
Chapter 2

Alice Pov

"Congratulations, Alice! You are now a free citizen," Jana teasingly said to me with a smile as my grandmother left with Dindi and Dustin. Grandma Emilia was furious when she left. She didn't even give me a chance to explain to her. She quickly believed in what her eyes saw and Dindi already brainwashed her.

In her anger, Grandma disowned me and stripped me of my inheritance in her company. I didn't bother to explain to her anymore because I could see the anger in her eyes, and I was sure that my clever cousin had already brainwashed her mind.

I don't know what Dindi has, but she is very good at brainwashing people. All of my close friends have distanced themselves from me and have become close to her instead. Maybe she has badmouthed me, which is why my friends don't want to be friends with me anymore.

The only friend of mine who hasn't been brainwashed by Dindi is Jana. Although Dindi tried to steal Jana away from me, she did not succeed. Dindi tried to seduce Jana, but she didn't know that my best friend was gay, so her attempt to take my only remaining friend by my side failed.

"Even though my grandmother was very strict with me, I still feel sad because she disowned me as her grandchild without even bothering to find out the truth," I said to Jana with a tinge of sadness. Then throw her a bad look. "Why did you throw your undies on the floor instead of putting them in the laundry? It made Grandma think something happened between us."

"Sorry, my dear. Half of my brain was still asleep when I took a shower last night, so I didn't realize that I left my favorite panties there," Jana replied, picking up her underwear and tossing it into the laundry basket like a ball. "But you should be thankful because if it weren't for my panty, you wouldn't have escaped from the iron grip of your grandmother. My God! She made you old-fashioned. Just like old people like her. But now, you're free as a bird, so you can strut wherever you want. You can even throw away your virginity that your unfaithful boyfriend failed to take it," Jana went on with a long speech. Sometimes, she can be quite vulgar in her words.

"But I'm not a virgin anymore," I replied in a soft voice. I thought she didn't hear me, but suddenly my friend's eyes widened and she let out a loud scream.

"Oh my God, Alice! Did you rape me last night? I thought we were friends. I didn't know you had secret desires for my body You even beat my future boyfriend who still hasn't tasted my body," Jana said while hugging herself. She looked devastated. She even peeked at her junior and suddenly bellowed like a cow.

Despite my problems, I couldn't help but laugh at her exaggerated reaction. "Crazy! Not you but to someone else," I replied in a soft voice as I slapped her back. I hit her a bit harder than intended, causing her to fall to the ground.

"You're so strong, friend. You know—what did you say? Someone rape you last night?" Jana's eyes suddenly widened as my words sank into her brain.

I quickly nodded at her and smiled shyly. "Well, it's not rape actually. I wasn't forced by that man and—" I paused as Jana let out a loud scream again. Louder than the first one. I instinctively covered my ears with my both hands.

"You're not a virgin anymore? Congratulations, Alice! I'm happy for you! You are now a real woman. We should celebrate now because you've achieved three goals in just one night. First, you broke up with your unfaithful boyfriend, second, you're free from your grandmother's clutches, and the most important is the third one. You're no longer a virgin!!!" Jana exclaimed with joy as if she had won the lottery. "So tell me. How does it feel? Was it enjoyable that you couldn't resist and gave away your island to him?"

I feel embarrassed as I bite my lower lip and nod. "Very satisfying," I replied briefly. But that was enough to make Jana scream with joy and jump up and down like a crazy dog.

"Where is the unit of the guy who 'virginized' my friend? Come on, let's go find him." Before I could answer, she grabbed my hand and eagerly rushed out of her condo unit.

"Wait, Jana," I stopped and looked at her sheepishly. "I can't remember which unit I went into last night because I was drunk. And I also didn't see the guy's face because it was dark inside his unit."

"Oh my goodness! What a beautiful fool!" Jana couldn't help but blurt out upon hearing what I said. "What will you do now if you suddenly get pregnant? Who will you introduce as the father of your child? Don't tell me you'll introduce me as the baby's daddy. I'll really strangle you to death, Alice. My looks are not for being a daddy, but for being a mommy, okay?"

"I hope I don't get pregnant," I wished. We only do it once, so hopefully I won't get pregnant. "Let's just hope I don't get pregnant," I told Jana before entering her condo unit again, followed by my friend. But if we had stayed outside a little longer, I might have seen a handsome man coming out of the sixth unit from my friend's unit.

My wish was not fulfilled because, after just two weeks, I discovered that I was pregnant. I lived in Jana's condo because I didn't go back to my grandmother's house. I was sure that my grandmother wouldn't allow me to step even on the stairs to the main door, especially when she knew that I was pregnant and didn't know who the father of my child was.

After a month, I discovered that I was actually carrying twins inside my womb after getting an ultrasound. After several months, I gave birth to my healthy and super cute babies who are identical twins.

Jana and I were the ones taking care of my twins, and she acted as their father even though she would have preferred to be the mother.

I am happy even though I am a single mom. Just seeing the smiles of my two little angels makes all my tiredness and problems disappear.

I have completely forgotten about the alpha I had a one-night stand with. I also have no idea what he looks like, so I chose to bury it inside my mind. However, I never expected that after seven years, our paths would cross again in a strange situation because of one of my twin children.

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