

Over two decades later,

Rafael Romani

"Shit!" I groaned as I tossed on the bed visibly aware of the satin sheets rubbing against my naked skin. I sat up with a start and held my throbbing head.

Looking at the similarly naked woman on the other side of the bed with a disgust that suddenly rose in me, I wondered why I was in bed naked and who she was.

I can remember having a night out with my brothers and friends. So how did I end up naked with this strange woman?

'Raf?' I called out to my wolf as he was unusually quiet. 'What happened last night?'

'Give me the chance to wrestle Roberto to the ground when next we meet,' he growled in response and I was quick to hear the grogginess in his voice.

'Did he spike our drink again?' I gritted.

I have three younger brothers. We are all quadruplets and Roberto is my third brother.

Ever since we came of age and grew into full-blooded males who wanted to mess around with women a little, I discovered that I was impotent.

Due to this, I withdrew from ladies and abstained from anything that had to do with them to keep my shameful secret.

I couldn't imagine what would happen if news goes around the pack that their alpha is unable to have an erection thus unfit to breed their next heir.

But these women wouldn't stop throwing themselves at me and my stupid brothers weren't helping especially Roberto.

He's the most cunning of us all and has constantly drugged me in the past just to get me in bed with unknown women.

"Hmm," The slut on the bed moaned and turned to get closer to me but I evaded her touch and got out of the bed.

'We should get out of here before she wakes up. I can't stand her any longer,' Raf voiced out his complaints as I bent down to pick up my discarded clothes.

'That's what I'm doing.'

Hardly had I step out of the room when my phone rang. I answered the call on the second ring and growled, "I swear I'm gonna fucking kill you when I see you!"

"Bwah hahaha!" I could hear my brothers roar in laughter over the phone.

"Chill bro, Dante's got news for you. He tried calling you earlier but I guess you were too indulged in the pleasures, you couldn't pick up the phone," Roberto teased and another round of laughter ensued.

I gritted angrily as I walked; ignoring the servants bowing to me as I passed. I could hear some scuffle over the phone before my beta, Dante's voice came up.

"Alpha, we've got troublesome news from the border."

The laughter ceased and my face grew taut. "What is it?"

"Another wolf was found dead. His soul drained out like the previous ones. The soldiers now suspect this to be a demon attack."

My lips pursed tightly; demons? There have been several attacks and mysterious deaths of wolves at our bolder from time to time but despite our alliance with so many other packs to fish out the perpetrators, we have always hit a dead end.

Although we have never had any ally or conflicts with the demons in the past, we couldn't just pinpoint them as the killers.

Packs the victims belonged to before their unfortunate demise now point fingers at my pack suggesting we might be the murderers ourselves.

"That's a serious allegation. Is he one of our own?"


"Which pack is he from?" My brows knitted as I walked to my car.

"They don't know yet sir but are trying to find out."

"Okay. I'll meet you at the border and tell those douchebags that they should be there too."

He didn't need to ask who I was referring to as I ended the call. But just as I was about to enter the car, a servant came running.

"Alpha, your companion from the previous night is awake and has requested for your presence."

"Kick her out. I don't want to see her again," I spat out coldly without batting an eye before getting into the car.

The servant wasn't surprised at my response as he was already used to hearing it. He turned around to carry out my instructions immediately.


When I got to the borders, my brothers Ricardo and Roberto with Dante were already with the soldiers who had wrapped up the body of the deceased wolf and sealed off the crime scene.

As they led me to where the body was kept for investigation, I asked about my last brother and my Omega since they were nowhere to be seen, "Where is Romeo and Antonio?"

"Romeo had things to attend to and Antonio is overseeing some of the pack's affairs."

I nodded and we walked in silence for a while before Roberto nudged me,

"Brother, after your experience last night, do you still want to venture into a loveless marriage? Haven't you seen what you will miss? Having so many women at the tips of your fingers while waiting for the one."

"Roberto," I growled, fighting the urge to kick his wheelchair and send him straight to the ground. "I swear if you spike my drinks again and send those strange women to my bed, I'll have you kicked out of the pack."

"My marriage... My decision. Don't try to interfere any longer."

"Alright... Alright, I give up but you have to pay me back. I spent a lot trying to get that aphrodisiac last—" he swallowed his words when he saw the cold glare I sent his way.

Ricardo and Dante tried to hold their laughter as he wheeled himself forward hurriedly. I wasn't finding it funny at all.

I'd decided some months ago that I was going to find a suitable bride to get married to and save my mate the pain of realizing she is mated to a sterile wolf in future.

My brothers can't understand why I'll throw away the wonderful life I could have with my fated mate and spend the rest of my life miserably with a chosen mate but I know better.

"Alpha," The soldiers bowed and greeted as we arrived at the room the deceased wolf was kept.

I nodded in response to their greetings and walked over to the corpse. My eyes narrowed at the huge holes that were on his chest and trailed all the way down to his stomach.

"This doesn't look like a demon attack," Ricardo murmured.

"Rather it appears like his internal organs were vacuumed out of him," Dante added.

I nodded, "Demons only consume the souls of their victims."

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