
The Fists


WRAPPED UP IN their outer clothing again, they followed Krasnov and Vadim into the hush of the village. It was not evening yet, but the glassy air had a subtle admixture of darkness in it like ink dissolving in water. The sun was a pale pink smear on the white sky.

Krasnov was explaining the situation in the village and Svetlana listened with pleasure, reassured by the firm cadences of his speech. It was blasphemy to compare any man’s voice with the Voice, but she thought, privately, that if anybody’s could measure up, it would be Krasnov’s. Perhaps it was better not to dwell too much on what he was saying. It was just too grim.

“We fulfilled our grain and milk quota early in the fall. Everything was just fine. And then . . . this disease. People dying. We requested help from Blue Meadow—that’s the regional center—and they promised to send people but then . . . communication lines are down. I personally fried one damager, but who knows how many are
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