
7: Sex on legs

4 days later


“He is kinda cute right ?” The girl doing my hair says, looking at Logan who is playing with Luna out on the grass. We are on the porch which he lets us use for makeup, hair and costumes.

I watch him as he laughs, throwing the ball for the dog to catch. I can’t help smiling. “He is ... and such a sweetheart”.

These last couple of days my attraction to Logan has changed and grown into something deeper. We have spent a lot of time together, just talking. He has told me about his own struggles, about the importance of loving yourself and he has taught me how to meditate and let go of stress.

“Cute is not the first thing coming to my mind”. Masha, the makeup girl says with a giggle. “That man is sex on legs ... sooo freaking hot”.

“Well yeah that too”. The other girl giggles, pinning more pink extensions into my hair, to get the right look and the big hair Ryan wants.

I bite my lip.. I mean yes he is sexy, but I do not like the way she is saying it ... or the
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