
Penulis: Opal Jewelver


" Father please don't do this Father, I'm still your daughter, Father, please, stop!" 

" I'm not going to stop, you this spineless daughter of a whore" he lashing said on my body strips of the cane in his hands.

My body was dripping with blood and the beating didn't stop until I fell unconscious.

" Get a pail of hot blood and salt, make sure to pour it all over her, she'll wake from the indignant consciousness she's fallen into", he said to the maids beside my body 

They all bowed as he walked out of the room, while they went ahead to do as instructed.

The touch of the hot blood on my skin brought me back to consciousness 

" Ahhhh," I yelled out from the nightmare I was having.

I patted my chest, heaving heavily from the lack of breaths.

" My Lady, " Kayla, my maid said, rushing towards me with a glass of warm water in her hands.

" Good morning Kayla," I said, taking the water from her.

" Good morning my lady, " she greeted back, before she continued to speak.

" The king has sent orders for you to be in the kingdom tomorrow by noon, we have to go back," Kayla said from where she sat. " I don't want to go," I replied.

" The king has ordered your presence, my Lady, you have to be in Asteria by noon tomorrow." Kayla Added.

"I refuse to leave Kayla, send words back to him, that I'm not leaving this Island, I retorted.

" I'm sorry my lady, but we have no chance of negotiations, " she said meekly from behind.

" What more does he want now Kayla, ever since mother died and he married his new wife, I've been like a plague to him, now he wants me back, send the message that I'm not going back to Asteria, " I said back, standing up from the bed.

Kayla stood up from the bed, walking behind me.

" You've to understand my lady, I'd be dead meat if you do not appear in Asteria by noon tomorrow."

I took a look at the helpless look on Kayla's face.

Make arrangements for our journey, I said and sighed before walking into the bathroom.

" Shall I head in my Lady, Kayla's voice rang from outside the bathroom?

" Leave Kayla, I want to be alone, " I replied from inside.

Her receding footsteps filled the quiet room until they could no longer be heard, I heaved and sat in the bathtub, taking the sponge to scrub my body.

The thought of going back to Asteria clouded my mind, the more I thought about it.

Why was I asked to come back to Asteria after years of absence, my father would never let me have anything to do with the throne and I could only shake the puzzling thoughts of why out of my mind.

The soft Knocks on the door brought me back to reality.

" I've brought your food over my lady, Kayla said, from outside.

" You can leave Kayla, I said back to her.

" Yes my Lady, " she said curtly and turned to leave.

I walked out of the bathroom, with my body wrapped in a towel. The large mirror in the bedroom reflected the faint red blush on my face.

I sat back down to eat the food Kayla had brought and walked to the cloakroom.

A sudden whiff of an unknown smell went through my nose for a moment until it dissolved.

Kayla, I called out from the bedroom after bringing out a black long satin gown from the cupboard.

She came into the room, bearing in her hand a cup of blood.

" Here's your drink my Lady, she handed it over to me.

I took the cup of glass from her and took it in one gulp, its liquid filled my mouth revitalising my vigour.

" We'll head to Asteria in a while, for now, we wait for the guards," Kayla bowed and walked out of the room.

I stood up from where I was and walked around the room, staring at the intricate design of the house.

A painting of my mother hung by the wall, looking so lifeless, I took it in my hands into my arms, the familiar warmth of home filled me and again the fear of something bad going to happen in Asteria gripped me.

" We're set to leave now my lady, Kayla knocked outside the bedroom.

" I dropped the painting and walked out of the room, agitatedly awaiting what would happen in Asteria.

I stepped outside of the House, surrounded by the guards, they all bowed curtly before leading me to the carriage.

The journey back to Asteria was all well and fine until we got to a crossroads.

" We'll continue the journey in a bit, my lady. Seems there's a blockage, the guards will clear it, one of the guards said from outside.

The carriage stopped and Kayla stretched her head out to look at what was happening in front.

" It's foggy my Lady, I can't see what's happening at the front, " she said aloud.

The sudden clashing of metals shook me to my core.

" Attack, they all yelled, protect the princess at all cost, another yelled.

" Kayla's screams and shrieks filled the carriage until I yelled at her to stop.

" Kayla, the fight ended, there's no need to scream anymore," she opened her deep shut-eye slowly.

" Are you fine my princess, she asked concerningly.

A small smile formed on my face from her question.

" I'm fine Kayla, your screams and shrieks would have scared off the attackers, " I said giggling at her fearfulness.

" The fight lasted for an hour until the sounds of swords clanking stopped.

The carriage went on its way, and littered on the road were the bodies of the attackers.

" What do you think was their aim of attacking Kayla, " I asked.

" I'm unsure of what reason they might have my lady, they migh

t be thieves or vagabonds, they might be Asteria's enemy who has heard about your homecoming," she replied.

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