By:  KC Mmuoe  Completed
Language: English
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Cassie had a whole life figured out she thought that she have everything going for her and everything in her life was perfect until an unexpected turn of events happened that would change the way she view life and love forever. After a failed engagement and finding out that her fiance had cheated on her and had been doing so for five years and has a child with someone else that she thought her fiance was friends with she decides to attend a friend's wedding while heartbroken and ends up falling in love with someone who he didn't expect to fall in love with and ends up getting married accidentally. Not only did she get married to the guy who's ex wife was the other woman, but he also turned out to be the guy his company her father wants to overtake and own. Will she come out with the truth now that she is married to him ,or she keeps secrets that could destroy their Union forever and is she really in love with this guy? Grayson has always made it a point to go out with his sisters friends they are some friends his sister kept from him but he wasn't at all bothered by that because he had fallen for the one friend that she had always loved and married her. A couple of years into the marriage he finds out this wife was cheating on him with her highschool sweetheart , after her sudden death he also found out that his son wasn't his son. When he crossed paths with Cassandra Hunter his life is turned upside down in a good way , even though he hated her he ended up feeling as if she was the best thing he never knew he needed.

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Claire Sirach
saw it online great story hopefully the author has a follow up to the book ,it just needs a bit of editing that's all. I am team Greyson not Jake he comes across like a Wolf in sheep's clothing. Cassie is such a layered character . I like her .
2024-02-14 12:46:56
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Cristina Assis
Terrible english. The story is good, but it's very hard to read.
2023-05-30 21:32:03
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Maria Hedges
As much as i want to read this book, i can't get through chapter two, i can't seem to follow it
2023-08-17 07:57:42
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Lino Lana
i can follow story. to manny nonsens talking
2023-07-25 05:54:40
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Cristina Assis
the worst book ever, and the story is not complete. bad english. the story not so bad, if writen by someone who knows how to write in english.
2023-06-05 09:59:53
44 Chapters
Chapter 1 - Cassie meets Greyson
Chapter 1Cassie meets GreysonIt had been a hectic day for Cassie, besides having a million things to do for work which she enjoyed because she was working as a Social Media manager for her father's company, she had to plan her wedding to the perfect guy. She didn't want any help, she wanted to show everyone that she wasn't a damsel in distress and that she was capable of anything and everything, that Included planning her wedding from start to finish on her own without anyone including her mother interfering. Besides being excited about finally doing something for herself and by herself ,she had a meeting to get to and she didn't want to be late for the meeting that she had scheduled. She had scheduled the meeting with the best real estate company in the country ,and she wasn't planning on being late for that appointment.She normally had the company car at her disposal since; Hunter Enterprises had a fleet of cars for their employees to use for business purposes, but she was determi
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Chapter 2- If you love something you've got to let it go
Chapter 2If you love something let it go Cassie looked at Greyson and spoke ; “ Let's hit the Refresh button.”“ I guess I deserved that . ““ I'm listening. “" I don't open up to people easily, but I will tell you that; the family emergency that my sister had to attend to ,had to do with my daughter and my son. "" How old are they?"" Fourteen and seven ."" What are their names ?""Isabella and Elisha. "" Beautiful names. I think Isabella means God is my oath and Elisha means God is my salvation. "" Wow, that's exactly what they mean. We chose them because we prayed for them. My wife couldn't conceive but after waiting and waiting Isabella came and we thought that was it but Elisha came along. Until I happened. You remind me of Viv in so many ways but you are your person. "" Who's Viv? "" My wife… "" I'm sure she is wondering where you are. "" She's not. "Cassie looked at him confused." I just canceled my dinner reservation and you're telling me that your wife is not wor
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Chapter 3 -With that attitude ...
Chapter 3Chapter 3With that attitude?" Hey Greyson How's Meg; Isabella and Eli?"" They are fine. "" I thought that you would be with them this afternoon but Jake was with them.”Cassie saw Greyson roll his eyes and he looked at her and smiled. Grey read the room and saw what Gina was trying to do." Cassie, my family and I always come to this restaurant after church. We do it as a ritual so that we don't forget that we are a family and a family we shall remain."The waitress faked a smile and looked at Cassie" Cassie Hunter. Aren't you engaged to a man you refuse to show to the world?""Gina; I am engaged to a man that I refused to show the world because I respect his privacy and respects the fact that I'm in the public eye all the time because of my name and what I do but I know we do not appreciate being disrespected ,you failed to acknowledge me and you focused all your attention to Greyson when we came in here together ,so I suggest that you give us your attention together or
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Chapter 4-Not my baby
Chapter 4Not my baby If there was one thing that Cassie didn't like doing it was driving in the rain. She hated driving in the rain. She hated it so much that she made it a point to always check the weather for any signs of stormy weather or wet roads. She had left her father's company without letting anybody know where she was going but she told everyone that she had a meeting, if her father asked anyone where she was; she told her assistant to tell him that she was busy with wedding planning.The last thing she wanted was to be confused about how she felt about the person she was going to spend the rest of her life with if she was sure until this afternoon happened and everything transpired the way it did. It was true that she was in love with Jake, and they were both planning their wedding together. Well, sort of because she wanted to do everything by herself ,and prove that she could do everything by herself from start to finish and she was the bride-to-be after all.After leavin
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Chapter 5 - For once just stop apologizing
Chapter 5" Cass, are you okay? Jenna told me what happened and she is now worried that Grey might be questioning their relationship. We've been texting and calling. I'm so sorry I dropped you at the ninth hour. Are you still with Grey? ""Your brother is a piece of work. I waited for an hour and he delegated everybody else when my meeting was exactly at the time that I arrived besides I arrived 30 minutes earlier but he took an hour to delegate. Who does that? ""My brother. Is he giving you a hard time?”" Not only him but his side chick Gina. I wanted to break bread with him ,and give him the benefit of the doubt but there's no giving that man the benefit of the doubt. I swear he is such a piece of work. He told her that he was using me after she was giving me attitude. It took everything in me not to call her boss. "" What is this I hear about you being stuck in an elevator with him? He hasn't gotten into one since the accident happened ,so how and when did he decide that it was o
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Chapter 6 - Are you serious right now ?
Chapter 6You can't be serious Jake followed Cassie upstairs to the main bedroom because he knew that something was wrong. When he opened the door Cassie was packing his clothes into a suitcase neatly." Cassie, what are you doing? "" I'm packing your clothes and everything that is yours and anything that has your name on it or reminds me of you we are so done I don't know how you could lie to me, for 5 years and not tell me the truth that you cheated on me and kept it a secret have you any idea how many lives you've ruined? "" I was going to tell you. I didn't know how to tell you when you were so happy about me asking you to marry you,and you planning the wedding all by yourself and not with me. We are a couple after all you're supposed to plan the wedding together and plan out our marriage together. "" That's not happening anymore. "" Cassie we can talk about this "" We should have talked a year ago when you lost your side chick ,let me say your girlfriend because you spent mo
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Chapter 7- We have bad decisions to make
Chapter 7If there is one thing that Greyson was good at, it was packing as fast as he can to get somewhere. He was always in a rush to get somewhere but this time he was going to an old friend's wedding. He hadn't seen Brendan in a very long time. He didn't know that he was also friends with Cassie while making his way to the airport he asked himself how could he have missed her or if he was so in love with Viv that nothing and no one else matter except for the life that they were building. As soon as he boarded the plane he was taken to first-class ,yet only ever flown business class even Jenna knew that; he didn't like flying first class not for all the money in the world because he thought that it was a waste of time and it was just rich people showing off. The 12-hour trip was going to be long and he needed to get his wits about him, because he needed to figure out whether or not he had feelings for the girl that he just made yesterday and didn't realize that he had feelings for
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Chapter 8 - I don't say what I don't mean
Chapter 8Cassie couldn't wrap her head around what Greyson was saying, she tried to piece together what happened the night before but she couldn't. From the time they crashed their first wedding to the time they got married but if they were crashing weddings how in the hell did they get married,it was weddings that they were not invited to and they pretended to be guests. They both had a rehearsal dinner to attend and they both hadn't Picked out any outfits they had ended up in Greyson's hotel room and Cassie wanted a bit of privacy and she needed to pull herself towards herself.She looked at Greyson and started crying. Grey held Cassie while she cried about everything else, she wasn't crying about the fact that she had married him ,she was crying about the fact that she had done something that she promised herself she would do with family around and friends around, and the people that she cares about but she was also crying for another reason, she was crying for the reason that she
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Chapter 9 -Your engagement ring
Chapter 9 Grayson was not one to do something spontaneous ,everything he did was planned out ,he was practical about things but this time he did something that shocked his system to the point where he didn't want to do it again. He was thankful that he did what he did the night before which was getting married to Cassie, they were both drunk when it happened and together with the marriage certificate that was sent they received the link to their wedding video, the stuff that he said to her was very heartwarming and the things that Cassie said to Greyson were nothing short of amazing. He kept pinching himself debating whether or not it was real. When Cassie walked into the hotel room there were many gift bags and things that she got from all the weddings that she ,and Greyson crashed everybody had a gift at the weddings that she went to and she thought that she saw someone from home middle school but thought nothing of it ,she attended most of the weddings and there was proof because
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Chapter 10 - You love who you love
Chapter 10 Cassie had been to many rehearsal dinners. As far as this one goes she thought that she was going to spend it with Jake. A couple of months ago she was planning her wedding and marriage but now she was married to someone that she didn't expect to get married to, under very special circumstances and she now has to pretend not to be in a relationship with someone that she does low who she is married to but she has to pretend that he's not married to keep what they have secrets she has to now pretend to be in a relationship and make everybody believe that she is truly over her ex and that is something you and her life and she loves him unconditionally. When Cassie mentioned to her friends that she had broken up with Jake and the new guy in her life was Greyson most of the friends that she had and the friends that knew her and Jake didn't want to believe that they had broken up she knew the truth and everybody needed to know the truth there are two sides to the story but she d
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