
Warming Up To Her New Environment

Genova spent the last two days exploring the vast estate that seemed unending. The place was its own village with many other residents, and she met quite some of them during her expeditor.

Initially, Genova felt crept out to being stared at whenever she passed by any of the estate’s co-inhabitants. But that odd feeling disappeared when she bumped into familiar faces again. She had almost forgotten how she had made a few friends, ones she had always looked forward to seeing after her last visit six years ago. However, this longing gradually faded as she aged and focused on building her life in her hometown. 

Genova was ecstatic to see the twins, Kaden and Karla, her favorite child playmates. 

Kaden had grown so tall and well-built with a cold personality that she almost didn’t recognize him at first. Karla was no different. The girl was nearly as tall as her brother with unmistakable feistiness. 

Genova was not at all hoping the twins would remember her because they had been kids the last time they met, and she was aware that people change as they grow older. To her utmost surprise, what she least expected happened. Karla had embraced her tightly and even twirled her in excitement while Kaden stood still with a barely noticeable smile stretched on his alluring lips. 

Meeting the twins again, mainly Karla and knowing they didn’t forget her was a relief for Genova. 

Her time in Wooddale has been fun so far and she has begun to warm up to her new environment. Maybe things would have been much smoother if only Zoe hadn’t been a real nuisance. 

Genova thought that if there was an award for nuisance and bullies, she was sure Zoe would win it. The girl was one annoying piece of work. No one in the estate had any decent words to say about her. 


Genova didn't want to bother herself with unnecessary drama on this day. She couldn't wait to arrive at her new school.

She had looked the place up on the internet and was taken aback by its quality and high-class standard.

The overall rating was mind-blowing!

Her aunt wasn't joking when she said the College was the best in town. More than Ninety percent of graduates came out with flying colors, and they further excelled in extended institutions.

"New school, please be kind to me," Genova muttered. Yawning, she crawled lazily out of bed to get ready to begin her day.

The time on her phone showed that it was 6:30 am. She needed to have her hair washed as well as do her other morning routines.

Genova wanted to look good and presentable for the new environment she was about to be introduced to. So she better gets her ass up now, or she might end up late for her first day. Sure, the latter wasn't an option at all. She was never known to be a latecomer and didn't intend to start now. 

Done with her bathroom activity and getting herself ready beautifully, she headed out for breakfast.

Eva was already seated at the head of the table, sipping her coffee when Genova walked in.

"Good morning, aunt!" Genova greeted warmly.

Eva put down her coffee cup and smiled. "Good morning to you too, honey. You seem to be in a better mood today."

"Oh, yes. I am so looking forward to my new school." Genova beamed.

Eva chuckled. “You are the first girl I know who seems to enjoy studying. Well, I hope you rested well enough because you are about to have your brain cracked." 

Genova paused. Her face lost its shine for a split second, but she quickly regained her composure before anyone could notice the changes. "My night was relaxing, and I am so ready for (Brasvian). Let's see how much this brain of mine can take," she replied enthusiastically.

"Good!" Eva mused. She glanced at the dishes on the table and said, "Food is going to get cold. Eat up so we can leave!"

"Aren't we going to wait for Zoe?"  Genova asked.

She knew Zoe was a late riser and could only hope the girl won't keep them waiting. The last she needed was getting late for her first day at school.

"I have sent Monica to get her!" Eva replied with a scoff. As a mother, she was fed up with Zoe's bratty personality.

Sometimes, Eva wished she hadn't given birth to Zoe in the first place. Maybe it would have done her more good should she have considered getting rid of the pregnancy or had taken protection in order to prevent such an outcome.

Her current situation was unwanted!

Over the years, Eva had worked hard and strived to make Zoe a child her father would have been proud of. But as it turned out, the more she gave, the more untamed the girl became.

Eva often wondered if making sure Zoe had everything while growing up was a good thing. For example, her niece was raised in the most spartan background and grew up to be everything Zoe never was. 

Her sister, Mary always said, "Children shouldn't have everything they ask for because they will only keep on demanding more. Indulging them too much is a mistake. It is safe to say no!"

Eva’s greatest regret was not taking Mary's advice!

She ensured Zoe got everything she wanted and didn't think to stop when her demands started spiraling out of control.

Eva would always go the extra mile to ensure every one of her daughter's wishes was fulfilled. However, she was now suffering the consequences of not stopping Zoe's unreasonable behavior when she had the chance. She only wanted her child not to feel the void of not having a father to grow up with. But as it turned out, she had failed to be a good mom!

"Miss Eva. Zoe is not in her room," Monica informed.

Eva sighed. "I am not surprised!" She muttered dishearteningly. Turning her gaze at the girl seated close, "Well then, eat up, young lady. We don't want you to be late."

Genova felt terrible for her aunt as she slowly bobbed her head in response. 

Though the woman seemed unaffected by Zoe's behavior, one could clearly see how disappointed and sad she was.

Genova felt her aunt was poor as she began wolfing her breakfast like a starved beast. She ate so quickly that Eva was left speechless by the time she finished.

The woman’s mouth was rendered agape as she looked from the empty ceramic plate and then at Genova. "Do you perhaps want more food, dear?" Eva was forced to ask because she hadn't seen anyone eat as fast as her niece just did.

Genova's face turned crimson. She was beyond embarrassed seeing the look of disbelief her dear aunt was giving her.

Honestly, rushing meals wasn't Genova's style. In fact, she always ate so slowly that her mom often had to urge her to be a little faster with food. But this time, she got carried away by the excitement of reaching her new school.

She wanted to be on time. Thus, she ate so quickly without care that she might choke on her food.

Additionally, Eva had told her last night about the job interview at Woods corporation. And judging from her aunts' positive tone, Genova was optimistic she would get the job. So, she had more than one reason to be in a good mood today.

Picking up the tissue beside her platter, she wiped her mouth clean and awkwardly cleared her throat. "I am full, aunt. Thank you for breakfast!" Genova spoke softly, lowering her head in shame.

Eva hummed. Though she was shocked and unsure if to believe the girl didn't require another portion, she held back the urge to ask again. She could see her reaction was making Genova feel embarrassed.

"All right then, let's get going!" Eva said while putting her phone in her handbag and pushing the chair back to leave the table.

"Okay!" Genova replied, rising to grab her school bag from the couch. "Ready!"

With that, both women left the house to begin their day.

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