
Chapter 0005


Being a CEO is not easy. Magazines may

portray us having an easy life. Jetsetting in private islands, having party in yatchs or canoodling with supermodels.

What a bullshit.

If that is true why am I here in my office at 12 midnight typing a presentation and reviewing all the financial reports that is passed today.

Why I am hoping that nobody fucked up their work today?

I am firing staffs left and right it became a habit everyday.

I glance on the papers stacked on the other side of my table. I get one stack and read the post it note that is attached to it. I can feel my lips forming a smile.

It is a blue post it note and there is a written message

"To. Mr. CEO's office

Fighting! Heard you closed a multi-million dollar deal again! Keep it up!😁"

Every document that is on my table have different post it notes. I know the HR hired another employee to manage the mail room but I personally never seen the newbie and heck I didn't even see her resume.

The first time I saw that there is a post it note attached to each documents I paid it no mind but one day I accidentally read the note. I can still remember the words written on that specific note it is something like

"Dear Mr. CEO.

Don't stress yourself over work. Have a break. Take care of your health.😁"

After I read that note I got hooked. I went to

the storage room and retrieved all the post it notes that is addressed to my office. I collect them like an addict. I bought a box that contains all the post it notes and put it inside of my safe.

I swivel my chair to look at New York's midnight skyline. It has been 6 months and I am curious what is the face and character of the person behind every post its. I stop myself every single time from looking at her resume or watching the surveilance camera because that is creepy as hell.

Not all billionaires stalks their person of interest. Okay. Investigate is the proper word to use not stalking.

Damn a single post it got me obsessed with a girl and I don't even have any idea what she looks like!

I formulate a plan wherein I will meet her without someone getting suspicious of my motive.

I smirk as an idea enters my mind.

It seems like I will be having a surprise inspection tomorrow. I can imagine now the trembling forms of my employees tomorrow when they see me. The image forming in my head makes me chuckle.

I'll specially check the mail room.


"What did I tell you about the format of the reports? Times New roman size 12 only. What is hard about that? Why all of you are using different fonts? This is not fucking highschool. If I ever see another report with another font you will all be fired."

The manager of that department nod

vigorously as if his head will be detached any second.

A simple rule they can not even follow.

I inspected every floor. Even the fucking storage room. You'll never know what are the staff is doing there. My executives and some staffs are following me. I can feel them cringing when I raise my voice. I am a calm person but there are days that I am not in a mood to tolerate their excuses.

In hindsight it is good that I decided to conduct inspection because I can see that there are problems that is needed to be fixed. I fired at least 20 people today on the spot because of laziness and they're not doing their work properly.

I am not afraid to sack more employees. I am paying them enough. All of the benefits you

can think of they have it. In return I want a proper execution of their Job.

I've reached the 15th floor. The Mail room is in this floor.

As usual I inspect it all. I went to the printing room first after inspecting the creative department. These rooms is always temperature controlled 17°C always. To maintain the function of the printers and to not damaged all the documents that is stored on the next 5 rooms.

I can see that the two gentlemen is doing their jobs properly. I think they are working here for roughly 3 to 4 years? They need a raise I decided.

The Highlight of my day.

I enter the Mail room and I stand at the door

staring at the back of the woman who captured my attention just by writing notes.

She has a shoulder length dark brown hair arranged in a ponytail. She's sitting in an indian position. She is writing something. Another note maybe? Suddenly she jump to stand up. Who the heck do that to stand up? Apparently her. She stretched her arms above her head maybe removing all the cramps due to prolonged sitting on the floor. Then she shouted "Yes finally! I am Finish!"

I ignore the fact that her shirt is lifted a little bit higher due to her stretching and it shows her tummy and her back.

I roam my eyes around the room. There are table and chairs that she can sit on why the hell she is sitting on the floor?

I am here standing foralmost 10 min and she doesn't sense my presence at all so to get

her attention I clear my throat. She froze for about 5 seconds then she turned around suddenly that can give her a whipflash. She bowed her head at the same time.

This is it. I approach her slowly. I can feel the disapproval of my executives becuse of her behviour but who the hell cares? I am the boss and their opinion doesn't matter.

"Can you please look at me?" I told her as softly as I can. I can hear someone gasp. I never said please ever.

She looked up but on my chest level then she blurt out unexpectedly

"Ooh nice to meet you broad chest"

Right there and then I want to laugh out loud but I restrain myself. She is a dork.

She thinks my chest is broad? My work out everyday pays off.

"Raise your head a little bit Higher please" I ask her again.

I just ignore the reactions of my staff because of my action towards this girl.

She slowly tilt her head up and directly look at my eyes and I am now restraining myself to gasp on her beauty.

Her big Hazel eyes captivated me. I can not bring away my eyes from her eyes. She has a small round face, small button nose, a pouty lips and she has a black rimmed eye glasses. I think I am now a firm believer of love at first sight.

I need to say something because this meeting might get awkward very fast.

"That's better. What is your name?"

I asked her.

I think she is having a hard time telling her name becuse suddenly she had a blank look.

As if someone zap her she suddenly blurts out

"Ella your highness. no I am sorry I did not mean you are a royalty but maybe oh shut up Ella. For fudge sake!"

This girl is nervous around me. She word vomited and I find it adorable.

For the 3rd time I hear someone gasp.

I know. I know. They think Ella is disrespecting me but really I find it entertaining.

Ella look suddenly annoyed the she shouted

"For fudge sake!" And look at the men and staff behind me

"Are you having an asthma or panic attack or something? Because there is a clinic on the 5th floor you can have a check up or nebulize."

I really tried not to smile but I think my amusement is showing in my eyes if you look close enough.

I started my script so no one would suspect anything.

"Welcome Ella to my company. I hope everything is in order?" While saying that I roam my eyes to the whole room continuing the facade that I am inspecting her work place.

"Yes sir everything is fine."

"Very well. If there is a problem do not hesitate to inform me immediately."

I put an emphasis on the words so she might get what I mean but for knowing her for 20 min she might not get it.

"Yes Sir!" She saluted me as if we are in the army.

"Good. Have a great day. Ella" then I turned around and walked out of the room. All of the staffs walking behind me.

Ella. Ella. Ella. Finally. I can now put a face and a name to the imageless girl that I have imagined for the past 6 mos.

I am now hooked, obsessed and captivated by her. I think there is no turning back.

Indeed the saying is true curiosity killed the cat but in my case curiosity got me in a situation wherein my heart is at stake.

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