100 Nights Contract with Mr.CEO

100 Nights Contract with Mr.CEO

By:  J V  Updated just now
Language: English
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Ashley Waverly, a strong and independent heiress, finds herself struggling in the trap of fate when her parents suddenly pass away in an accident. Determined to save her company at any cost, she seeks help from the most ruthless businessman Ethan, who is known for his heartless personality, cutthroat tactics and icy demeanor. But somehow, Ethan agrees to help her, on one condition: she has to sign a contract with him. Desperate, Ashley agrees to his terms, signing a contract that binds her fate to his. Even though she saves her company, Ethan doesn't miss any chance to break her soul and humiliate her. Working as a slave because of the contract, Ashley endures his cruelty in silence. Without saying a single word in reply all this time, she disappears the day her contract expires… not knowing Ethan has finally started to fall for her. After five years, fate has again rolled its dice and both of them have crossed paths once again… but this time, Ashley is not alone… she has a cute little four years old son. Will they find redemption and a second chance at happiness, or will the scars of the past tear them apart once more? “Ashley Waverly, people will die for getting what you are getting in return for the contract, for free!” “Ethan Johnson… of course I am dying from the pain of humiliation that I have to go through, on a daily basis!” … “How dare anybody think about hurting what's mine… Ashley is mine, and every problem related to her is my personal problem! And if anyone tries to mess with her… then they are directly messing with me.” “Even though you are rich, single and handsome, you have to be polite, caring and most importantly, respectful to be my mom's husband!”

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17 Chapters
Ch-1 Only Solution
Ashley's POV: Everything here belongs to me and I was born with this right! And if someone tries to snatch what is your right, you have to fight for it.Thinking this, I touch my pendant, seeking some strength before I resume walking… until I finally reach my destination: the grand foyer of the prestigious Waverly Corporation.Today, I was facing the glass doors that lead to my father's office, but they seem imposing instead of welcoming. I can see the group of older directors looking at me through the glass door with scornful looks on their faces.They can't even hide how much they hate me being here; everything and everyone present here is standing against me, forming a barrier and blocking my path.But ignoring them, I take a step forward. Just then, the security guard also signals me to stop, leading me to declare angrily;"I demand to be let in!" I could hear my voice echoing through the marble-clad entrance hall. "This is my father's company, and no one can legally stop me f
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Ch-2 Conditions
Ashley's POVI find myself standing outside the grand hotel, my heart pounding with fear and anticipation. Although I have declared to Mr. Clifton that I would do anything and everything to secure my place, just the thought of seeking assistance from Ethan is enough to make me stumble in my step.After all, Ethan Johnson is known for his undefeatable power and fearsome reputation… and right now, my throat is completely parched by the idea of facing him and requesting his help. I don't know why I even agreed to come here, why would someone like Ethan help me out? After what he has managed to achieve at a young age by taking over the Johnson Group and ruthlessly crushing his competitors, Ethan has established himself as a formidable figure in the business world. And he isn't really fond of giving out favors… at least that's what I have heard. I feel more and more uneasy with each passing minute, and Tiffany's warning echoes in my mind;"Dad, what are you saying, she can't go to Ethan
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Ch-3 Sacrifice
Ashley's POVAs a last resort, I request Ethan to sit and talk somewhere, hoping that he will agree to sit face to face in some cafeteria of the hotel. And there, I might be able to persuade him to reconsider his stance.But instead of agreeing to or rejecting my question right away, he just looks at me with an unreadable expression. Finally, with a subtle nod, he gestures towards his hotel room;"Very well, let's talk. But I'm leaving a very important meeting for this, Miss Waverly, so you better make it worth my time."I feel like my ears have lost all credibility today, forcing me to question the accuracy of what I am hearing, again and again.Is he really asking me to go to his room, instead of a public place?!Shocked and uncomfortable as I may be, I also know that I can't say no at this point. And the impatient manner in which he has lifted his eyebrow while glancing at his watch is telling me I don't have much time to decide. With a deep sigh, I walk into his room; but to my
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Ch -4 Emily
Ethan's POVI don't know what it is, but there is something in the back of my mind that's trying to alert me about something ominous… along with my heartbeats, but I ignore everything– until it finally happened.I step out of the shower, the steam following me outside as I loosely drape a robe over myself. The ends of my hair are dripping with water, and I glance at myself in the mirror before stepping out, expecting that girl… Ashley Waverly to be there, ready to sacrifice herself in return for my help. Without my permission, my mind flashes back to the image of her sleeping soundly outside my door, as if she wasn't crouched in the lobby of a five star hotel but sprawling on her own personal bedroom! Her auburn hair was scattered all over the place and when our eyes met, for a fleeting moment, I actually thought…I thought she was back, and those eyes made me stop in my place, along with my heart. Emily, she was back? What was she doing here, was something wrong?But just before I
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Ch-5 The price
Ashley's POVIn the hotel lobby, I pace anxiously, trying to soothe the nerves gnawing at my insides. My heart is heavy with worry and anxiety, I want to make it quick, before my time runs out… Ding!The elevator doors chime open and relief washes over me, but it is rather short-lived. Tiffany rushes out, her eyes mirroring my own turmoil as she approaches, clutching a brown packet with the medication I'd requested. I knew she would do it, regardless of whether or not she agrees: Tiffany is nothing if not reliable. But instead of handing the packet over, she rushes to my side, speaking in an urgent whisper;"Ashley, please… do you even know what kind of mess you are stepping into? You are not in a state to make such serious decisions, you just lost your parents in a tragic accident just a week ago, and you've received a major shock today, just take some time to think about it."I brush off her concerns, masking my uncertainty with false bravado."Nothing is going to change even the
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Ch-6 : Next Morning
Ashley's POVThe bright morning light filters through the curtains, teasing my eyes and forcing me to wake up with a slight annoyance. But as soon as I try to open my eyes, I feel a heavy weight pressing down on my eyelids, along with a dull ache deep within my core.With a groan, I try to shift in bed, only to be met with a sharp jolt of pain that shoots through my lower body, paralyzing me for some seconds. My entire body feels heavy and sore, and I wince as I try to sit up; each movement that I make is met with resistance, and each breath is a struggle…. The discomfort is completely overwhelming, but it is not just my body that feels bruised and battered – it's my dignity too. Glimpses of last night start to appear in front of my eyes; at first, it's just some fleeting and disconnected images… and then, all the scattered memories come flooding into my mind at once. The deal I had made with Ethan… the pills I had taken to numb my senses… my clumsy efforts at seduction, him hover
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Ch - 7 Appointment
Ashley's POV: I hurriedly make my way through the parking lot, while the thought is consistently ringing in my mind: I don't have a moment to spare. In fact, I have just enough time to drop by my apartment for a fresh change of clothes, before I have to be present at the headquarters of the Johnson Group. Going through my drawer, I grab the first shirt and pants I can find and quickly get dressed.Fifteen minutes later, I step out of my apartment, dressed in a blue striped shirt and brown pleated wide-leg pants, carrying an iced coffee in hand as my only breakfast for the day. I lock my door behind myself, and check once for all my belongings– keys, wallet, phone–I haven't even made it through my list when my phone starts to ring, as if right on cue. Fishing it out of my purse, I feel slightly anxious to see that it was Tiffany calling. No doubt, she wants to interrogate me on the spot… but I'll handle it.Reassuring myself, I answer the call and greet Tiffany in a pleasant tone
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Ch-8 Phone number
Ashley's POVWithin moments of her call, two burly guards step in behind me, as if they had materialized from thin air. Despite myself, I can feel a tingle of fear crawl up my spine and I begin to negotiate once again. "Just try to understand–"The girl clicks her tongue out of irritation, then smirks like she has just figured out a brilliant plan."If you really do have an appointment, then why don't you call the office, and I'll believe you. Look how simple it is… go on, do it."I can feel my cheeks heating up with embarrassment. "I… I don't have the number–"I haven't even gotten the chance to complete my sentence, when she chuckles loudly and points a finger towards me, dragging it from top to bottom. "What! What did you say? You don't have a number to call! Then please tell me, how the hell did you make an appointment in the first place if you don't even know what number to call?"I wince involuntarily; cursing myself for not asking Ethan for his number beforehand. Since the m
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Ch- 9 Presentable
Ethan's POV I walk briskly through the lobby, my mind occupied with the day's pressing matters. In waiting for that girl to show up, I have inevitably delayed my next meeting, but I can still make it in time if we move quickly. However, we have just passed the reception when I hear my name being yelled out."This slumdog princess has the guts to say that she actually met President Johnson yesterday! Are you plain delusional, or do you think you are some angel descended from heaven?" Although the conversation is taking place outside, I can still catch some snippets. "There is one thing I know for sure, that if President Johnson doesn't pay attention to the dozens of well-dressed, high-society women working in this office, then he would surely not pay attention to someone like you!"The way she is screaming, and the sheer arrogance in this voice irritate me instantly. Well, this person better hope that they aren't one of my employees, because this isn't the kind of behavior I tolera
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Ch - 10 Acquaintances
Ashley's POVI was completely shocked by Ethan’s words. I am not sure if it is my own heartbeat, or something ominous that causes my legs to start shaking, making me feel out of breath when my mind replays his words. He wants me to make myself presentable before entering the room? What... what does that mean? Is he hinting at something? Is he not satisfied with the way things went last night? Or is this supposed to be some kind of test?Before I can think about it any longer, Ethan coughs impatiently, which jolts me into action. Right now, I have already made him wait because of the drama at the reception desk. At this point, I shouldn't do anything to risk his displeasure at all… or I might lose everything.So I don't waste any time and come to a stop in front of the wash basins, clutching the marble counter for some support. I make eye contact with my reflection, only to find a pair of terrified eyes staring back at me… on the verge of crying. But I can't fall weak now. I splash
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