

She was well aware that Arthur would not be able to evade the motion of the assassin in disguise who was pursuing him, not even with the two swords he was holding. Since the warrior shares the same movements as the other assassins Flarry trains, she assumes that he is an assassin. Additionally, since she is the only assassin under Flarry with a special kind of swordplay, Flarry does not have complete control over her.

"I can not watch you die while I still have not gotten what I want. I must save you, or my time in this palace will come to an end and I will be unable to obtain the royal file." She stood up from her seat and stepped into the field, causing commotion among those watching.

Realizing that she would not make it to the field in time, she pulled out the sword of a standing guard and hurled it straight at the assassin in disguise. The assassin's sword struck the sword, causing it to fall to the ground.

The assassin turned to face her, their eyes meeting, but she could feel the rage radiating from him.

She murmured, "Flarry sent you!" as she moved closer, drawing Arthur's sword, and engaging the assassin in combat. Arthur stood, unsure of whether to confront her. She flipped around and gave him two powerful kicks that knocked him to the ground. After that, she moved in closer and squatted down. "It is very easy to take your life here, I am the best assassin of all the packs. But you have to go back and tell Flarry not to try this shit again,” she whispered to him before turning away.

Taking the sword from her, Arthur aimed it directly at her. “Who….who exactly are you?”

Her nose wrinkled. "I am that woman who will take your life very soon; you must not find out." Grinning broadly, she grasped the sword and drew it down. "I am your acting Luna and will soon become your crowned Luna. I can not watch him kill you because I learned swordsmanship from my late uncle," she said.

He exhaled heavily. “You have a lot to tell me.”

She shook her head. “No! I have nothing to tell you. I was just watching his movements, and when I saw him make the motion that I was taught is the riskiest—which, I know, you are unaware of—I had to run to your rescue. Is rescuing my King really that bad? I was trained by my uncle, but I stopped practicing after he passed away," she sniffed, scowling.

Accepting her words, he nodded. He turned to see that the man who had attacked him had vanished. He looked around among the other fighters, but he was nowhere to be found.

He whispered, "How did he disappear?"

Gulping, she moved in closer. "Since he had the motive to kill you, he is the assassin, so send out your men after him," she advised, knowing they would never find the assassin.

“Make sure you bring him alive.” Alpha Arthur issued an order to his guards, who fled. He held Freya while they walked back to their seats.

Freya looked at Elora, who had a contorted expression. She could feel rage and jealousy written on it. "If only you knew that he will die soon..." she thought, biting her lower lip.

After a while, she returned to the palace building alongside the King. They entered his room, and he offered her a drink. "I am still amused by what you did today; if it had not been for you, I would have died and all those people would have just watched me," she raised her brow at what he just said. "I hope you become my crowned Luna someday, I did not make the wrong choice in choosing you," he continued, and they shared a cheer.

She slurped the contents out of the cup and set it down. She grinned and said, "I am Freya." She finished the sentence in her head, "The secret assassin."

"I feel uneasy with all the sweats all over me; I should freshen up."

"Okay, we should go for a walk around the palace soon," he said, and she shrugged before leaving the room.

Flarry's mind linked her as soon as she left his room. "What made you do that? That was the best opportunity to carry out my strategy."

"Like you, I have goals, and I can not accomplish them if he is not my bait. What else do you want? The only thing that matters is that he will eventually die. How will I locate the royal file, which is crucial to achieving my goal, if he is dead and I have left the palace? It would still be pointless for me to kill him if I did not obtain that file. Since that file is nowhere but in this palace, I must find it before making another move, and only if he lives and sides with me as his Luna will it be accomplished," she explained, though this is not the first time she has done so.

"Freya!" he exclaimed, but she cut him off. "Take your time, Flarry, and never attack him. I have my own way of dealing with my enemies, so do not interfere and just wait for my feedback.'' She cut off the link.

She was not happy about it, but she will not hold it against him since she can see how afraid and envious he is of her being with someone else.

As she was about to go to her room, she heard someone screaming in the room behind her. She walked over to the door and rested her ear against it, noticing that it was not the same room where she heard the whisper the night before, but it did not bother her.

"What were you saying just now? That the hair went missing?'' That was Arthur's mother. She scoffed and remained motionless. "I conducted the test prior to him taking it, so you should not be concerned," the doctor answered.

“He? Whos that?”

“An assassin! I was attacked, and if not for the guard, I would have died."

She gave a wicked smile. “Better for you, old hag.'' She licked her lips and continued listening.

"So, what is the outcome about?"

“It's not her? I tried it three times but got the same result."

"Then about the assassin, something is wrong, and we can not sit back," Luna said, her voice trembling.

"I can reminisce on what his mask looks like; I believe that will help us find him," the physician interjected.

Freya clenched her fist. “That man asks for death. I might imprison you until I am done because I am not after you," she reasoned.

"Fine, you will have to accompany him to the artist so he can describe how the mask looks before the artist places it down. Make sure you find the assassin; my instincts tell me she is alive somewhere.'' Luna explained.

"But I was certain that she had been killed and buried. It could just be that they look alike, and the doctor just performed a paternity test." A masculine voice rang out.

Freya narrowed her eyes. “That voice! It seems familiar. I heard that voice somewhere seventeen years ago.”

"Dig that grave and take her corpse out so a paternity test can be conducted if you insist that she is dead. Once I am positive she is the one you buried, that is when I will be able to relax." She said, pausing briefly before continuing. "Also, you should investigate this Freya lady's background. It is unbelievable that she did that during Arthur's battle scene with that warrior—who may have ulterior motives.”

"I will try to find the warrior. But mostly, I will look into Freya," the man said.

Freya let out a deep breath. “Which is more important now? Doing something about my biography or digging up the body? I have to look for the file in her room because they can not figure out who I am, so nothing will stop me," she said, biting her lower lip.

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