
Chapter 1.

“Congratulations, Maxine!” my mother shouted while running towards me and gave me a tight hug.  She cupped my cheeks. "I'm so proud of you, Darling!" she said happily.

I smiled at her. "Thank you, Mom.  You are the reason why I am here now." I hugged her.  "Thank you, Mom!" I thanked her again.

She started crying while talking about how she was proud of me and how she raised me well. I just smiled at her, being thankful.

I love her and respect her. All of my achievements are all for her. She raised me well and loved me unconditionally. She took care of and loved me with all her heart, and that's why I am very thankful that she's my mother. I am lucky to have her.


We both stopped talking when someone shouted my name. When I looked at who it was, it was my best friend, Lorry Enriquez. She was running towards me while waving her hands.

She almost tripped making me hold my forehead.

“Congratulations, Foria!” She immediately hugged me making me step back.

I smiled with a grimace while patting her back. "Congratulations too, Lorry. You graduated successfully," I genuinely said when she let go.

She graduated with me and she's my best friend. She is now a certified architect. It's good that she graduated from all the nonsense in her brain.  She’s late and even doesn’t take her classes seriously. It was really surprising that she passed.

"Thank you! I did what I promised! I graduated!” she said happily which made me smile.

 "I am proud of you."

She rolled her eyes. "But not like you! You are a cum laude!" I laughed with her rolling eyes. "But anyway, we will be having a party at Cerno’s Bar.  Are you willing to come?”

"I-I… uh…" I don't know what to answer. I am stuck between coming or not.

She frowned. "Oh, come on, Foria!  We're done with school! You are now free to do whatever you want! Come with us, please?” I gulped and still didn't answer. She looked at my Mother before clinging on to her arm. “Aunt Rain! Look at her! She still doesn't want to do something new on her own!” she reported while snorting.

I want to pull her and feed her grass because of what he says. She knows that I'm not a fan of those things, but she's still forcing me to try. She knows that I want to drink differently than alcohol.

Mom looked at me. I looked at her like I wanted her to help me, but I failed.

“Go ahead, Maxine. Go with your friend. Do things that are new to you but remember not to over tolerate it," she said.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Lorry’s eyes glittered. “Fine.” She jumped for joy.

I guess my mom was right. I need to experience things that are new to me.

I hope it’ll be fun and not dangerous.


“Are you sure about my dress? Isn’t it too short?”  I asked Lorry while looking at my dress.

Lorry made me wear a short sleeveless fitted green dress and she also made me wear black 4-inch boots. My chest is almost out because my cleavage was so exposed. I also tried to take down the dress because it rises when I walk.  Good thing I wore a cycling under.

I can only say one thing... this dress is not so me.

 She looked at me from head to toe.  "What are you talking about? You look hot in your outfit!” she said happily.

“But this is not my cup of—"

She cut my words. "Whatever, let's go!"

She held my hands and immediately pulled me inside Cerno's Bar. And when we got inside, I almost wanted to back out and go home. I even coughed when I inhaled a strange smoke.

There were a lot of people: some of them were dancing on the dance floor, others were on the counter drinking alcohol, and some of them were with their friends at their tables. I saw an almost naked woman dancing on the stage. The light was colorful but it hurt the eyes. This place is chaotic!

While we were going to the table that Lorry was saying, I saw people kissing everywhere making me gulp. I also saw women grinding their butts on the man's center while dancing. God! This place is gross!

I heard about a bar from my friends and classmates. They said it was fun and it included alcohol, that’s why I didn't come here. But I didn't expect that it would be like this! It's unbelievable. I feel like I need to get out of here all of a sudden.

When we got to the table, he immediately introduced me to his companions. Some of them are my classmates but a lot of them are my schoolmates. Someone even said that they introduced himself to me but I can't remember him. Maybe because there were so many people who introduced themselves to me.

I just smiled at them nicely.

They didn't let it last any longer and they continued drinking. Lorry joined them as if she was thirsty.  She just drank the whole glass of whatever alcohol it was like it was just water. I winced when the others did it too.

How did they do that? Don't they feel sorry for their stomach? It will surely burn it!

They tried to offer me a drink but I kept on rejecting it. I don't want to drink. It's fine for me that I came here, but no was not on my plan.

I looked to my left side when I felt someone looking at me. I saw a guy looking at me. He’s one of Lorry's friends. He was sitting at me while drinking alcohol. His gaze was telling me that he wanted to eat me.

He raised the glass of wine as if to offer it. I smiled and rejected it nicely.  I don’t know what will happen to me if I drink it. I am not used to alcohol. I know I’ll get drunk easily even though I haven't even tasted it before.

"Oh, come on, Foria! Why are you rejecting our offers? We just want you to drink," Judy complained with a frown. She had been forcing me to drink alcohol. She's one of my classmates.

I scratched my neck in shame. "I-I don't want to drink, I'm sorry," I answered calmly. I heard them complain again.

What can they do? I am not a fan of alcohol and I am not gonna drink it.  It's bad for my health, even though mom told me that it's okay to drink but only moderately. I still don’t want to.

Lorry turned to me after kissing the one next to her. I even winced when I saw her lipstick spread all over her side lips. Gosh.

"Come on, Foria. Give it to us already, please? Tita Rain allowed you, right? Then you can have a drink.” I still didn’t answer. “Just this one, please?” she showed me her puppy eyes.

I just closed my eyes tightly and let out a heavy sigh. “Fine.” I think I should try it just for once, I guess…

Everyone cheered and quickly made my glass full. When it brought it closer, they were all looking at me, waiting for me to drink it. I just shook my head. I think I don’t have a choice but to drink it. And I did.

Everyone cheered because of satisfaction while I winced because the taste was too bitter and too hot in the throat. What kind of drink is this?! Why do they love it so much? This will make me sick?!

"One more! One more! One more!"  they kept shouting.

I drank what was given to me again. Until I didn't realize I was drunk. I became thirsty for the liquor. I wanted to drink and drink. Until I realized that almost everyone with me was on the dance floor. But I didn't come with them. I'm more interested in the drink. I don't care if my head was spinning.

I was startled when someone suddenly sat beside me. It was Kenneth, the boy who was staring at me. He was smiling at me and his stare was full of lust. I smiled at him like I was happy seeing him. Well, I am just being friends.

"Want to drink more, beautiful?" his voice was soft, inviting. Suddenly, I felt scared, I don’t know why. He doesn't even look dangerous.

I nodded then drank again. I heard him chuckle making my forehead crease. "W-What? Wait... y-you're spinning," he was spinning on my eyes. Why is that?

He chuckled again. "You're beautiful." He tugged the hair on my left ear while looking into my eyes, I am too.

I didn't notice much because of the speed, he was now kissing my neck and licking it. I closed my eyes and held his shoulders. It tickled.

My eyes opened when I felt him kissing my jaw while caressing my waist. I looked at the other table. My eyes met a beautiful ash eyes. He was staring at me darkly that if I don't stop what I'm doing, there will be trouble.

I don't know who he was but my hands immediately pushed Kenneth away from me. I immediately felt disgusted when I realized what he did. The man's eyes darkened even more when Kenneth cupped my hands. I pushed it away immediately and retreated. I suddenly felt scared.


I didn't let Kenneth finish and immediately took my bag. "Tell Lorry that I'm going home. And don't follow me!”

I left him there and walked out. I never looked back at the man with ash eyes. I don't know why but I am afraid to meet his eyes again.

When I got out, I hurriedly looked for a ride but unfortunately, there are no cabs at this hour. I don't have a car and I don't want to go back inside. Kenneth will just disturb me again and I'll meet the stranger's eyes. I also know that Lorry won't drive me home anymore because she's so drunk. So I have no choice but to walk on my own.

I hope that I can follow the map on my phone through my house properly even though I’m bad at directions.

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