
Chapter 4 I'm Not A Doctor!

Donald got up from his chair and went to the dinning table. He opened the lunch box and was greeted by a very sweet and heart warming aroma.

"Wow, Darryl, on second thought, I think I'll get married, if I'll be getting such an aromantic lunch delivered to me at the office everyday. I think my life will be fulfilled then."

Darryl kept typing on his laptop as if he did not see or hear anything all the while.

Since it was evident he was not going to eat the food she had delivered, Donald did him the favour and ate everything while praising Kelsa.

"WOW! This is delicious! So, so, so, delicious! It is even better than where we've been going for lunch. Trust me, this is the best I've ever had. The best, do you hear me? Oh my God! You are married to a chef. WOW!!! Darryl, you are married to the best chef I've ever seen." Donald Dark revealed.

Donald kept singing praises till he finished everything in the lunch box.

After licking all his five fingers, he went to the washroom and washed his hands.

Donald Dark bade farewell to Darryl and went to his own office.

It was a very bad day for Darryl. He had a very busy day, so he stayed in his office all day.

After what seemed like ages, he finally got up from his seat and took the document of the invitation from his desk.

He placed it in his briefcase and ordered his assistant to take it to the car.

Darryl went into his room the minute he got to the Mansion. He placed his briefcase on the bed and took out the document.

He looked at the seal on it for some time and placed it in his drawer and then dashed to the bathroom.

After about fifteen minutes, he came out, laid on the bed and fell asleep.


Little droplets of rain could be seen on the ground and in the garden. It was obvious it had rained heavily the previous night.

Kelsa woke up with a very bad cough. It seemed the nightmares have returned.

She had been having the same nightmare for more than nine years now and seeing faces she doesn't remember, she doesn't even know anyone from that dream.

Her entire face was looking so pale as though she was a pot of hot soup, and she was sweating profusely in bed, shivering all over. The bed was very wet as if a bucket of water had been poured on it.

The maid, Mavis Oscar, went to knock on her door as usual. She comes everyday to check up on her, ever since she got into the Shaw Mansion as the Young Mistress about a week ago.

Mavis has constantly been checking up on her every morning as a routine because, the Old Master Shaw has ordered her to do so on his behalf.

Upon knocking on the door for a long time and not receiving any response, she run upstairs to call her boss.

"Young Master, Young Mistress is not responding. I've been knocking on her door for sometime now but there's no response. I think something is wrong with her." Mavis reported with a frightened expression.

Darryl replied coldly "I'm not a doctor, get the spare key and find out what's wrong with her.

She's been pretending to be a virtuous woman for a week now when she's actually a lazy bone, and she's tired of cooking already. Her true colours are finally showing up."

The maid run to the next room and quickly took the MasterCard to open Kelsa's room.

Upon entering the room, the scene before her eyes scared her to death. She did't know what to do.

She run upstairs to tell Darryl the condition, only for him to say, "Take her to the hospital if you think there's something wrong with her then. What do I care. I've already told you that I'm not a doctor."

Mavis quickly run back to Kelsa's room and asked some of the servants to help her take the Young Mistress to the City Hospital.

She was given an IV infusion after series of tests were run on her. Her fever broke down after a while and she was transferred to the VIP ward.

It was decorated very extravagantly. One look and you can tell that it was made for those in the upper class society.

Kelsa was laying on the hospital bed like a beautiful fairy. Her perfectly smooth skin was as white as snow and her long nose was as pointed as the tip of a sketch pencil.

Her long black hair however, looked extremely disheveled and her beautiful blue eyes were drained of colour.

Mavis stayed with her for three days without going back to the Shaw Mansion.

Darryl didn't even bother to show up. They lived like total strangers. Therefore, he was not obliged to take care of her.

At least, that was his thought.

He had already made things clear to her on the first day that, marriage is just a sham and everyone is supposed to be in their league.

After the Doctor had check up on Kelsa as a regular routine the next morning, he realized that she looked better than the previous day. So, he asked Mavis to settle the bill so she could be discharged.

After feeding her lady boss with some warm soup, Mavis walked out of the ward and called Old Master Julian Shaw, Darryl's father, to give him the update. "Old Master, the doctor said that the Young Mistress can be discharged today. Therefore, I am calling to inform you about it."

"Has Darryl settled the bills already?" Old Master Shaw asked.

"No please." She replied and quickly added,

"He said he has an important meeting this morning and cannot make it." Mavis tried to cover up for her young master.

"Don't worry, use the card I gave you to settle the bill, I don't know what to do with that son of mine." Old Master Shaw complained.

After everything was settled, Kelsa got discharged and her personal driver helped her out of the ward.

They set off to the Shaw Mansion.

Upon entering the mansion, she was greeted by a sophisticatedly dressed lady at the staircase.

She was chewing a gum in an exaggerated manner.

Her hair was tied up in a bun with a very thick makeup on, and a very red lipstick.

She was in a short skirt. In actual fact, she was dressed in very revealing clothes from head to toe.

When she saw Kelsa, she asked her in a vengeful tone "So, you are the one who took the title of Mrs Shaw from me. Right? Let's see if you have what it takes to compete with me."

"Let me give you a little advice, life is not as simple as you think. Just a quick reminder, I am not someone a little girl like you can ever mess with. So don't try it. It's not nice to meet you." The lady said to Kelsa after a pause.

"It's all my fault, I am so sorry." Kelsa apologized.

"Does it matter? You are here anyway. Since you are ready to be Mrs. Shaw, then be ready to dance when the drum starts beating." Abigail threatened.

After that, she walked to the master bedroom. It was still daytime and Darryl was still in the office.

Therefore, it was obvious this lady had been given her own set of keys to the Mansion.

Mavis quickly explained to Kelsa in a whisper, "She is Miss Abigail Duke, Young Master Shaw's fiance. Oh no. I mean eerh, she is... she is Young Master's friend. I'm sorry, Young Mistress."

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