
Chapter 5

Seth POV


The next morning.


After a refreshing night of sleep, I went downstairs to have breakfast. As I sat at the table, I felt like something was missing but couldn't quite figure it out. I picked up my breakfast and prepared to start eating.


Suddenly, my father slammed his hand on the table and exclaimed, "Stop, where is your mate?"


I was taken aback.


Being reminded of this, I realized why I felt so content this morning. Indeed, someone was missing, and I almost forgot that I already had a mate.


Ruby, on the other hand, sarcastically remarked, "It seems like she ran away from home last night."


"What? What happened?" My father's voice immediately became louder, and then he glared at me, "Did you say something?"


I was slightly shocked. Last night, I had told Lorena to go sleep in another room, but I never expected her to actually leave the house.


"Dad, I didn't say anything." I firmly denied.


"Definitely, you said something offensive. I just found out this morning about Lorena running away from home. Have you ever thought about the danger she could be in, going out so late at night in our suburban villa with limited transportation?"


Ruby defensively explains, "Dad, I only found out this morning too."


Father ignores her and gives me a command, "Now, go and bring Lorena back immediately. Deal with the mess you created."


I turn pale and grit my teeth as I stand up, "I'll go."


I was too angry to eat, so I grabbed my car keys and left. After getting the Jones family's address from Wesley, I drove straight there.


The Jones family lives in a row house, not big, with a small garden. After ringing the doorbell, a middle-aged woman wearing an apron comes to open the door. She seemed a bit stunned when she saw me.


"I'm looking for Lorena," I said calmly.


"May I ask who you are?"


"Seth Rodriguez."


After hearing my name, she seemed to understand something instantly and quickly turned to shout at the man in the restaurant, "Walter, Mr. Rodriguez is here."


Walter almost dropped his bowl. He hurriedly and nervously ran over, trying to please me, "Mr. Rodriguez, what brings you here? Please come in, quickly."


I frowned, feeling a strong dislike towards Walter's behavior. With Walter's current status and wealth, he probably isn't even on the same level as a manager in his own company.


To be honest, if it weren't for Walter's fortunate marriage to the daughter of the Wood family, a prominent family in our tribe, Walter wouldn't have the qualifications to become an Alpha of the tribe. During my investigation of each tribe's Alpha, I heard that Walter had cheated on his wife over a decade ago and left her for an ordinary werewolf. I believe this is the person we just encountered.


Honestly, I'm not someone who looks down on others based on their status or position, but witnessing how he treated his Luna made me truly despise Walter.


"Where is Lorena? I'm here to find her," I got straight to the point and said, "Please bring her out."


The woman in front of me hurriedly entered the house and went upstairs, while Walter continued to look at me with a flattering look, which annoyed me. After a while, a figure slowly walked down the stairs. Lorena clearly didn't care about her behavior, she rubbed her eyes, yawned, and then walked slowly to me.


Before I could speak, Walter angrily rebuked, "I knew it was you sneaking back. Do you know that Mr. Rodriguez came to find you early in the morning, dropping everything he was doing? Come here and apologize to Mr. Rodriguez."


I sat on the sofa with my legs crossed, remaining silent, and looked at him coldly. If it weren't for the sake of appearance and upbringing, I might have confronted Walter earlier.


Lorena ignored Walter and looked at me with a clean face filled with infinite grievance, "Seth, didn't you tell me to leave last night? If you ask me to leave, I can't not leave."


I felt awkward, especially since her parents were present. But when I glanced at Walter's expression and saw that he showed no signs of standing up for his daughter, I knew where I stood. "I just told you to leave the room, not to leave the Rodriguez family. Pack your things immediately and come back with me."


"No, I can't."


Lorena decisively shook her head, "If you want me to leave, I'll leave. If you want me to go back, I'll go back. I'm too pitiful."


To my surprise, I found her stubbornness somewhat amusing, even in my anger.


Walter was the first to speak my mind, "You should be grateful that someone with their status personally came to pick you up. It's already giving you face. Hurry up and go back, stop being so fussy."


Lorena sat on another couch without changing her expression, "I'm not going back. I find it more comfortable to live outside, not having to worry about others' opinions and avoid the possibility of being kicked out. It would be too embarrassing if that happened."


"Lorena, this is your last chance. Come back with me immediately," I narrowed my eyes, my patience running out.


"Mr. Rodriguez, don't be angry. I'll try to convince her," Walter said.


Walter became anxious and rudely pulled Lorena into a nearby guest room. This action puzzled me, even an ordinary father should not treat his own daughter like this. Walter's behavior seemed more like threatening a stranger than persuading his own daughter.


After a while, Lorena walked out first. Her eyes were red, clearly emotional, but it seemed that her emotions were not because of me. She walked up to me, standing straight, and said, "Let's go, I'll go back with you."


I raised an eyebrow and glanced at Walter behind her, not knowing what the father and daughter had said. But Lorena's quick decision to come back with me did bring relief to my mind and body.


Before leaving, I couldn't help teasing her while she was still angry, "Weren't you so hard and tough just now?"


"Why be so hard," Lorena said in a voice that only the two of us could hear, "I'm not a man."


"Dad, I'm leaving," Lorena said loudly and walked out of the house with her suitcase leading the way.


I immediately followed suit.


After starting the car, I glanced at the girl sitting in the back seat through the rearview mirror. I wondered what she was thinking as she hung her head low, her long black hair cascading over her shoulder, revealing only a milky white chin. At first glance, she looked like she was eighteen, with a delicate and pure beauty.


But when I thought about the suggestive words she had just said, I tugged at my tie, my handsome face becoming unpleasant.


"Did you just go straight home last night?" I tried to start a conversation.


"Do I need to report to you wherever I go?" Lorena, like a prickly hedgehog, raised all her sharp quills. "If you're not happy, then don't pick me up."


It was the first time I had encountered such a stubborn woman. I pressed my temples in frustration. "You think I want to pick you up? It's all because of my father's coercion."


But Lorena sneered, "The outside world calls you a business genius, the future heir to the royal family, and yet you can still be threatened by your father. I see, it's all just empty fame."


Irritated, I tightened my grip on the steering wheel and took several deep breaths, too lazy to argue with her. "Lorena, I don't like you either, but if you do anything out of line, I will make sure that your entire tribe is buried with you."


Lorena smiled. "I believe you." Then she turned her head to look out the window and fell silent.


I stepped on the gas pedal and quickly brought Lorena to the front door of the villa. "Get out, I still have to hurry to the company."


Lorena was quick on her feet, not waiting for me to finish speaking before grabbing her luggage and wanting to get off the car.


"Wait." I turned my body around, stopping the girl in motion. My other arm rested on the steering wheel. "Don't forget our agreement earlier, to make my parents dislike you as soon as possible."


"Want to cooperate, huh?" Lorena's round and adorable face smiled brightly. "Then show some sincerity in our cooperation and treat me with respect."


I couldn't help but squint my eyes. It seemed like it had been a long time since someone dared to speak to me like this. Especially considering this woman still remembered last night's grudge. She was truly a woman who sought revenge for the slightest grievance.


However, Lorena remained calm. "Are you angry?"


"Lorena, if you want to die, just say so. No need to beat around the bush," I glared at her in annoyance.


"Seth, I just want you to understand how I felt last night."


Lorena wasn't afraid or angry. Instead, she smiled softly. "We have a cooperative relationship, and it's equal. But you, always act superior and tell me to leave. I don't care how much higher your social status is compared to mine, but in this performance, we are both constrained by each other."


A hint of suppression flashed in my eyes, and then I fell into contemplation. It was the first time I had encountered a woman like Lorena. Other women would either approach me cautiously or with utmost respect, afraid to displease me. Only Lorena sought equality with me. This feeling made me curious and intrigued about this woman.


"Think about it yourself," Lorena said and turned to get off the car.


Watching her proud figure and the pink suitcase, a slight twist appeared on my face. Wasn't this the same thing I often said to my subordinates?

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