A Second Chance For Love

A Second Chance For Love

By:  Anny Smith  Completed
Language: English
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When Elizabeth takes a new job as a nanny, she assumes she's going to work for a wealthy couple who hired her. But instead of pulling up to their million-dollar estate, she finds herself on the front porch of a humble farmhouse, looking into the eyes of dark and brooding single dad, Jonathan. It's bad enough that Jon doesn't have a fortune to charm out of him, but he's also a police officer. After marrying his college girlfriend only to have her leave months after their baby was born, Jon has sworn off girls for life. All that matters now is taking care of his child. If anyone can break down the tough exterior of the former soldier, it's her. But just when she's close to getting exactly what she wants, she's faced with a whole new challenge. That is to pretend she does not love him.

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Nice story
2023-11-23 14:54:29
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Wow, worth reading over and over again. I hope we get follow up books with the twins and Maggie’s story! Well written…
2023-01-03 14:51:32
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Renee Whiteman Snyder
Great Book. I have really enjoyed all books I have read so far from this author. Please keep your books coming.
2021-09-27 08:39:02
31 Chapters
Chapter 1 - Elizabeth
For as long as I can remember, there’s been an emptiness inside of me. The more I try to ignore it, the deeper it sets into my bones, seeping down, deep down, until it becomes part of me. It’s easy to blame the emptiness on my shitty upbringing. Having to give up my dreams of a future to take care of my brother and sister. Growing up with an addict for a mother and being the one who found her cold, stiff body after an overdose.But I felt it before then, and sometimes I wonder if the emptiness isn’t empty at all. Maybe it’s darkness, and it’s always been a part of me. And when you have darkness inside of you, you have two choices: hate yourself for it or embrace it.I chose the latter.The bathroom door closes with a heavy thud, and I step up to the mirror, pulling out cherry red lipstick from my purse. I carefully apply it, fluff my hair, and stare at my reflection avoiding the tiny bit of judgment my moral compass is giving me. Th
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Chapter 2 - Jonathan
“Father, catch!”I make a wild dive, over-exaggerating everything to humor my son. He throws the football, which only makes it a few feet before hitting the ground. I slide on the grass, making Edward laugh.“I won! I won!” Edward chants, jumping up and down.“Ouch!” Declan shouts from the patio. “Did you break something, old man?”With a dramatic roll on the grass that makes Edward laugh, even more, I grab the football, pop up, and throw it at my younger brother. He’s holding a beer in one hand and lazily reaches out with the other to catch it and misses. Luckily our sister, Maggie, is standing next to him and catches it before it crashes into the house.“Seriously, guys?” She laughs and tosses the ball to Edward. Shaking her head, she goes back to her fiancé, who’s holding their sleeping baby. Emma looks so small in Tommy’s arms, reminding me of when Edward was t
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Chapter 3 - Elizabeth
I pinch the bridge of my nose, gripping my mobile so tight in my other hand I think it might break. I sink down on a creaky kitchen chair, looking at the bills laid out on the table. I’m behind on everything, like usual, and I don’t have enough to cover the bare minimum this time.Trying to get Heather the best outcome possible, I skipped the public defender and hired a lawyer, who was able to cut her sentence in half. But the lawyer fees weren’t cheap, and I’ve been without TV or internet all month, making me go over on my data plan, but hey—that bill’s not due until next month. The next to go will be my electricity and water, though not by choice.And now I’m dealing with insurance, who randomly decided to stop covering several of Father’s medications that he’s been taking for the last three years. I’ve been on the mobile for over an hour, mostly on hold of course. I rest my head in my hands, zoning out as I
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Chapter 4 - Jonathan
Elizabeth stands on the front porch, vivid blue eyes wide. Her blonde hair falls in waves around her face, and I can’t help but notice how beautiful she is. Everything about her is soft and delicate, but there’s a hardness to her I immediately recognize. Blinking, I sweep my hand up and over my hair, pushing it out of my face. I don’t know what I expected—Mrs. Doubtfire perhaps?—but I certainly didn’t expect a blonde bombshell. Though really, Declan got the final say in who Maggie interviewed after she narrowed it down to her top five choices. Still…this woman before me belongs on the pages of a magazine, not living in someone else’s house looking after strangers’ children. She freezes, looking around as if she has no idea what the fuck is going on, and then recovers fast. She blinks, puts on a smile, and comes up the porch steps. Elizabeth is the definition of a hot nanny, even in that stupid fuzzy sweater. Perky round tits bounce underneath it as she walks, and it
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Chapter 5 - Elizabeth
A cop? I’m a con artist posing as a nanny for a fucking cop. What the hell did I get myself into? I can feel the blood leave my face at a dizzying rate. Stay calm. Freaking out won’t do me any good now. I need to hold it the fuck together.I squeeze my eyes shut. How did I get things so wrong? I wasn’t paying attention, but how did I miss this? Surely that Maggie chick mentioned she was hiring me for her brother.Her apparently single brother just happens to be irritatingly sexy with that whole dark and brooding thing going on. I can say he doesn’t want me here, that he’s reluctant to accept help, and I’m trying really hard not to find that attractive.“Have you always been a nanny?” he asks after a beat of awkward silence passes between us.Sweat rolls down between my breasts.“No,” I say with a shake of my head. “I was a waitress for a while.” I swallow hard, careful
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Chapter 6 - Jonathan
I sit back at my desk and pull out my mobile, logging onto the security company’s app and checking the cameras inside the house again. For the fifth time. This hour. It’s not that I don’t trust Elizabeth, it’s just…I don’t trust Elizabeth.She’s well aware of all the security measures I have in place at our house, and I haven’t given her the codes just yet. The only place she’s going today is the backyard with Edward, and there’s no need to arm the house just to be outside.The cameras aren’t at all nanny-cams, and show the front, back, and side door, as well as one looking down the steps with a view of the foyer. I can just barely see Elizabeth and Edward in the backyard. She’s chasing him around with her arms outstretched, dragging one leg as she stumbles through the grass.I can’t help but smile, knowing exactly what she’s doing. Edward is currently obsessed with zombies and
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Chapter 7 - Elizabeth
Come on, get it together. I inhale and open the fridge, trying to find something to make for dinner.My first day as Edward’s nanny is almost over, and it did not go as planned at all.Today wasn’t miserable. Time didn’t crawl, and I didn’t want to claw my eyes out or drown myself in a bottle of wine. Instead—dare I say it—I had fun. I didn’t expect to like Edward. I hoped to mildly tolerate him while I formulated a plan on how to con his father out of a large sum of money, but events unfolded differently.Edward isn’t a spoiled and entitled brat. I can say teaching Edward manners is important to Jon, and even though he comes off as a mean old grump, I sense he’s a gentleman at heart. After only a day, the kid is growing on me, and I need to press pause—if not rewind—on this whole situation and go back to not giving a shit.But, dammit, I can’t.“Do you
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Chapter 8 - Jonathan
Edward comes running, throwing his arms around me. Coming home to my son is the best part of my day. I never realize how much I miss this kid until his skinny little arms are wrapped around my neck. Scooping him up with one hand, I stand, pretending to drop him.Edward lets out a dramatic yell and then laughs hysterically. I do it again and get the same reaction.“We made dinner!” he says to me excitedly, taking my hand as soon as his feet hit the floor. “Come eat!”“Give me one minute, and I’ll join you.”Elizabeth is bringing plates to the table and does a double-take when she sees me. I can’t get a good read on her, and I don’t get why everyday things seem surprising to her. Maybe it’s a sign this isn’t going to work out and I should let her go after the weekend is over, saying we’re just not a good match.Though that would be one hell of a lie. There are plenty of things I&
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Chapter 9 - Elizabeth
I pull the blankets tighter around my shoulders and bring my legs up under myself. It started raining not long after we got back from the park and it dropped the temperature by twenty degrees. A damp chill took hold of the house, and while the heater is on and running, I haven’t warmed up yet.Which has nothing to do with my cold heart, I’m sure.Jon put Edward to bed, and knowing that he actually wants to spend time with his son is charming. Wait, no it’s not. There’s nothing charming about him. Nope. Not at all. And he certainly didn’t look good in those gray sweatpants. And offering me his jacket wasn’t a smooth move or anything. And putting my arms in the sleeves of said jacket and feeling the heat from his body was a turn-off. Big time.He’s closed off but not socially inept, and his charm isn’t lost on the people of this town. Ms. Soccer Mother at the park was flirting with him, and we got stopped th
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Chapter 10 - Jonathan
Goddammit. Bacon and eggs and blueberry muffins have never tasted so good. Elizabeth piles bacon and eggs on her plate fill a mug halfway with coffee and then tops it off the rest of the way with creamer. She dumps a spoonful of sugar in it as well, bringing her food over to the table. Her hair is pulled up in a messy bun, and the loose strands that fall around her face are begging to be pushed back.She’s wearing black leggings and a tight black T-shirt, with a loose-fitting red-and-black flannel shirt over top. She’s effortlessly beautiful and I can’t find a single thing about her to complain about.“Blueberry muffins are cliché.” She reaches for one, setting it on her plate. “But it was the only kind I could make. You guys must like blueberries.”I smile as I finish chewing a piece of bacon. “Edward eats them like candy.”“That’s good. Better than eating candy like candy.” S
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