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Duplicity Book review: A Fiery and Dangerous Love Story

Creation time: May 10 2023Update time: May 10 2023330

Duplicity is a dark romance book, written by author Julez and features 102 chapters, where we follow Aven Brooks as she embarks on a twisted adventure with the band Duplicity, where she was hired to be their photographer and where she thought she would get money to get into college, but what she doesn't know is that Duplicity is anything but a simple teen band.


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PART 1: Introduction by the Author of Duplicity


The author of Duplicity, named Julez, is a novelist who loves romance writing and reading. She is an author with many years of experience in the world of letters, and well known among her readers for her exceptional and intriguing outstanding works, including Evil, Hide and Seek, Devotion, Generation. Her specialty is romance, mafia, drama and suspense.


PART 2: Introduction to the New Factors of Duplicity


Main Theme


The main theme of this novel focuses on the life of Aven Brooks, where her biggest motivation to move forward in her heart is to enter New York University, NYU, a prestigious university where she could have the opportunity to study her dream career, however, she didn't have enough money to afford the expenses. So when the manager of the teenage Rock Punk band, Duplicity, makes her an offer to work with them as a photographer she doesn't hesitate to accept, however, her biggest fear is coming face to face with Harry, one of the members of the famous band with whom she had had a little affair two years before and whose heart still had feelings for him.

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Aven Brooks

Aven is the main protagonist of this story, she is a 19 year old girl, sensitive, kind and productive, whose goal is to become a professional photographer, she works in a coffee shop where she tries to raise money to pay for college in New York, she lives with her grandmother and now her new job will be to be the photographer of the Rock Punk band Duplicity and go to their tours for 8 months.


Harry Styles

He is a 19 year old teenager, the guitarist of the band Duplicity. He is a cold, distant and cutting person. His life is really a theater, the reality is that he is part of a mafia association where he has to deal drugs, carry out robberies and is also a very dangerous murderer who consumes illicit substances daily and is an alcoholic.




When Aven Brooks is accepted into the rock band Duplicity to work as a photographer and participate in the tours, her anxieties and fears begin to grow one by one. Harry Styles, the most contemptuous and irritating teenager in the band, made her stay at the hotel a real chaos. But there are situations that Aven fails to perceive, imminent dangers that could end her life once she gets caught up in them. The biggest secret of the Duplicity gang is that they are not really a gang, they are part of the Italian Mafia and are in charge of dealing drugs every time they go on tour, everything is a farce to avoid being discovered, so as soon as Aven finds out her survival instinct urges her to flee, but Harry will not let her escape so easily.

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Writing Style


The author's writing style is informal, casual and everyday. She uses a first person point of view where the main characters narrate the novel from their perspectives. Her writing is easy to understand and uses common words and also manages to transparently convey different emotions to her readers, such as fear, humor, despair, etc.


Hot Chapters


The following lines left more than one sighing, Aven and Harry began to have small encounters full of sexual tension, however, Aven did not dare to cross the line, he did not want to lose his job and much less wanted to get involved with a person who had already played with his feelings before, but carnal desires and temptation overtook both of them creating a hot and lustful scene.


"Is this the part where we finish what we started on the tour bus?".

"Yes, that's the part."

"Has anyone ever given you pleasure?".

"I've had sex...".

"No, did your ex-boyfriend ever spend time trying to please only you?"


"I don't care if I have to try for hours, we won't stop until you have an orgasm."


Harry was beginning to feel something deep for Aven, but his emotional instability did not allow him to fully enjoy her. Despite showing himself as a tough guy in reality he is sensitive, and he is so afraid of hurting Aven that when he is overwhelmed by emotions he creates distance between them, preventing her from entering the shell that covers his heart, leaving her alone after each intimate encounter between the two.

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PART 3: Conclusion of Duplicity


Duplicity is a gripping novel of suspense, mystery and romance where Aven Brook is caught between lies and secrets that will soon come to light. Diving into the gang's life and especially Harry's will be the decision that will drastically change her life without her realizing it until it's too late. Her fleeting romance with Harry two years ago has not moved on and so, despite his instability and Aven's fear, temptation and passion will take first place in their lives until they merge with each other. So if you are looking for an unconventional romantic story, where there are dark secrets and a stormy past that will turn into hell itself, you must read Duplicity, by Julez.




Q: Will there be more chapters or is the book already finished?

A: Duplicity is finished, it has 102 chapters and has a sequel called "Complicity"


Q: What is the book Duplicity about?

A: It is about the complexity of Aven Brooks' life, as she falls in love with a Harry, whose present is full of dangers and dark secrets.

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