
The Bad Dad

Chapter Eight

The Bad Dad


I sat there, my mind racing with a jumble of thoughts. Different questions arose in my mind, but I was unable to find answers to any. Still lost in my thoughts, the loud shrill of my phone jerked me back. I picked up the phone to see it was the alarm. It was time to go pick the girls up from school.

I hadn’t told that woman to go back and pick them up after school. I was sure she would make no attempt to do so. I heaved a sigh and packed the files I was working on, along with my laptop, before heading out of the office.

I walked to the elevator and waited for it to open. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Liz at the door. I knew she would start another drama.

“Are you leaving already, honey?” She smiled, locking her arm with mine.

I couldn’t push her away or do anything. I had my laptop in my hand and important files. “Let me go, Liz, my kids must be waiting for me.”

“Oh!” She chuckled, “your beautiful girls. I wonder how they might be doing withou
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