans up on his elbows. Perhaps I’m a little too close to his personal bubble but the noises concerned me, “I think something’s happening outside.” Without speaking he stands up beside me. Giving him room to go around he walks right up to the window. I’m not sure what he expects to see this l
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Chapter Eight
As we get closer to the next village, I notice more people on the paths. They’re just not heading in any particular direction. “We’re here, we will just stop for food then keep going.” Corvu states. I nod, but looking around I don’t see any walls, gates or guards. In fact all I see is woodland covered completely in moss. The only thing that wasn’t covered in moss was the dirt path which some ago had turned into mostly sand. I watch Gecko riding in front, looking very excited to be exploring new lands. I put a hand to my chest and felt the amulet sitting beneath my tunic. I can’t believe such a small piece of jewelry causes so many problems. “See that boy?” Corvu asks me, pointing into the forest. I couldn’t see what he was talking about at all. “Look at the boulder.” He says. That’s when I see him. The boy in question looke
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Chapter Nine
The ride leading out of the village was quiet, but that still didn’t help me feel uneasy around the Skelly. Every now and then they would stop eating moss and look up at me with their dead eyes. If I grew up in a village like this one, I would have moved the first chance I got. Perhaps that’s why Corvu left. Looking at him beside me I wonder if it would be rude to ask why he left the family that loved him. It isn’t my business, it really isn’t. “Why did you leave that village?” Smooth, Tia. I really don’t know how to just butt out. He is momentarily surprised by the question but otherwise he sighs and responds, “Aside from very few others, I was the only one that wasn’t human. I just wanted to be somewhere else where everyone was different.” 
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