

So it's actually Saturday. Saturday. I should cancel on him, yes, it's not too late, no no no. I just spent all of last night doing that routine and getting myself ready and I'll be damned if I let my bad thoughts come in and ruin this day for me. Ugh when I get nervous I always end up ruining something for myself but, that will not be happening today. I won't allow it. I heard a knock on the door and jumped up from my bed to go get it, I opened the door and saw a package on the floor, I looked to both sides of the hallway but found no one. Weird. I picked it up and took a closer look it had my name on it. I took it to my room, curiosity coursing through me. When I opened it and saw a little note inside which read, "Wear this for tonight, I hope you like it -  Luciano." I guess that solves my clothing problem then. This dress looks very pretty, why would he waste his money on me though? I'd never actually ever had any guy doing that for me before so it was strange to see. This family seems to be very generous. I picked up the outfit and tried it on. 

Wow, it fit like a glove, it was a white satin midi dress with a slit on the leg. I think it looks good on me but how did he get the right size? He must have really done some deep digging a bit creepy but I appreciate the amount of effort he actually put in to finding these things. I had began to pick out my shoes from my brand new shoe collection and also did my makeup. I checked the time and it was now 6:30 which meant that now all I had to do was wait for my text. I heard the notification pop up on my phone and I checked, a smile already crept up on my face and then I calmed myself down.


L - I'm waiting for you outside, just find the most expensive car there. It's red.


Back to real life

Cocky. I rolled my eyes but smiled a little as I left and there he was. The red 'expensive' car. He was standing and leaning on the car, his gaze soon enough had landed on me and a smile appeared on his face. He opened the door for me and I entered inside. Amazement fell on my face, the inside was actually much better than the outside, it was a Mercedes Benz so not too surprised. There was about a thousand red roses, Scarlett red. A smile appeared on my face and I turned to him.

"The roses, they are very pretty, I love roses, and especially Scarlett red ones." He remembered that it was my favourite colour, I couldn't help the warm feeling that arose in me.

"Very pretty roses for a very pretty girl amore mio. I try. Also that flatters you." A compliment from Luciano Martini that doesn't use the words 'hot' or 'gorgeous' what an improvement.

"Well your the one who got it for me so thank you."

"Prego. That means-"

"You're welcome. I've been learning a bit of Italian." (DuolingošŸ’Ŗ) Maybe I'd picked up some Italian for him or maybe not. Who knows. 

"Good because we're going to a very expensive Italian restaurant tonight." 

"Is that really all?" I say that to piss him off but that sounds really nice, a one to one thing. He's spending an awful lot on me it makes me feel special.

"No of course not. It's our first date and I thought I want you to enjoy yourself. So, since I know that you enjoy art, after the Italian restaurant we'll go an art gallery. You do art and I'm gonna be a bit crazy and say that you enjoy art so you must've gone an art museum before. We'll go to your favourite one. But I do have to ask, how many have you been on? I plan on making this the best of your entire life."

"This is not a date sir. It is just a 'get together' ok and how many dates have I been on? That is a just reaching the personal side a bit there Luciano don't you think? Do you see me asking you these all so personal questions? Exactly no because it is personal. P E R S O N A L. But really, if you insist and must know, it's around... um about one or two." That was a lie. I have never been on a date. I've had 3 boyfriends yes but they were all for the fun. They weren't actually all that serious, and I was young and they were too broke to take me anywhere. I offered to plan the dates but it never happened. So I still have not been on a single date.  

"Zero!?" Shock and embarrassment flew on my face and I averted my gaze to the window. How did he know that. "So I am right then."

"'s not that serious and I didn't like all of that fancy stuff anyway."

"Trust me, everyone wants to be treated good. A date is very important in a relationship. It's a way for you and a person to connect and it's nice to make the person feel special. I know that we are not exactly in a relationship and that you don't even want to call this thing a date but I hope that by the end, you'll feel like the most special girl. You deserve it. You're a beautiful person Gabriella. Not just your looks but also your personality. I could tell as soon as you said yes to this thing. If me and you want to get to know each other better we'll be going on these 'get togethers' more often. I'll make sure you know what a good date is amore mio." Butterflies were already arising in me, that was so sweet. Maybe he's not that bad. Let's hope  we can survive this first 'get together'...


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