
The First & Second Rule

Chapter Four

The First & Second Rule

Sebastian’s POV

“Go away from us and from dad, we don’t want you!” Ava screamed.

I came to a sudden halt. I was coming back to get them so we could leave, but I never knew they had caused a problem already. However, this was a problem which I was very pleased with.

I never wanted this marriage. I never wanted to be married to anyone again. I still love Sophia and I felt committed to her, but my parents didn’t listen to me. They gave me baseless reasons why I must be married, telling me I needed an heir who would take the throne after me, and my girls needed a mother.

I wished they were there to see what was happening. Mia and Ava would never accept anyone else to be their mother, especially not a lady like this. Yes, she looked beautiful, she had the same brown hair Sophia had, but she would never find a place in my heart, in my kids' hearts, or in my house. Ella could accept her; she had always been a calm and gentle girl, quiet and smart, and I believed this lady could easily convince her, but not Mia and Ava.

I was still wondering and thinking about how I would make this marriage fail so she would walk away from it on her own, and I wouldn’t be blamed for that. But Mia and Ava already started the game, and I was happy about that. I just needed to instigate them more, and make them feel like Olivia was going to take their mother’s position in their lives.

Yes, I was doing a very bad thing. I shouldn’t use my kids for my selfish interests, but I had no choice. My parents are the cause of all these. And while this marriage lasts, I will make sure Mia and Ava hate Olivia and make her life a hell so she could leave this marriage on her own accord. But before she could leave, there was one thing; she has to get pregnant and give me an heir, because I was sure that my parents would get me married to someone else again if that doesn’t happen.

“I think we should start by knowing our names first,” I heard her say.

I chuckled where I was. I had never been successful in calming Mia and Ava whenever they start throwing tantrums. That was I who was their father, who does she think she is? I was forced to laugh. I was very sure she would fail, woefully. Mia and Ava would never be cool with having her around, never!

“Keep quiet!” I heard her yell at my kids.

I knew it was time to come in.

“You do not yell at my kids,” I said from where I was and walked to her. I grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes. “My kids are always right, and the very first rule of staying in this marriage is not yelling or talking back at them. Do you understand me?”

Before I could say anything else, Mia and Ava broke down in tears, and even Ella, who wasn’t the one she shouted at, broke into tears too—one of the problems I have had to deal with by having identical triplets.

I looked at them, sniffling and crying out loud, and rage shot through my veins. I disliked it so much, seeing them cry. I hate to see a drop of their tears; Sophia wouldn’t be happy with me. I made her precious girls cry.

“I hate to see my kids cry, and I don’t forgive whoever makes them cry, not even myself,” I stated, “You will have to pay for making them cry!” I yelled and shook her.

She looked terrified, and that was exactly what I wanted, to terrify her until she decides to walk away from the marriage.

“I…I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I..I was only t..try..trying to make them understand that I am not here to take their mom’s place,” she stuttered.

I released her hand and pointed to my kids, “Apologize to them.”

“What!” She exclaimed.

“You heard me right, woman. Apologize to them now!”

“B..but I didn’t do anything wrong, I was I…”

I grabbed her hand again, “You’ve done so many things wrong. You talked back at my kids and yelled at them, and now you are refusing to do what I ask you to do?” I shook my head, “No one dares to ask me questions, just do what I told you to do, apologize to them now!”

She shook and stepped forward, moving closer to them. She bent to their height, “I am sorry for yelling at you kids, and I….”

“We’re not your kids, stop calling us that!” Mia shouted, a very disgusting look on her face. She grabbed the hand of her other two sisters and turned back to Olivia, “Go away from us, we do not want you!” She screamed and walked away, dragging her sister along with her.

I really wanted to give kudos for a job well done. She was going to make my plan a very easy one, and for that, I was glad. Olivia would walk away from our lives, and my kids and I would go back to the way we were. Also, the truth about Sophia’s death will remain undisclosed.

As long as Olivia was here, I am not safe, and my kids are not safe either. Until she leaves, I wouldn’t get my peace of mind back.

“Just five minutes till we move,” I stated and turned to where the car was parked.

I could see Mia pulling Ava and Ella towards the car, and a smile fell on my face. It was always unbelievable whenever I tell everyone that Mia is the last of the triplets, and Ella, who was always calm and quiet, is the first. Mia took after her mother, she reminds me of Sophia so much, from the way she speaks to how she handles things—it was exactly the same.

Finally, I got into the car, and Olivia joined us there as we zoomed off. I had just one goal, and it was to get this woman pregnant so she could give me an heir, and then make her walk away from the marriage. It was a very good plan.

I chuckled, it was going to be easier than I thought, with the help of Mia and Ava.

After minutes of silent drive and the only noise coming from the triplets’ tablets, the driver drove into the compound, and we all alighted from the car. I pulled off the suit jacket and headed into the house, thinking Olivia was following suit, but I only realized that she was still outside after I got into the house.

I headed back outside, and I could see her looking up at the mansion with her mouth widely open. I was confused, was this house supposed to get her so surprised? She was a princess after all.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

She shook her head, “Uhmm..I… I was only..”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never seen a house as big as this before?” I asked, with a brow raised. “I believe you should have seen better ones since you’re a princess,” I moved closer to her, “Or, is there something I’m missing?”

She shook her head and walked past me quickly, but she stepped on her dress and came stumbling down.

I rushed to her and grabbed her by her waist, “Are you this clumsy?”

She shook her head, and I could see a faint smile on her face, “T..thank you.” She murmured.

“I hope you won’t get the wrong idea, I couldn’t afford to have someone else die by my hand again and..” I stopped after realizing what I said.

She pulled away from me, “Someone else die by your hand? W…what do you mean?”

I stood still, unable to answer her question. This was the exact reason I decided to stay single and never get married again after Sophia’s death. I knew things like this were going to happen. The earlier this woman gets away from my life, the better it would be for me. I couldn’t afford to let anyone know the truth that happened that night.

I walked away without giving her an answer. I wasn’t sure if that would clear the little doubt about me that I had created in her heart, or it would make her want to find answers to the question she asked. But the only thing I could do was walk away; I didn’t know how else I would answer the question.

“Welcome, sir,” the maid greeted me and took my suit jacket from me.

“Help the kids take their baths and get them to sleep, Melissa. I will be busy,” I instructed and headed to the refrigerator to get a bottle of water.

I filled a glass up and gulped it down. I have to make sure I keep the truth very far away from Olivia, else all I had worked for and all I was looking forward to will be destroyed.

I dropped the glass cup on the kitchen cabinet before heading up to my room. I met Melissa and Olivia there, and Melissa immediately excused herself when I got there.

I had forgotten that I would be sharing the same room with this woman; that gets her more close to the truth I had hidden safely for the last five years. Would it make me suspicious if I tell her to use another room? I couldn’t afford to look suspicious to her.

“You can only use this closet,” I stated, “That one belongs to Sophia, and I do not want to see you going close to it, not to talk of going in there, is that clear?”

She nodded and pushed her bag into the closet I would be sharing with her.

There were two closets in the room; one was for me, and the other was for Sophia. It still had all her clothes and belongings. Only the maids and other servants in the house were allowed to go in there, and it was just once a month when they would clean and wash the clothes in there.

She came back into the room and sat on the bed, and I quickly made a quick calculation in my head—one which would free me from this shackle called marriage earlier than I thought.

She had to get pregnant soon, and she would walk away on her own accord after delivering and giving the heir to which we got married for. Let’s get to business!

I turned to her, “I have given you the first rule of this marriage, and now the second rule is being at my bed on every even day,” I stated.

I pulled off my shirt, and then my trousers.

“What are you doing?” She shouted and jumped up from the bed.

I was confused, I furrowed my brow, “What do you mean by that? Don’t tell me you don’t understand what comes next after I pull off my clothes.” I chuckled, I hated the innocence.

“I…I do not understand,” she stuttered, “Why are you undressing? And in my presence?”

“I won’t be the only one undressing; you have to do that too.”

I approached her, and she wrapped her hands around her body nervously, “W…why must I undress?”

I moved closer to her, “Because I can’t fuck you with your clothes on, woman! You will have to undress too.”

She stepped away from me, “Aren’t you going too fast? We…we should take things slow, and…and see maybe we can fall in love, and we…”

“Love?” I shook my head and grabbed her hand, pulling her closer, “You really think I will fall in love with you? I’m sorry to disappoint you, but that will never be possible. I love only Sophia, no one can take her place in my heart.”

“B…but this is too fast, and I…”

“You don’t know how badly I want to get out of this shackle called marriage; don’t make it hard for me.” I was starting to lose my patience, “I don’t mind having a two or three-day sex marathon with you just to get you pregnant; the earlier, the better.”

“But I am your wife, not a baby machine. And why must I get pregnant very early? What is the…”

“You seem to have misunderstood the reason I got married to you,” I chuckled, still holding her tight by her arm, “Let me make it clear to you, I didn’t marry you so you could be my wife. I am better off being a single man. I got married to you so you could give me the male heir I need and also be a mother to my triplet daughters.”

She could no longer say a word; I believed she wasn’t told all these earlier. It was better to make her understand her role before she overemphasized her importance in my life.

“Now, you know why I want you to get pregnant early. I don’t want this marriage, and I’m sure you don’t want it either. Let’s do what we have to do and call it off,” I stated, “You do not have to worry; you’ll be the one asking for more after the first,” I smiled and released her hand.

I moved away from her and dropped my shorts to the floor.

Standing naked in front of her, I instructed, “I am going to take my bath now, but I wouldn’t like you to do the same because I love the musky smell,” I chuckled and stroked myself, “Undress and take your position on the bed; I will be right back!” I added and motioned for the bathroom.

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