
Chapter 3- Welcome to hell

Zane's POV

Its been 2 days since our announcement. The heathen is still no where to be found and there has been no movement around the mountains except for those damn tigers. We tried to send a team further into the mountains but the tiger fought the team injure afew members. It has been rumors of people seeing her around our Castle but nothing has been confirmed.

Our father, king Edward will handle the heathen once she is brought in, He wants the pleasure of torturing her and making her pay for killing our mother. 

Death is to good for someone like her, she needs to pay for everything she has done. She will pay everyday for the exact amount of time since she's been created. After a 100 years of putting her through hell then and only the our father will kill her. 

In the past 2 days we have traveled to different cities going into human holding areas and hosting balls to find our mate but no luck. We already hosted 3 large balls but still nothing. My brother and I are beginning to lose hope but our father insists we keep looking. 

"Do you think she will turn herself in?" Asked luke one of my best friend.

Bryan, matt, myself and a few of our friends we were sitting in the living room relaxing until we had to get ready for yet another ball. 

"She will turn up, she wouldn't risk the humans. It's her purpose to protect them even if she dies doing so" answered Bryan

"And she will regret her decision, I will make sure of it" I added. Even with the amount of anger I feel towards her I cant help but feel something else i can't pin point what I feel but it is probably just lust I mean she is the most powerful women/hybrid known in our history who wouldn't want to take her to bed. I shake the thoughts from my head I cant be thinking like that she is a monster. 

"Isn't hosting these balls a bad idea. All those sense mixed together will make it impossible for you to find you mate" said my brothers best friend Darren. 

"Not exactly. As you have witnessed people bow to royalty. Once they feel our power they automatically submit even if it's unwilling. Our mate will be our only equal so she will not bow" says bryan

"In a room full of humans or supernatural everyone will bow we just need to looked for the women that doesn't" I said. Everyone nodded but luke who still looked confused 

"What about the heathen? She was created to kill you literally"asked luke

"Doesnt matter, she will still bow. She may try to resist but eventually she will fall to her knees. Our father confirmed it with the royal witch." I said. For some reason the idea of her on her knees in front of my brother and I made me stiff in my jeans  . I looked at my brother who shifted in his sit, obviously thinking about the same thing I am. 

We talked for about an hour more before we had to get ready for yet another ball. 

"We will find her" Brian said feeling my concerns and doubts. I just nodded not trusting my words


Celene's POV 

I finally made it to the town right outside of the Palace. I was slightly disappointed in the lack of fight or effort I had getting off the mountain since the royal twin said their men were surrounding the mountain yet I was able to get passed them with little to no effort. They really need to put their men in better training. 

 I took off my leather jacket so my mark would show, the 3 black Triangles I had intertwined together. Honestly I never understood what the tattoo meant but it showed up the day the goddess crused me.

I seem to finally draw attention to myself as I continued forward toward the castle, I made it close to the center of the town before I was spotted. Many vampire and werewolf either growled or hissed as I passed by them. One tried to hit me but that just ended with me breaking his wrist. 

The royal guards quickly came to my side after I snapped the mans wrist. They cuffed my hand behind my back making me hiss has the silver burnt my skin. Silver doesn't affect me like it does to the other supernatural but still hurts like a bitch. One injected me with a mixture of ravine and wolfsbane, which made my senses foggy. 

One guard grabbed my arm the pulled me to the castle when we reached the gates matty was there with a smirk on his face. He took me from the guards and took me down into the basement dungeon. 

"Nice to see you again miss heathen. Since we are going to spend lots of time with eachother will you do my the pressure of knowing your name" he said after he finished chaining me into my cell.

"Nope, I'm good with you not knowing." I said with a smirk. 

"Very well then" he said then walk over to the steel table that was at the side of the room. I noticed it had my tools the no doubt were used for torture some still had blood on them. He picked up a sliver knife then came towards me jagging it into my leg. I tried not to make a sound but when he pulled it out then slammed it  back into the same cut then twisting it I let out a scream. After what seemed like hours but probably only 30 mins i gave him my name, its just a name after all, dumbass only wanted my first name.

He then left leaving a sliver knife in my hip, I tried to get the knife out but it was no use my arms were above my head and I couldn't break free. 

I heard 2 sets of foot prints coming towards my cell when the door opened I seen matty with some man. He was tall, lean but still muscle I could sense his power there was no doubt he was the one and only king Edward. My heart began to race as I tried to break my chains, i wanted nothing more then to ripped his heart out unfortunately I was to weak to do anything. Eddy smirked as he seen we struggle. 

"So celene you are the famous hybrid hunter, I have to say I'm disappointed I expected someone strong not a weak female" he teased

"Well eddy let me out of these chains and I will show you exactly how weak I am" I hissed at him, he growled at me called him eddy. He wrapped he hand around my neck not caring about been burn by the sliver. He look they he was about to say something but I spit in his face making him slap me across the face making my laugh slightly.  

"I suggest you behave or your precious humans will pay the price" I hissed as his words.

"You have two options submit or keep fighting. I will warn you if you chose to fight I will order the human shop to be burnt down make sure to kill every human inside" fucksakes I thought when I heard his words. I want nothing more to fight him but my job is to protect the humans. I swallowed my pride and bared my neck to him as a sign of submission. 

"Good choice" he said with a smug grin. I looked over at Matty he was wearing an ugly smirk.

"Now as you know my sons our hosting balls nighty in Hope's of finding their mate. Tomorrow you will attend in chains, the ball will be televised so the humans will witness their precious hybrid weak and broken. After your will turn to this cell where you will be spending the next 100 years" and with that said the king left the room. 

Matty injected me with more Vervain and wolfsbane, he remove the knife and placed in my other hip. After he was done he left me alone in the darkness. 

I had to figure out how to show the humans that even though I was caught not to give up hope.

I will kill the king and princes. How? I have no clue. But I will kill them even if I die trying. 

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