
Chapter Five

Mason’s POV 

As I wake up, I let out a sigh and glance at the clock, feeling a bit annoyed that it's already time to start the day. I slowly sit up and stretch my limbs, trying to shake off the grogginess and prepare myself mentally for what's to come. Once I feel a bit more awake, I get out of bed and head to the bathroom, ready to tackle my morning routine. This includes taking care of my personal hygiene and taking a nice, invigorating shower to wake me up fully.

After completing my morning routine, a gentle tapping sound interrupts the silence. Without hesitation, my faithful beta, Cameron, bursts into the room, his countenance reflecting a serious demeanor.

“Why the serious face this early in the morning?” I inquire with interest.

“My daughter has informed me this morning that she is being bullied and harassed by students at school. And that the principle is worthless and blames her for everything.” Cameron says, frustration clear in his voice.

“I'm perplexed as to why she hasn't approached me about this,” I inquired, seeking clarity.

‘Who gives a damn? She's just a useless mixed breed and will never be a suitable partner for us,’ Daemon sneers.

‘I understand Daemon, but as the Alpha, it is crucial for us to make wise decisions. Cameron, being the best Beta we have, holds immense value for our pack, and losing him would be detrimental. However, I can't help but express my disdain for his daughter, as I find her to be of no worth.’ I retort, my disgust clear in my response.

“She says that if she says anything to you, that it will only make things worse for her. I just don't know what to do. Because no one deserves to be treated the way she is in our pack.” He says with his fists squeezed at his sides. 

“Perhaps we could consider having someone keep a close eye on the principal and observe the happenings at the school. This way, we can gather valuable insights and ensure that everything is running smoothly?” I suggest, as we make our way to the kitchen.

‘There's no point in wasting Will's time when nobody cares about her suffering. It's her own fault for being here, so she should just leave and save us all the trouble,’ Daemon grumbles.

‘It's important to strategize until after the Tamsin moon, so we can ultimately reject and remove her from the pack. Once she turns eighteen, her parents won't have to leave with her,’ I say with a cunning tone.

“Perhaps. My primary concern is not wanting to make the situation worse for her. In just a few months, she will turn eighteen on the upcoming Tamsin moon. I hope that by then, she will have found her destined mate and that he will wholeheartedly embrace her. It is crucial for her to have someone by her side, apart from her mother Lucy and myself, who will support and stand up for her.” He expresses his thoughts as he walks towards the coffeepot.

As I settle into my chair at the table, anticipation fills the air. With our steaming cups of coffee in hand, I eagerly await his arrival. The room is quiet, but the presence of Maggie, our skilled cook, adds a touch of excitement. I can feel the words on the tip of my tongue, ready to break the silence and engage in a delightful conversation.

“Good morning, Alpha and Beta,” she greets us cheerfully. With her culinary expertise, breakfast will be ready in no time. Maggie effortlessly gathers the ingredients and expertly prepares them. Filling the kitchen with an irresistible aroma that instantly awakens the senses.

“So, what do we have planned for today? Besides sending Gamma Will to the school.” I ask, wanting to make sure I remembered everything, since we are not in my office with all of my notes. 

“I have the pack warriors training right now which, after we eat, we can go join them if you like? Or we need to sit down and come up with an agreement with Neo’s pack for the added protection against the Rogue problem.” He suggests, while looking out the window at the sunrise. 

“You honestly think we will need the Lycans to join this fight?” I ask curiously.

In that precise instant, Maggie elegantly makes her way towards the table, delicately balancing two plates filled with a mouthwatering assortment of eggs, toast, and bacon. She places the plates before us with meticulous attention, ensuring that every detail is perfect. Additionally, she takes the time to refill our coffees, ensuring that each cup is overflowing with both warmth and flavor. 

With a soft and kind smile, she gracefully announces, "I'll leave you to enjoy your meal and conversation," before gracefully exiting the kitchen, allowing us to fully savor the delectable breakfast she has skillfully prepared.

“I think that any help we can get to protect our pack and family is better than sitting here and just waiting for them to attack with our pants down. Don’t you think?” he says between bites of his food. 

“Yes, I need to contact the other packs around us as well and see how they are handling the Rogue problem as of late.” I sigh after taking a drink of my coffee. 

Once we finish our meal, we make our way to the training grounds to observe the progress of our warriors. Before offering any advice or taking part ourselves. We take the time to assess their current abilities and techniques.

Today, the warriors have made the exciting choice to partake in sparring, and both Cameron and I have enthusiastically agreed to join in. As the day progresses, we take turns challenging our warriors, engaging in exhilarating battles at various intervals. This unique opportunity allows us to completely immerse ourselves in the electrifying atmosphere and the intense thrill of each fight. 

Gain a unique and exhilarating perspective by immersing yourself in the excitement of combat from multiple angles. By actively participating and engaging with our skilled warriors at different intervals, we not only improve our own abilities and techniques, but also contribute to the growth and development of our warriors. The element of surprise is our greatest advantage, as our opponents never know when or from where we will strike. This constant state of unpredictability creates a dynamic and ever-evolving environment that ensures we are always alert and ready for any challenge that comes our way.

Soon as our training session concludes, we disperse to refresh ourselves and change into more comfortable attire. Subsequently, we convene in my office to explore the subject of forming various alliances that are necessary or desirable. This is of utmost importance to competently manage any Rogue threats and expand our pack.

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