
Chapter Six

Chapter Six

Keisha's Pov

As I arrived at Sophia's place, I felt a wave of excitement wash over me. I have been wishing for a long time to find my mate and the moon goddess has blessed me with my mate and his sister, and I can't wait to spend some quality time with her. 

Sophia greets me with a warm smile and a hug, and we spend the next few hours chatting and laughing over coffee, Sophia telling me stories of when she and Adrian were little and all the funny things he did.

"Here's one I can never forget. When Adrian and I were little, he was obsessed with superheroes. He spent hours running around the house in a cape, pretending to save the world. One day, One day our mom took him and i to the grocery store, and Adrian insisted on wearing his superhero costume. As we walked through the aisles, Adrian kept his eyes peeled for any signs of trouble. Suddenly, he spotted a man with a black ski mask over his face, and he knew he had to act fast. He charged at the man, ready to take him down, but as he got closer, he realized that it was just a store employee stocking shelves. Mom had to explain to Adrian that not everyone in a ski mask is a bad guy, and he reluctantly took off his cape and went back to being a regular kid," I couldn't help but laugh.

After finishing our coffee, Sophia suggested that we take a walk through the park. On our way there I felt an instant connection with Sophia, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity to get to know her better.

As we walked through the park, I couldn't help but feel a sense of peace and contentment. I knew that this was exactly where I am meant to be, with the people I will love the most in the world.

As we strolled along the winding paths, we talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company, Sophia regaled me with even more stories of Adrian's hilarious antics, and I felt my heart fill with warmth and affection for this family that I had been so blessed to become a part of.

"Adrian was notorious for his pranks, and one day he decided to play a joke on me. He sneaked into my room and replaced all of my shampoo and conditioner with honey and maple syrup. The next morning,I woke up to a sticky surprise when she tried to wash my hair. I spent the next hour trying to rinse out the syrup, all the while cursing Adrian's name under my breath. When I finally emerge from the bathroom, hair still sticky and sweet-smelling, Adrian is waiting for me with a huge grin on his face. I couldn't help but laugh at his mischievousness, even as I had vowed to get my revenge."

Oh my gosh! I couldn't help but laugh, okay tell me, did you get your revenge on him.

"Oh yes I did. After Adrian played the shampoo prank on me, I decided to get my revenge. One day, when Adrian was out playing with his friends, I snuck into his room and replaced his deodorant with cream cheese. When Adrian came home, he didn't suspect a thing. The next day, however, he was in for a smelly surprise. As he went about his day, he couldn't figure out why everyone was avoiding him. It wasn't until he caught a whiff of himself that he realized what had happened. I couldn't stop laughing as Adrian tried to scrub the cream cheese off his armpits, and even though he was initially annoyed, he eventually had to admit that my prank was pretty funny."

Oh my, you didn't, I wish I was there to witness it I said. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the trees, sending a flurry of leaves swirling around us. Sophia and I burst out laughing as we struggled to keep our hair out of our faces, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of pure joy and happiness.

As the day drew to a close, I hugged Sophia tightly, promising to stay in touch and make plans to see each other again soon. I walked away to the pack house feeling grateful for the time I had spent with my mate's sister, and excited for all the adventures that lay ahead.

Reaching the pack house I go upstairs to my room to freshen up noticing that Adrian isn't back yet, the back business must be really stressful. Hoping into the shower I wash my body and the dirt away. Drying my hair I can't help but think back to my past and how far I've come.

I head downstairs for dinner hearing Adrian and Leo's laughter which made me smile, as I enter the dinning room they all stop to look at me, hey guys I hope I'm not disturbing anything

"Not at all baby. We were actually about to eat but we were waiting for you."

Oh alright thanks for waiting for me. How'd you guys day go with the pack business.

"Oh well it was a bit stressful but it was okay."

Alright that's good. I sit down at the table and start eating with Adrian and Leo. While we were eating, we all talked about the pack business and what needs to be done.

Adrian tells me about some problems they're having with the neighboring pack and how they're trying to resolve it. Leo chimes in with some ideas and I offer my own thoughts.

After we are done with dinner, we all retire to the living room to relax. I sit on the couch with Adrian while Leo sits in his armchair.

"Do you mind cuddling with me and you can tell me how your day went with my sister."

Adrian asked, wrapping his arms around me. 

Sure, I lean my head against his chest and tell him my day with his sister.

 Listening as he tells me about his day as well. He talks about the pack business and how they're trying to resolve some issues with a neighboring pack. I listen very intently, offering my own thoughts and opinions. 

After talking about our day we all concentrated on the movie in front of us. As the night wears on, we all start to feel sleepy, and decide to head to bed. As we say our goodnight, I and Adrian head upstairs, him offering to take me to my room.

As I lay down on the bed, Adrian said his goodnight and was about to leave before I reached out for him.

Adrian, do you mind sleeping with me? Realizing what I had just said and Due jumping in my head I facepalm myself. Sorry that came out wrong, do you mind sleeping in my room tonight.?

"Sure, I'll love too since you don't mind.

He got it and laid down as I cuddled up close to him feeling safe and loved. We both talk for a while longer before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms. 

The next morning, I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to face the day. I and Adrian got dressed and headed downstairs for breakfast. Leo is already in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. We all sat down together and enjoyed a delicious meal. 

After breakfast, I and Adrian head out for a walk in the woods. We talked and laughed together, enjoying the beautiful scenery around us. As we walked, we came across a clearing in the woods. Adrian takes my hand and leads me into the clearing. 

In the center of the clearing is a small pond, surrounded by wildflowers. Adrian pulls me close and kisses me deeply. I feel my heart race as I wrap my arms around him, lost in the moment. 

As I break apart, Adrian takes my hand and leads us back out of the clearing. We both walk back to the house, feeling happy and content.

"Do you mind going out on a date with me?"

OMG! U will really love too, i've never gone out on a date before.

"Alright I'll pick you up at eight, you can tell Sophia to help you out with dressing you up, I have to head out with Leo now I'll see you later."

He said, kissing my head as he went.

I ran to where Sophia is. Sophia I shouted, Sophia I shouted again.

"Yes I'm in here, what's the matter with you why are you screaming my name and this better be important"

Sophia said, I laughed, oh yeah it's important now guess what.


How do you guys feel about this chapter I hope you all like it and please support me

| Sukai

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