
Chapter 2

I can’t help but think how small the University is. I mean, out of all the students there, it’s really the guy who I bumped into earlier? It could just be a coincidence, but how crazy of a coincidence is that?

I quickly looked away from him. It’s like all I did ever since he came is to stare at him. Not because I find him attractive or what, but because I just really got surprised by this circumstance.

I felt Daisy kick my feet under the table. I tried to ignore her. I don’t want the people in this table to think we have our own world, when we have everyone here we should be talking to.

“You were the guy I bumped into earlier,” I mumbled, my eyes focused on my now half-empty glass.

“Yeah, I think it’s me,” the guy replied. I was not looking but I could tell he was smiling. “I’m Zandrey,” he introduced. I saw his hand in front of me. I got confused for a while, but then I realized he was trying to offer his hand for a handshake.

I shook his hand. “I’m Aira.”

He looked at me and continued smiling. I tried to smile as well but I feel like it looked like a fake one so I just stopped trying and took my hand back.

“How was the activity?” Dominic asked laughingly at Zandrey.

“Yeah, I lost my ID. I almost couldn’t take it, man,” I heard him reply.

“Right!” I accidentally raised my voice upon saying that everyone’s eyes landed on me. I bit my lower lip in embarrassment.

“What was it?” Zandrey queried.

“Oh, yeah. When we bumped earlier, you kind of left your ID on the floor. It probably fell. I had it with me, but I forgot to leave it at the lost and found. I’m so sorry about that. I totally forgot about it,” I rambled on and on. “In fact, I have it with me,” I added as I reached for my bag but I realized it wasn’t the bag I had earlier.

“Oh, thank you,” he said. “I thought I would have to get a new one. You know how crazy the process is for getting a new ID.”

“Yeah, I know,” I agreed. “Sorry, I put it safely in the pocket of my bag, but it’s currently not with me. I left it in Daisy’s car.”

“No worries. I’ll get it later,” he said with a smile. I just nodded.

When I looked around, I realized how the people in this table are watching us.

“Meant to be, don’t you think?” Daisy teased. There she goes again with her wiggling eyebrows.

“Shut up,” I mouthed, but she just laughed.

“Alright, let’s order!” Jamie announced.

Finally! I am cheering inside of my head.

We ordered some food, ate, and talked the entire time. Well, most of the time, it’s the other guys who did the talking. I just say a word whenever someone asks me something. At this point, I really want to go home, but I know I can’t do it easily.

The girls wanted to go to the karaoke after eating. Everyone agreed and were so excited, including Daisy. Now it’s even harder to leave.

As planned, we went to the karaoke after eating. It was just a few blocks from the cafe so everyone decided to just walk there. Plus, it’s going to be hard to find a parking spot for anyone who brought their cars.

I almost rolled my eyes upon seeing everyone walking with their partners. Not that I envy them or what. It’s just such an eye-sore seeing how clingy they are to the guys.

“Hi,” I heard Zandrey say. There’s no need for me to see his face, I already know he’s smiling by the sound of his voice. He is such a smiling guy. He kept on smiling the entire time that I was starting to wonder how his jaw was. “You are really quiet, huh?” And he’s very talkative too.

I paid a quick glance at him and just shrugged. I heard him chucke.

“You’re an Architecture student, right?” He asked. “Is it hard?”

This time, I decided to humor him. I’m not really the talkative person, unless it’s Daisy.

“Kind of,” I responded. “Especially if you don't really like your course,” I added.

“Oh? You don’t like Architecture? Why did you take it when you don’t like it in the first place?”

“It’s what my Dad wants.”

“So if that's something your Dad wants, you should follow? What about what you want?”

I laughed sarcastically. “He’s the law at home.”

“That’s too bad,” he commented. I laughed because yes, it was too bad. Sometimes I just laugh at certain circumstances. “What does your Mom say?”

“She’s gone.”

“Where did she go?” He asked curiously. I shoot him a weirded look. “Oh, stupid,” he murmured to himself. He probably didn’t get what I initially meant. “I’m sorry. I have been studying the entire day and I think my mind forgets to function sometimes.”

“Why did you come here when you have so much to study for?” I asked, trying to dismiss the previous topic.

“I just thought it would be fun,” he answered casually.

I wish everyone had the luxury of time to have fun.

So we went to this KTV bar and rented a room huge enough to accommodate all of us. Good thing Francis knew someone from here so we were able to book the room for us. It’s Friday and usually KTV bars are full. Connections really allow you to pull strings.

Jamie went inside first and was able to get the microphone for herself. She was quick to choose a song and had it entered. She even chose the one with high notes. Unfortunately for us, her voice isn’t as pleasant to the ears. Beside her was Francis, who’s trying to suppress his laughg while listening to her. They occupied the two-seater sofa at the corner. The rest of us are sitting on the long sofa.

Nathalie was sitting at the farthest corner, beside Dominic. Next to Dominic was Daisy. Jed was sitting beside Daisy and Zandrey was sitting beside Jed. I am the one at the other edge of the sofa.

“Do you drink?” Asked Zandrey. They ordered a few bottles of beer. I’m sure they will order more later.

Do I drink? Yes. Before, I didn't really drink becuase I pledged not to, for health reasons. But some stressful things drove me to try drinking. For one, I almost failed one of my Math subjects. Good thing I was able to ace the rest of my exams during the finals. My classmates during that time wanted to drink as their way of relieving stress. I went with them, with the goal of forgetting about the stress academics caused me. And I did enjoy it. Since then, I learned to drink, but not to the point of getting drunk. I only drink occasionally, and this time is one of those times.

I’m so stressed. I’m also exhausted from studying so much. If it wasn’t for my father, I would’ve given up and just stayed at home, in my room, where I don’t have to deal with other things.

I looked at Zandrey with a neutral face. “Sometimes,” I answered.

The beer they ordered arrived and I saw Zandrey got one and opened it. I was kind of surprised when he gave it to me. I tried to hide it though. I don’t want him to think he has such an effect on me.

“Thanks,” I murmured, before bringing it to my mouth.

Few moments later, the girls became even louder. They’re now taking their turns with the microphone. I didn’t join them in singing and just sat there, listening to them even if it’s getting hard for my ears.

“Why did you agree to join this group date?” Zandrey asked. Well, him being here still has some silver lining. At least he could divert my attention from these gals singing their hearts out.

Feeling a bit tipsy, I answered, “Daisy begged me to be here. And well, because of the free food."

I heard him laugh. “So you don’t have a boyfriend?”

I looked at him with an arched brow. “Are you flirting with me?”

He chuckled again. “I was just asking if you have a boyfriend.”

“Why would I be here if I have a boyfriend?”

“Good point,” he said laughingly.

I made a face when I heard Daisy singing. I feel like my eardrums will explode any minute now. She’s clearly drunk. Ugh. Now who’s going to drive me home?

Then I remembered Zandrey’s ID. “Do you want to get your ID?” I whispered. I realized he wouldn’t hear me because of the loud music and well, Daisy’s voice. So I repeated what I asked a bit loudly, “do you want to get your ID?”

“How about later? Before we go home?” He replied.

“How about now?” I negotiated. I just really need to get out of this room right now. It’s really hurting my ears. “Their voices are making my ears bleed,” I added.

He laughed at what I said. In the end, he agreed to get it. We told them we’re just going out to get his ID and well, they couldn’t care less. They have their own worlds now. So we just went out of the room.

I confidently went out of the room, but upon getting out, I almost tripped. Apparently, my head’s spinning now.

Zandrey was quick to help me, “You’re drunk,” he stated.

“Not really,” I said and he chuckled. I don’t even know what’s funny about what I said. Or is it the way I said it?

We got out of the building with him trying to keep me to my feet. I can still walk and maybe he’s just a gentleman trying to make sure I won't fall.

We were able to get to where Daisy parked the car to get his ID. Thankfully, I didn’t trip or fall. I was even quickly able to spot her car.

I'm usually smart when it comes to other things. But right now, I just feel so stupid because I realized I didn’t ask for the key, so I started laughing. Maybe it’s the alcohol. I don’t usually laugh this loud.

“Why?" I heard him ask.

“I’m so stupid,” I replied, still laughing a little. “I don’t have her car keys.”

Zandrey stared at me for a few seconds. Maybe he couldn’t believe how stupid I am right now.

“I’m so sorry,” I said. I tried to stop myself from laughing and it really took so much effort.

“No, it’s okay,” he replied with a smile. “You’re fun when you’re drunk.”

“I’m not drunk,” I battled. “Are you drunk?”

“I’m not. I only drank two bottles,” he answered. My eyes grew wide. Am I the only one who drank so much beer? My alcohol tolerance isn’t that low, so I’m quite sure I drank a lot.

“Am I supposed to pay for all the drinks I consumed?” I asked and he chuckled again.

“Don’t think about it,” he replied, still with a smile.

Isn’t he tired from smiling too much?

“Do you want to go back inside?” He queried.

I thought about it. I wanted to get inside because it’s getting cold here, but I don’t want to hear them singing again. What should I sacrifice- my skin or my ears?

In the end, I chose to shake my head. “Can we stay here for a while? I don’t want to risk my ears just yet,” I said and he laughed again. “Really? Am I that funny?” I finally asked. He laughed at me a few times since we came here and it’s really making me wonder if he finds me funny or what. I saw him try to suppress a grin.

“Maybe?” He said. I frowned at him and just leaned my back on Daisy’s car. Zandrey followed and copied what I did.

I looked at his face, and I’m basically looking up. “You’re tall,” I stated. “How tall are you?”

I’m not usually talkative, but I guess it’s the alcohol speaking.

“5’11,” he answered.

“That’s okay.”

“How about you?” He questioned. “Let me guess, 5’2?”

“I’m not that short,” I uttered. “Add 1 inch.”

“So you’re 5’3.”

“Correct!" I exclaimed. I heard him chuckle again, but I just chose to ignore it. He must be having so much fun with me- something other people don’t really feel when I’m with them.

We were just leaning on the car’s door when I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and tried to search where the voice was coming from. And I was right, it was Charles. He was talking to someone on the phone while walking towards the car next to Daisy’s.

I quickly hid myself behind the car. I also pulled Zandrey to hide with me.

“Why are we hiding?” He whispered, but I just shushed him. I can’t talk and risk being seen by Charles.

I waited for Charles to be gone from our sight before I tried to peek. I just had to check if he’s really gone now.

“Why are we-”

“Oh God,” I muttered. Just when I was going to face him from checking Charles, his face was also close to mine.

His lips accidentally brushed the side of my lips!

“Oh my God,” I repeated.

We stared at each other, our eyes both wide and surprised.

Holy crap. Did we just almost kissed?!

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