

Kelvin's P.O.V

I arrived at the location indicated by the lady and knocked on the door.

"Come in," I heard a deep, muscular voice. It was obvious that it belonged to a man; his voice was immense and powerful.

Upon entering, as I had expected, I found a young man seated at his desk in the office, spinning around in a swivel chair.

He warmly welcomed me and proceeded to show me to my office, providing me with detailed instructions regarding the do's and don'ts of the company. He also explained my position and responsibilities moving forward.

I was informed that I would be sharing the office with someone else. I couldn't help but wonder who it would be. I hoped it wouldn't be someone strange or unpredictable. Nonetheless, I felt immensely happy and excited, knowing that I had finally secured a real job.

Gone were the days of idling at home, feeling aimless, or dealing with the frustration of job hunting. It was undeniably the happiest day of my life so far.

With a heart filled with gratitude, I expressed my thanks to him and made my way back home.

 Laura's P.O.V

I was furious when Ani told me what Richard did to her. I still couldn't believe Richard could be capable of such actions.

He always appeared nice and sweet, and I genuinely thought he was a caring person. It was shocking to realize that someone who seemed so charming could be so mean and evil.

Everything he showed Ani was just an act, despite all that she did for him. She bought him a car and took care of his expenses, among other things. I had my suspicions about him initially, but I didn't take them seriously because I didn't want to be their friend who was supportive of her best friend-relationship.

I should have known better. I guess I was too blinded by his personality to see the real him. But was now determined to confront him and deal with the situation.

I went to his house and rang the doorbell three times before he finally opened the door. As soon as he did, I slapped him twice and then punched him in the face, unable to contain my anger.

"What the hell?" he shouted, groaning in pain.

"How dare you treat Anika like that?" I shouted as he retreated into his house, with me following him.

"What are you talking about?" he yelped in pain, his mouth bleeding.

"Oh, please. Don't pretend you're innocent, you treacherous pig," I yelled at him, ensuring my words hit home.

"How dare you use my best friend despite everything she did for you? I knew she shouldn't have trusted you, but I didn't take it seriously. Heartless fools like you are just pathetic," I continued, delivering another angry slap before storming out of his house.

He just stood there, speechless. I imagine he was stunned by my actions.

Fool. I got into my car and headed towards Ani.

Anika's P.O.V

I slowly regained consciousness, a smile forming on my face as I reminisced about my encounter with Kelvin.

His ability to stand up to me left a lasting impression, unlike the other timid candidates who came in for the interview. They either cried or attempted to hold back tears, but Kelvin exhibited a rare resilience.

However, I couldn't let Kelvin's audacity slide. Oh no, I was determined to make his experience in this company an absolute nightmare for him.

He reminded me so much of Richard, who had caused me immense pain in the past. Revenge was the only path I believed would bring me solace.

Speaking of Richard, I discovered that Laura had paid him a visit at his residence. Panic surged through me at the thought. I immediately dialed her number, hoping for answers.

Calmly, I asked, "Laura, what exactly happened at Richard's place? What did you do to him?"

With a chuckle, she nonchalantly replied, "Relax, girlie. I merely taught him a lesson he'll never forget."

The sound of a car horn faintly reached my ears, indicating that Laura was driving while we spoke.

"You're insane! What type of lesson did you teach him, and what are you talking about?" Irritation started to creep into my voice.

"I slapped him and threw a punch his way," she confessed, still amused by her actions.

Outrage consumed me, and I couldn't hold back my anger any longer. "Why on earth would you do that? How many times did you slap him?" I demanded.

She lightened the tension slightly, responding, "Just once... Okay, maybe twice."

Furious, I continued questioning Laura, "Laura! Why in the world would you do that? Are you even considering the consequences? What if he got seriously hurt?"

Despite my fury, a flicker of concern for Richard surfaced. Laura's actions had undeniably crossed a line. I loved her dearly, but her behavior was unacceptable.

"That's what makes you naïve," she quipped, emphasizing her point.

Feeling the weight of my words, I hastily blurted out, "Look, I am a grown woman capable of managing my affairs. I don't need you meddling in my relationships or going around, punching men who treat me poorly. Mind your own business."

The moment those words escaped my lips, regret flooded me. Laura was only looking out for my well-being, and I had lashed out in anger. Yet, at that moment, my frustration overpowered any desire to retract my statement.

"Fine, sorry for interfering," Laura replied curtly before abruptly ending the call.

A deep sigh escaped me as I contemplated the consequences of my hasty outburst. Laura didn't deserve that. What if Richard had suffered serious injuries? His delicate complexion and vulnerability to wounds haunted my thoughts.

In all honesty, Richard deserved far worse treatment than Laura had given him. However, one cannot easily discard someone they once loved. A part of me knew that the path to healing involved letting go, but the heart isn't always rational.

I think I still love Richard and I don't think any guy can replace him in my life or get over him or trust any guy that tries to approach me.

I still feel deep affection for Richard, and I believe it is unlikely for any other man to take his place in my life. I found it difficult to move on from him and to trust any man who approached me.

After a mundane day at the office, I managed to persevere and complete my tasks. I feel proud of myself for that. I spent the day signing and reviewing documents, and Mr. Dunlop gave me a tour of the company.

During the lunch break, I ordered food from the cafeteria which turned out to be delicious. I did enjoy that part of my day.

By 7:00 pm, I arrived home and parked my car in the driveway. When I entered the house, I found Laura conversing with the nanny. They stopped talking when they noticed me.

I greeted the nanny, whom I affectionately called "Nana," and tried to embrace her. However, she gently pushed me away.

"Nana" I called out to her, extending my arms to embrace her, yet she gently pushed me away.

"Laura informed me of what you said to her. Richard deserved the consequences of Laura's actions. He was merely attempting to protect you, and she acted as a loyal friend by taking matters into her own hands. I am proud of her," my grandmother expressed.

I was aware that my Nana would side with Laura. They shared a special bond, which occasionally made me envious of their close relationship.

"Are you also supporting her? This is my life, and she should not meddle. I still harbor feelings for Richard. What if he endures severe harm?" I angrily blurted out.

"Very well, it is my fault for intervening in your life and doing what is right. Ultimately, it is your life. I apologize," she responded before departing from the house.

"Laura!" I shouted, but she had already vanished.

"Nana!" I attempted to call, yet she ignored me and walked away without a word.

I sighed and rushed upstairs to my room, closing the door immediately. I removed my shoes, dropped my bag, and jumped on my bed.

Now, I realize that I shouldn't have treated Laura that way or said those words to her. She was my bestie and had every right to interfere in my life. She knew what was best and worst for me.

I was the worst friend ever. I should give her a call. I picked up my phone and dialed her number, but she ignored my call.

I called her again and she hung up. I called again and she finally picked up.

"Leave me alone. It's your life and your problems. I shouldn't interfere. Bye, forever," she said over the phone.

"I'm sorry. Friends make mistakes, right?" I said sincerely.

"Well, the only mistake you've made was becoming my best friend. Don't call me again," she hung up.

I sighed, frustrated that she had once again declared that we would not be friends. She always seemed to create unnecessary drama. I needed to figure out how to mend our friendship.

After removing my clothes, I tossed them into the washing machine. I wrapped a yellow fluffy towel around my chest and put my hair up in a ponytail.

Entering the bathroom, I brushed my teeth before slipping into the bathtub, lost in my thoughts about Richard and the chaos in my life. Suddenly, I realized that the hot water had turned cold. How annoying!

I stood up, grabbed my towel, and wrapped it around my chest. Returning to my room, I changed into a long-sleeved pajama with a heart design on it, then jumped onto my bed.

Before I knew it, I drifted off to sleep and entered a perplexing dream that left me feeling disoriented.



Komen (4)
goodnovel comment avatar
She didn't catch him on top of another girl, she overheard him talking to his friends about how he was taking advantage of her plus he found a girl on his lap......
goodnovel comment avatar
Did she forget…he was “on top” of another girl??? I’m starting to see why she’s so taken advantage of. She’s an idiot!!!
goodnovel comment avatar
Just signing her name to “whatever”? Good way to be taken advantage of and be used as a scapegoat. Sounds like she’s “playing” work, not actually “working”.

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