

Sapphire's POV

We both turned to see Charlotte standing at the door, she's my childhood best friend and someone I trust so much. Without thinking twice about it, I rushed to her, pleading and crying for her to help me talk to Alcandar.

I was too blinded by my pain that I didn't even realize the loving look they were both sharing and I had known that the one I consider to be a sister would betray me in the end, I wouldn't have done what I did.

"Charlotte, Charlotte please help me. Alcandar wants me to kill our child, please help me talk to him." I cried bitterly.

"What? You're pregnant?" She asked, she was even more shocked and surprised by this.

"I I recently just found and he..." I trailed off, not being able to complete my sentence.

"He what?"

I turned to look at Alcandar, his face was void of any emotions, his gaze was only fixed on Charlotte and I didn't know why.

I didn't even want to say the words because it broke my heart, but I still needed to tell Charlotte what Alcandar was asking of me

"He wants me to get an abortion."

The next thing Charlotte said was something I wasn't expecting, something that shattered me completely.

"Then do it." She shrugged.

"W what?" I stumbled backwards. "What did you just say?"

"I said do it." She repeated with a shrug. "If that's what he wants then go ahead and kill the damn thing, in fact I can take you there."

"What are you saying Charlotte!?" I yelled. "Are you insane, how dare you tell me to kill my baby!!" I screamed at her.

"I never expected this from you Charlotte, I thought you were my sister, how can you side with him!"

"Look Sapphire, you're the dummy here and besides, I'm not your sister. You said he wants you to kill the damn thing in your stomach then do it, I mean how hard can it possibly be to just —"

Driven by rage and disappointment, I instantly cut her off with a slap.

"Sapphire!!" Alcandar yelled.

He instantly pushed me away then he rushed to Charlotte's side, asking her if she was okay.

His show of affection shocked me greatly, I couldn't believe that my own mate was being this way to Charlotte, someone he never liked!!

"I'm fine, let it be." Charlotte smiled at him. "I guess we'll just have to make her understand this the hard way." She said then she brought out a syringe.

Instinctively my hand went to my stomach, my whole body trembled with fear, fear of losing my baby. "What are you doing Charlotte?" I asked, while crawling backward in an attempt to escape. "Please, please don't do this, please don't hurt my child."

"Don't worry Sapphie, it'll all be over before you know it." She smirked.

In a flash she appeared beside me and injected me with the syringe, it happened so fast that there was nothing I could do.

The last thing I saw before blacking out was the devilish smirk on Charlotte's lips, a smirk which read nothing but victory and that look in her eyes, I won't ever forget the evil glint in her eyes, it was more like she was mocking me.

"Sweet dreams Sapphire." I heard her say.

When I woke up, I was tied to a bed, at first I was confused and I couldn't remember what has happened or where I was, but then it all came to me. Telling Alcandar about the pregnancy, his rejection and then Charlotte.

She must have injected me with a sedative, I was heart broken and shattered to find out that the two most important people in my life betrayed my trust.

I struggled to break free but it was all useless, I didn't know where Charlotte brought me to but something tells me it wasn't for something good and the thought of something bad happening to my baby scared me to death and it fueled the determination I had to escape this place.

"Don't even try because it's useless." I heard Charlotte voice.

"Why are you doing this Charlotte? What have I done to you!" I cried. "I thought of you as my sister so why are you doing this?"

"Don't try to act all innocent here Sapphire, you took everything I've ever wanted and you expect me not to get back at you for that. It was foolish of you to think of me as a sister whereby I see you as my enemy!" She spat. "You're too gullible Sapphire and it made it easy for me to fool you." She laughed.

"What are you talking about? I didn't take anything from you."

"Oh really? Then what about Alcandar huh? What about him?"

"Alcandar is my mate Charlotte! How can you say I took him from you when he was mine in the first place."

"Now that's where you've got it all wrong Sapphire, and why is it fair that you alone gets to have the Alpha all to yourself huh! I've always loved Alcandar and seeing the both of you together only angered me."

Her voice held so much bitterness and it shocked me to hear those words coming from her, all this while I thought she was happy for us, I didn't know she was no less than a snake!

"You know Sapphire, I actually thought you were the one getting the whole luck at first, I mean just look at you, your father is the Alpha of the crescent pack and to top it all, you got mates to the Alpha of the blood moon pack. Your life is just perfect!" She said with a little clap.

"While I get to be an Omega, a lowly one from your pack."

"Don't say that Charlotte, you know it's not true, no one ever treated you different from the rest!" I yelled.

"That's what you think Sapphire, but then I won't listen to you. I've always loved Alcandar and I want him all to myself."

"Just look how the tables have turned Sapphire."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my heart was pounding so hard in my chest.

"I've always known you were a dummy, right from childhood, you're just a goody goody weakling who can't stand up for herself and can't even see the truth that's right in front of her own very eyes." She laughed.

And her next words were something I wasn't expecting, someone I wouldn't have believed will ever happen to me.

"W what truth?" I stuttered.

Charlotte leaned forward to whisper in my ears.


"Your own mate betrayed you."

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