
Chapter 3

"Let's head back," I said to Theo. My voice sounds so disappointed at something and I can't stop being disappointed at how my grandfather can do that to me. "What's wrong?" I worriedly asked him when I saw him winched.

"Nothing, sir. Just having a migraine but don't worry. I can hold it. These are your clothes."

I got the paper bag from his hand before closing the door for him. I took my time taking a bath because I already know my grandfather is mad at me. There's no need to be cautious with time already.

The smell of the strong flavor of soap spreads through my body. I looked at myself in the small mirror and stop to look at the scar on my body. I quickly looked away when some memories started to appear.

"Let's stop by for a coffee," I told Theo and looked at the opened cafe.

As expected, many people are dining in. I was lucky enough to get a table. I looked at Theo ordering coffee for us. My eyes wondered at the people. Some are just casually sitting while taking a sip from their coffee. A call got me to stop observing anyone.

"Sir, your grandfather passed by. I can't tell if he was in bad mood or in a good mood. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"What advice can you give me? Should I take a vacation or just let him treat me like a dog?" I asked him. I was unconsciously tapping my hand on the table making the others turn their head on me.

"It's up to you, sir but I guess you have to relax a bit. Being serious with work for the past years must have been tough on you."

I chuckled at his remark and ended the call without saying anything. I dialed grandpa's digit but he didn't answer. It got me four missed calls to finally lose my patience. I stopped calling him and just text him instead.

'Give me a week to have time for myself. Don't worry, I will marry that woman who is already a single mom.'

I made sure to emphasize his mistake in the text. Fucking hell. He just wanted me to marry a single mom. Isn't that insane? If only I could resist him. If only I didn't spend most of my time looking for that woman then maybe, I wouldn't have to do this. It has been fucking years. The score had passed yet I can't find that woman.

"Detour, Theo. Leave me here. I will just give you a notice when to come and pick me---"

"I'm sorry, sir!"

"What the fuck was that?" I looked outside. I almost jumped to the front seat because of Theo's sudden break. My phone fell down but I couldn't care less. I want to know what happened.

"Someone passed," he said, trying to calm his voice. He didn't waste a second getting out of the car. I followed him to have a look at what happened.

My eyes rounded looking at the lady sitting on the road holding her leg. I checked the area for some blood but I couldn't find any. Glad she's safe. She slowly lifts up her head and my breathing suddenly stops.

"What are you doing? Won't you bring me to the hospital? You almost killed my ass! Fuck! I am going to be late again. I can't be late this time!" she yelled at me and then talked to herself after when she took a glance at her watch.

Wait, what? I raised my brows. Looking at her situation. She doesn't look in pain but she doesn't look fine as well but... can't she recognize me at all? She looked at me like she doesn't know me at all.

Theo helped the lady to stand up. "I am so sorry, miss... I didn't notice you coming. I could have avoided---"

"You drive, right?" she asked.

Theo confusedly nodded at her. "Yes? Why?"

"I will be fucked up if I won't show up to this client of mine. Can you drive for me? I just really need it. Don't worry, I won't let you pay for the damage you have caused to my leg," she said. The sarcasm in her voice didn't escape my ears.

Theo looked at me and I just nodded at him. "Don't tell grandpa my whereabouts. I will call you after---"

"Let's go? Time is running!"

Did she just cut me? I wasn't even done talking. My eyes wandered to her clothes and the way she dresses. She looked so hot in those tight black dresses and right now... She looked so... I couldn't even describe the way she dresses.

I nodded again at Theo and left them. I don't want to create more trouble. Some people are looking at us. I looked at the woman again one more time but I just saw her snorting while looking at the time.

What's that? Last night, she was the luckiest woman to hook up with me after almost a year of depriving myself of sex. And what happened to her car?

Fuck! I stopped looking at her. The fire suddenly starts up within me just by looking at her. "Bring me to the nearest club," I told the taxi driver when he stopped beside me.

It's too early but I want to enjoy this sudden vacation of mine. After years of not having the freedom to enjoy myself, I think I deserve this. I deserve to enjoy everything before getting married to a woman... Who already has a fucking child!

"Slow down," I told the driver.

My eyes are sleepy as fuck but I tried so hard to open them. I reach for the pocket of my pants. Where is it? I only have a wallet with me. Fuck! I massaged the bridge of my nose when I remember my phone.

It fell. How come I forgot about it?

"Keep the change," I quickly said and then get out of the car.

I stopped when I noticed the familiarity of the place. I looked at the taxi driver only to find out he left already. I looked at the place again and then sigh. I guess I will stay here until night.

The place still looks good. I haven't been here for years but things are still the same as it was before. Well, the space got bigger but the placements are still the same. The only difference is that there are no dancing ladies on the stage or maybe someone will be there later this evening.

"Sir Lauren! Long time no see," a woman approaches me. I stared at her for a couple of seconds but I couldn't name her. I forgot her name.

"Maia... Remember? Elise's friend," she introduced herself.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the woman I have been looking for. "Maia... Are you still in contact with her?" I asked her.

She took a seat on the opposite side. She looked at me and shook her head. "I haven't seen her for years now. Wasn't she with you? I thought that you two are still together. She left after that night. She never come back that’s why I thought you are still together."

I smile bitterly at her. "Are you still working here?" I asked her, to changing the topic. I don't want to remember what happened that night anymore.

"Well, sadly yes but I am planning to settle down anytime soon with my fiancé. I met him here by the way. How about you? I have seen you on news with some elite businessmen. Guess your life must be better than before?"

I sighed and nodded.

"You want a drink? I will be guessing your taste didn't change, right?" I nodded again. She smiles and stood up. "Okay, then. Let me get some drinks for you."

I was busy minding my own business. Drinking the drinks that have been served when suddenly a man approaches me. I raised my brows at him. It is nearly dawn. I am a bit tipsy but I can still manage. I still know what is happening right now.

"What is it?" I asked him.

I stared at him coldly. He is still standing, unable to say a word and even move. I tapped my fingers on the table waiting for him to talk. What is he doing? What I am sure about is that he is hiding something behind him.

Is he going to kill me?

"Are you Mr. Lauren?" I nodded at his query. "This is for you. Someone a-asked me to give it to you. I s-shall take my leave," he said. He is stuttering but I can still hear his voice perfectly.


I turned to look at the paper bag he left on the table after he hurriedly ran. I took the last sip from the glass I am holding. "Food?" What? I looked at the man again but he is nowhere to be found.

I looked at the burger and looked at the filling inside. My hands are shaking while looking at the burger on the table. I am picky when it comes to food but... I looked at the food again. Who gave this? I only knew someone who would prepare something for me like this. I quickly stood up when the realization hits me.

There is only one person who would do this to me. I can’t be wrong. My heart is beating so loud and there is only one person who can do this to me. Did she come back? I looked around, searching my eyes in the vast of people to see the woman I have been looking for.


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