
Chapter 2

She watch him walk close to her and squatted. She could smell his scent and feel his faint breath on her. His piercing blue eyes stared at her amusedly.

"I'll like to hear those words earlier on a close distance. I guess my hearing are very poor now." He said, his finger in his right ear.

Amelia glared him without saying a word. There was something about the man before her that screams dangerous and she wasn't going to take the risk to offend him because she doesn't know where she was at the moment.

"I will let you out of here but only on one condition," He grinned wickedly like he just founded a toy. Amelia glared at him in return and showed him a face of disgust.

"Are you in or not?" He said.

"As far it can free the others, I am in," She replied with gritted teeth.

"Oh, I guess it wasn't a bad idea to meet you, well, the thing is, if you want to be set free from here. You have to be my personal maid for 3 months,"He said calmly.

Amelia gaze at him shocked and was trying with all her possible best not to get up and slap the man before her. She calmed herself trying to think of the reason why he will bring up such a matter.

"Do you think I will accept any terms from a total stranger and poop face like you?" She said rudely.

He simply smiled and straighten up,"You don't understand do you?" He added,"Immediately you set food on the Crescent Moon island, you totally belonged here "

"I'll be expecting your reply before the ending of this month, which means you won't see me again till then. I only hope that you survive here, if not it will be a pity to watch you die," he said calmly as he opened the door she didn't know was there before.

"I'll send a message for you to he supplied with food and taken care of,"He paused then left her alone in the room. Amelia sat there thinking about what happened but sh ecouldnt grasp what was going on.

"So, the mysterious island I the crescent moon island like he said, which means…no, no…something is wrong here, terribly wrong. From the report I got from the headquarters there was nothing as this island being called that. Unless, this is the island's name or the information given to me was rigged by someone."She evaluated.

"Sigh, there's nothing I can do about it even if I know someone was behind all these. I just can't believe that I fell for it," She sighed disheartened as she waited for the man to come back.

But days turned into weeks and his presence was never felt. One day a maid walked up to her and gave her a note, then left.

She opened the note and her eyes widened in terror and anger in them. She read it over and over again and felt like she is lost somewhere.

'Your team has been set free in return for you to live here for a year, if you survive that is.'

She doesn't know who the handwriting belongs to but she knew it must have been from the man who visited her. 

"What exactly do you want?!" She tore the paper Into piece and slumped on the floor, there was no strength left in her body as she slowly losed consciousness. The only thing she felt was a pull on her shoulder and that was all as everything went blank.


"Mmm…mm?" A pair of green eyes slowly opened and closed back as the ray of light in the room hurt their eyes. Her eyes opened again and a golden chandelier appeared before her, she felt that she was lying on something soft.

She sat up slowly and observed her surroundings, there was a king sized wardrobe, a make-up table and chair. At the right was a piano placed beside the widow.

The scene before her felt so unreal, that she thought she might be dreaming. She instinctively checked her wrist and heaved a sigh of relief on seeing that she wasn't chained.

The bitter experience of being somewhere like that was not something she would like to feel again. She slowly got up from the bed and set her foot on the floor but she quickly took it back because of the massive pain she felt on her joints.

"Sssh!" She hissed, then sat straight,"Where is this place? I thought I was in the iron-barred room," She asked herself confused.

"I am glad that you are awake," A deep voice interrupted her thoughts and she backed back in alarm. She didn't notice when the man got into her room…emm…the room.

"Calm down there, little one. I only came here to examine you," A youth with long golden hair appeared before her wearing a luxurious attire. On his right hand was a box as he walked towards her smiling.

"Where am I? How did I get here?" She felt like she was going insane and the person before her was freaking her out.

He simply mouthed an 'O' then smiled back at her. He took her wrist without her knowing when and he focused on the bruises on them.

"Sigh, that man was too harsh on you. Such a flawless skin, the bruises will surely leave a scar," The man said out loud with a sigh at the end, he opened the box that revealed some herbs on it.

He picked on and placed it on one of the bruises and the herb melted away. Amelia felt like she was crazy because of all the things that had happened to her.

She wanted to ask him who the 'man' she was talking about was, and how did she get into a luxurious room in the middle of a forest.

"Oh, I guess your little mind is filled with curiosity," The man replied to her thoughts, which left her stunned.

'Maybe it was a coincidence' She thought.

"You are in the Capital now. His highness ordered that you are taken care of. I must say you are terribly lucky and at the same time have a little bad luck," He sighed heavily, giving her a look that made her one to walk away from here.

"Why did you say so? Is there something wrong?" She asked confused.

The man stood up instead without answering her, "You will find out yourself, before that get prepared for anything that is thrown in your way because the day you step out from this room, will be the day you become a target. Just becareful," He warned and left the room.

"What did I get myself Into? Sigh, I know the others will surely send a rescue team but for now, I'll have to endure everything," She hoped and laid on the king-sized bed deep in thought.

That evening some maids came over and prepared her bed and meal. They measured her, claiming that her body size in the capital was very rare. It's not like she was chubby or skinny, but petite having the curves at the right side.


That night she mustered up her courage and sneaked out from her room, only to see a long hallway with guards stationed around every corner. She wanted to run back to her room but she knew she won't stay safe there for long. She took a deep breath and walked ahead fearing for the worst.

Strangely, as she walked passed them, they didn't budge more or less spare a glance at her. They were still as status, she heaved a sigh of relief and hurrird her footsteps.

"I have to get out of here quickly, it isn't safe around here." She muttered as she made a sharp turn, only to see, another long hallway way m, this time with doors everywhere.

"Shit! What kind of place Is this? Is this place a dungeon or something?" She frowned slightly, carefully walking pass the doors, afraid that someone might open the door and that will be the end of her.

Again! There was no movement or response, like she was the only only one that was alive here. Soon, she started getting suspicious of this place and she didn't move again.

"There must be a trap ahead, why haven't I see anyone?" She was just about to turn back when she heard a shout and soon, there were steps of people running towards her.

"Find her! Damm it! Why did you allow her to leave her room?!" A thunderous voice yelled out angrily as the ground vibrated.

Immediately after, the steps were approaching very fast. Her heart rate increased and she doesn't know what to do, without thinking she kicked one of the doors opened and locked herself inside the darkroom.

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