
2. The Dinner

Melainy received a message from Vincent after lunch. He is so old school, she thought. He typed each punctuation correctly in the text message and does not use any emoji. 

They met in Orchard Road and headed to Paragon shopping center because “a friend told me the stores there are quite nice.” 

“And expensive.” She added. 

“Just take it as my ‘thank you’ gift for sending me to hospital, Miss Pay.” He smiled gently, his eyes genuine and sincere. 

He took her to a few luxury brand stores, and eventually decided on a sand color off shoulder dress with tank top straps. The straps and should design outlined her shoulder beautifully. Staring at herself in the mirror, Melainy didn’t know where to put her hands. Someone put her hair down, now her black hair covered her shoulder, making her look more mysterious yet even more attractive. It was Vincent. He gazed into the elegant but shy young girl in the mirror and murmured, “Let’s get you a pair of high heels.”

Before she even noticed, Vincent already paid the bill and picked up the shopping bag. 

She finally appeared in the off shoulder dress with a pair of silver color high heel sandals by Jimmy Choo, and a handbag from Gucci. In addition, upon Vincent’s request, she held his arm as if they had been dating for a while. 

“Don’t you wonder who you will be meeting?”

“I thought you would introduce them for me as we reach there?” 

Vincent looked at her and laughed out. “You are absolutely right…and bright.”

The dinner place is at a private club near Botanic Gardens. Melainy gazed outside from the car window. 

“You seem to be very interested with the night view here.” In fact there is not much night view. So dark and with all the woods. 

“In case you are trying to kidnap me. I have to remember how I got here.” Vincent laughed out again. He went down first and turned to the other side, opening the door for Melainy. Her Jimmy Choo sandals glittered in the dark, as if Cinderella from the fairytale. 

The private club looks like a glamorous castle. Everyone inside also dressed up glamorously. Vincent walked her through a long hall, introduced her to various people. “This is Peter…this is Hans…Jeff…Louisa…” He never told Melainy what their jobs, or their relationship to him though. Similarly, no one asked who Melainy was. They usually quickly glanced at her right hand…the hand carrying his arm, and just gave a warm smile back. 

Except one. Michelle Lim. The clearly “princess” type girl who dressed in a gold color gown. 

“It’s been a long time, Vincent.” She tilted her head and her curly hair down. 

“Michelle, nice to see you again after so long. This is Melainy.” Vincent turned his head slightly towards Melainy. 

But Michelle just completely ignored her. “Are you coming to my mom’s birthday party next weekend? It will be at Shangri-La Hotel. She misses you quite a lot. We both do.”

Melainy watched all these with a bit of curiosity. She could now imagine a TV drama featuring the princess, her family and her lover. 

“I’m not so sure. You know, I just landed in Singapore two days ago. I want to spend some time with Melainy.” Vincent responded slowly and kept his gentle smile. “The dinner is about to start. Shall we go to our seats?” He turned to Melainy and asked with a soft tone. 

For a moment Melainy thought whoever will be his girlfriend must be really lucky - he treated even his fake girlfriend as a treasure. 

Melainy really enjoyed the food. Now and then she responded to the questions the guests asked, such as where she studied at and what her major was. Apart from those, Vincent took control of everything. 

“Any vacation plan?”

“I just arrived in Singapore but Melainy and I may spend a long weekend in Bali.”

“What’s the plan for the weekend?”

“Don’t know. But I may bring Melainy to a private chef’s place. She loves Korean cuisine and the chef is known for Korean and French fusion dishes.”

“I like your watch. The new model from Patek Philippe huh?”  

“Yes, Melainy picked this one for me.”

No one ever asked why Vincent seems to be in a hot relationship with a Singaporean university girl only two days after he reached Singapore. 

There were also topics about the macro economy. Melainy was a bit surprised that all guests seemed to be well versed in economics and financial terms. 

When she excused herself for the washroom, she realized not just Michelle but many people were following her with a searching look. 

At least she received a lot of attention, be it good or bad, she thought. 

The wine tasted sweet and smooth and so fragrant. As she just finished her finals, she allowed herself for a few more cups, although she usually doesn’t drink. Towards the end of the dinner, she felt a bit tipsy. Now Cinderella has to head home, she secretly whispered to herself and went inside the limousine. Vincent followed in. The two of them quietly sat at the back row, relaxed and cozy. “Now you know I wasn’t trying to kidnap you.” Vincent said. She finally smiled back at him.

“Where do you live? National University Hall?”

“Nope. Send me to Woodland please. Or just drop me at the MRT station. I could take the train.”

Melainy lives in a 30-year old HDB with her grandma. 

Vincent asked to driver to head towards Woodland, the north end of Singapore, adjacent to Malaysia. When they reached, Vincent came down to open the car door for her again. “Shall I send you upstairs?”

“No, no. Thanks for sending me home.” The night breeze made her a bit sober. “Did you say you would pay me a one-month salary?”

“When did I say that?” He acted confused, and before she turned into an angry face he asked, “I will pay, for sure. Just message me your bank account. What’s your plan for the weekend by the way?”

Before she reacted, he added, “I was just trying to find a local guide to show me around in Singapore. After all, I haven't been to Singapore for years, and I will be here for long.”

She hesitated. It’s not a Cinderella story. She still has her double degree thesis, her math tuition part-time job. Before she starts her full-time job at Vaxo Group, she perhaps has time to take on another part-time job…

“Another one-month salary. How about that?”

Now she found another part-time job as a local guide to this young and handsome assistant professor. 

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