
Chapter 7

Liam’s pov:

I woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside my window. I yawned and stretched, feeling the sleepiness leaving my body. I took a nice, warm shower and then got dressed. I put on my favorite T-shirt and jeans, ready to face the day. I grabbed a quick bite to eat and then made my way to my dad's room,ready for my training. I felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I was ready to learn how to control it and to be honest,the only reason is so I wouldn’t hurt anyone most especially Ava and not because I’m all excited about this werewolf transformation stuff.

I knocked on my dad's front door, butterflies in my stomach. The door opened, and my dad stood there, smiling. "Good morning, Liam," he said. "It's great to see you. Are you ready to get started?" I nodded, and he led me into the backyard. The training course was set up, and I knew this was going to be tough. 

“So first,we need to meditate and focus on your breathing.

“Why?”,I asked.

“It’s important to help you control your transformation,if you can be calm in a difficult situation,you can phase through anything”,he said.

I sat on the ground, my eyes closed, and focused on my breathing. I could feel the air flowing in and out of my lungs, and I tried to keep my mind clear. It was hard at first, but I kept at it, focusing on my breath. Gradually, I began to feel more relaxed and at peace. I was starting to feel like I could do anything. My dad's voice was there, guiding me through the meditation, and it gave me a sense of comfort and strength.

“Good Liam,you learn everything fast just like your mom”He said.

“But dad,mom is not good at learning things fast”or is there any other mom I don’t know of?”I asked laughing

My dad’s face changed and I could see the fear in his eyes.

“Dad…”I tried to call him.

Are you okay??”I asked.

Yes,yes,I’m good” he said.

You got me thinking if I was getting old already or something “,he said.

You sure about that?”I asked ,the look on your face”I said.

“Don’t mind me Son”he said.

“Now to the next thing”,he said

I was still worried,because dad has been acting weird lately ever since I kissed a human girl.

 "One of the most important things to learn," my dad said, "is that anything can trigger your transformation. It could be a loud noise, or it could be a strong emotion. But what's most important is to find your anchor - something that will bring you back to a state of calm and focus." He looked at me, and I could see the seriousness in his eyes. "Do you understand?" he asked.

"Yes, I understand," I replied. 

My dad led me to a small room, and as soon as we entered, I could hear a high-pitched tone. It was difficult to ignore, As the high-pitched sound grew even louder, I could feel my body tensing up. My ears were ringing, and I felt a wave of panic wash over me. I began to hold my ears and started to scream, the sound deafening and overwhelming. I felt like I couldn't take it anymore, and I fell to the floor, my body trembling. I started to feel something else. I could feel my fingernails growing longer and sharper, and my eyes were beginning to burn. I could feel my skin changing, and I knew what was happening.I looked at my dad, my eyes red and full of fear, and I could see the worry in his face. But he just kept repeating, "Find your anchor. Find your anchor."

I can’t see anything or anyone “I shouted.

“Keep looking Liam,keep your eyes shut”he kept saying.

I tried to focus to find my anchor, but the sensations were too much.

As I struggled to deal with the transformation, the image of Ava's face flashed through my mind. I remembered the night we kissed, and I could feel the same calm and happiness that I had felt that night. Suddenly, the chaos inside me began to still. I could feel my body slowing down, and I could hear my father's voice more clearly. "Yes," he said, his voice gentle and soothing. "You have found your anchor. Focus on that and you'll be okay."

I did as he said, and I could feel myself returning to my human form.

"Good job, son," my dad said, a proud smile on his face. "You've come a long way in such a short time. But I have to ask - who was your anchor?”.

I looked at him,not knowing how to tell him that Ava was,the human girl he was so against that frightens him so much is my anchor.

“I’m sorry dad,it’s a secret “I said laughing.

You naughty boy”,my dad said laughing.

So dad,tell me,who was your anchor”I asked.

My dad looked at me and said 

“The person you resemble so much was my anchor”he said.

Then I was wondering,

Who dad?”,I asked.

Grandma?”i asked.

That’s a secret too”he said laughing.

“Oh dad,you got me there”I said.

And we both laughed about it.

“We should go freshen up”he said

“I agree”

As we got into the house,we saw mum and Nora preparing the dishes as I sneaked in from behind and held Nora on her neck tightly.

“Let me go,you are all sweaty!!!”,she cried as I laughed loudly.

“Liam,let your sister go and go freshen up”,dad said,as I released her from my grip and she tried to kick as I pulled away.

I got into my room,my phone buzzed in my pocket and it was a text from Ava”@ it e

“Hi Liam”it read

“I hope you’re okay,you never texted”

I haven’t seen you all day

Can we meet up at the cozy cafe”

My heart skipped a bit and I quickly replied 

“I’d love to,just give me 10 minutes “.

As I hurried into the bathroom to freshen up and once I was done,I rushed over to my wadrope and wore a Jean trouser with a black top,without wasting time,I ran downstairs as I walked past dad and mum.

“And where are you going,son?”,Dad asked curious.

“I…I umm wanted to meet someone”,I said knowing fully well that dad wasn’t going to be in support.

“Who??”,Dad asked.

“Fine,it’s Ava dad”,I said as he got up from his seat.

“ I’ve warned you to stay away from humans, but soon,I will be forced to make a drastic decision”,Dad said.

“ it won’t be long dad”,I said,then dad tried to walk away but he couldn’t move,he was shaking.

“Dad,are you okay??”,I asked.

“I’m fine,go see her,go pick her over us”,I said,

“I won’t leave the house”,I said smiling at dad.

But deep down,I knew something wasn’t right and I need to find out what it was.

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