
Chapter 8 - Prisoner

"Dylan?" Chelsea called in confusion. She felt it was all a trance. Maybe her fear of Big Ceaza was making her have a nightmare about the person she saw last.

But he didn't answer. He simply stretched his hand and a case was handed him. He opened it and retrieved a necklace. The necklace had a crafted cross pendant on it. Her necklace.

He held the necklace up for her to see as he walked gently towards the bars between them.

"Do you recognise this?" He asked calmly, his face void of expressions.

"Dylan, what is this?" she asked, clearly oblivious to how serious the situation was.

"Will you answer the damn question!" Dylan thundered calmly.

Chelsea was shocked. This wasn't the Dylan she knew, definitely not the Dylan from the previous night either. She didn't know whether to nod or answer verbally. She was getting scared.

She finally chose to speak. "Yes" she said softly, dejection lacing her tone.

"Now, we both know I won't buy that bullshit of you buying it in Atlanta" he continued in a relaxed manner. He took a pause and leaned forward, peering deep into her eyes. "Where did you get this necklace?"

Chelsea's heart thumped. Nemesis had finally caught up with her. Dylan was supposedly Big Ceaza's friend here in Miami and he had obviously asked him to look for her and capture her. She felt her world coming to an end. She expected Big Ceaza to walk in any moment.

"Have you suddenly lost your voice?" Dylan's bellow brought her back to the present.

"Please, it's not what you think it is" Chelsea fell to her knees. "I swear I didn't steal the necklace"

Dylan slowly squatted with a plain stare. His menacing glare was enough penance for her.

"Where did you get the necklace?" he asked with a tone of finality.

"I bought it at a jewelry store in Atlanta" Chelsea answered pleadingly.

Dylan stood up in dissatisfaction. He turned to the other suited men.

"Lock the place. Maybe a few days of hunder and darkness will set her brain right" he instructed and handed the necklace to one of them.

"No, Dylan!!!. Please let me out! Dylan!!!!" Chelsea screamed as she heard his receding footsteps. The men followed suit, all ignoring her pleas. The door was shut and the surrounding was plunged into darkness once more.

"Noooooooooo!!" Chelsea screamed but only echos resounded around her.

She sat on the floor, tears slowly welling up in her eyes. She never thought she, Chelsea Landore, would ever see the inner walls of a cage. She was right about one thing though. Dylan Cross wasn't simply the successful businessman and philanthropist everybody saw him to be.

He was obviously a leading figure in the crime world. But he was no longer the sweet dirty billionaire she had desired. He was now her captor and her, his captive. Deep down, what she feared the most was her being handed over to Big Ceaza. Her end was definite if it came to that.

She laid on the cemented floor, inwardly praying for a miracle. It pained her that she fell for the tricks. She had thought things were working according to her plan, like they always do. She never knew she was working according to someone else's plan.

Everything was fake. The love, the romance, the sex, the proposal!

"Aaaaaargh" she screamed and broke down into sobs.


"Did she say anything?" Victor asked.

Dylan took a long drag from his blunt and exhaled. "No" he replied plainly.

"What do we do?" Victor asked.

"Have your men given you any information concerning her?" Dylan asked in return.

"No, boss, not yet. Neither Bishop's too" Victor replied.

"Then we keep her locked up. No light, no food. She should be talking by tomorrow" Dylan said before dragging another breath from his blunt.

"And if she doesn't talk?"

"We extend her period of darkness and hunger" Dylan replied.

"Why don't we just tortu..."

"No, Victor. That is a no. We don't torture women. Unless they're mafia donnas or operation heads" Dylan declined.

"She might be a key figure in his operations" Victor insisted.

Dylan took another long drag before looking at him. "That is for your boys to reveal isn't it?" he asked.

"Yes, Pope" Victor replied and bowed reverently.


Dylan walked hastily across the hallway. He paid no attention to his staff as they greeted him. On getting to his office, he noticed Selina looking at him from her office. The moment he turned, she immediately looked away.

He got inside his office and sank into his chair. He exhaled before lifting off the first file on his desk. A note fell out of it. He picked up the note and read it.

'Just give me a chance, please' it read. He squinted his eyes before it dawned on him. This was no other person than Selina. He scoffed and threw the note into a nearby trashcan.

He sorted the files for some minutes before throwing all of them on the desk. He leaned with his elbows on his desk and caressed his glabella. He wasn't thinking straight. He felt a contrasting mixture of feelings. Regret and relief, alleviated and indignant.

Frustrated, he picked up the receiver and dialed. "Come over" he simply said and dumped it.

Less than a minute later, his door swung open and Selina walked in beaming sheepishly.

He looked at her expressionlessly and exhaled. "What can you offer?" he asked.

She ran her hands along her hips, delicately outlining her figure. She brought her hands up to her chest and cupped her breasts, biting her lower lip as she sampled them.

"And?" he asked, his expression still blank.

She walked elegantly around his desk and slowly twirled his chair. Without another word, she descended to her knees and began oral operation. As she performed, he grabbed her hair, swiping her head roughly.

After some minutes, Dylan's phone rang. He checked the caller and picked the call, letting go of Selina's hair.

"Hugo" he spoke into the phone.

"Boss, she's not moving. We heard some noises and went to check what was going on but we found her sprawled on the floor. We've tried all means to revive her but she's not responding" Hugo said from the other end.

"What?!" Dylan exclaimed calmly and withdrew himself from Selina's mouth. He ended the call and zipped up.

"How did I do?" Selina asked eagerly, her face reddened from the exercise.

"Attend to these files" he ignored her question and hurriedly exited the office.

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