


As I wiped the wet countertop, my mind wandered amidst the chaotic scene unfolding before me. Two drunkards were brawling over some liquor, causing quite a ruckus.

Honestly, my focus has been elsewhere lately. Martha's offer has consumed my thoughts, making it challenging to concentrate on my job as a bartender.

Thankfully, my friend and coworker Dylan has been lending a hand, covering for me when needed. I'm grateful for his support, even though it pains me to rely on him.

The increasing tax rate has cast gloom over the patrons who seek solace in alcohol.

Their somber expressions serve as a constant reminder of the pack's struggles.

It fuels my desire to make a difference, to help them in some way. Martha's offer holds the potential to be a significant aid to our community.

Too bad I declined it though, now I would just have to listen to all the people’s troubles whenever they come by.

That brought me to the second issue at hand. Good thing that there was a huge counter in between me and the crowd and it was also dark as well, as I could feel my dick swelling up and growing erect in my tight pants.

Just the simple, fleeting thought of Martha had my body reacting terribly and it was incredible.

I never thought I was attracted to older women before.

I’ve never seemed interested in one, but Martha has proved me wrong and confirmed all my feelings as well, with her sexy body and those dark emerald eyes of hers that were so intriguing and brilliant, it pulled me to her, with every sparkle.


The night after, I was on my way to Vinz, the bar I usually work at by this hour, when I spotted Martha, a few feet away from it, looking broken and dejected.

My heart lurched out of my throat and before I could process it, my feet were already heading in her direction and my mouth was already parting.

“Hey, are you alright?” I asked before I could realize it and my hand was already wrapped on her shoulder in concern.

“Alex…” She looked almost startled to see me, but when she got over her initial surprise, her eyes shone with pain and bitterness.

“You look worn-out,” I said to her, and her gorgeous lips opened to speak, however, it seemed like she was incapable of bringing a word out.

So she shook her head instead and I took that as a cue to quietly lead her to a cafe, which was just a couple blocks away from the bar.

I knew that my boss was going to be pissed at me for ditching a shift and so was Dylan, but I couldn’t possibly ignore Martha when she was looking like this.

“Are you alright?” I asked again but she didn't reply.

As we walked side by side, the world around us seemed to fade away. The anticipation hung in the air, and I couldn't help but be captivated by Martha's enchanting presence.

Finding solace in the quiet corner of the cafe, we nestled into the cozy booth, hidden away from prying eyes. The soft glow of candlelight added a touch of romance to the atmosphere, creating a perfect setting for our conversation.

In the midst of the tranquil silence, Martha finally broke the spell.

"I confronted Lucian about his whereabouts," Martha began, her voice filled with frustration. I listened intently, wanting to understand her pain. "And as usual, he got angry and left. He wouldn't stay in the pack to resolve the issue of tax boost, and he doesn't even stay home to attend to his family..."

My heart ached for Martha as she shared the struggles she faced with Lucian. "I'm so sorry you're going through this," I said softly, reaching out to comfort her. She swatted my hand away, glancing around to make sure no one noticed.

"No, don't apologize. It's not your fault," Martha replied, her voice wavering. She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself, and took a sip of her coffee.

While she was drinking, my fucking brain still thought it was a good idea to wander about. I couldn’t bring myself to deny it— I was insanely attracted to her.

I knew that now wasn’t the right time to dwell on such a topic, but it was hard for me to think about anything else other than fucking her throat at the moment.

I had to constantly remind myself that Alpha Lucian, from all the rumors I’d heard, was a very brutal man.

There was no way that I could even dream of having an affair with Martha, without fearing for my neck.

I also couldn’t bring myself to have an affair with her. It goes against my morals, especially after witnessing the pain my mother went through when my father cheated.

I've always despised cheaters and the whole idea of cheating. I don't know what Alpha Lucian was dealing with to justify his aggression toward his wife and Pack, but I didn't approve of it. Not at all.

“I don’t know what to do. I’m desperate now, you’ll have to help me. I-I’ll double your pay even,” she pleaded, her green eyes shining under the dim light, making me momentarily day dream about how those eyes would look at me when I'm above her, fucking her till she forgets all her sorrows.

Then my brows shot up in astonishment.

“You will double my pay?” I asked in shock, not believing my ears.

Ever since I heard the amount she offered to pay for spying on her husband, I had thought that it was too much, it was double the amount I earn at the bar, but now she wants to add to it.

“Yes, I will if you can be discreet about the job,” Martha nodded.

With the weighing problems all around, her depression, and the money stacked over it, there was no way in hell that I could decline that offer.

“Okay, I’m in,” I replied confidently and she let out a relieved exhale, smiling up at me, the agony in her eyes disappearing, replaced with freedom.

I had to clear my throat and avert my gaze away from her mouth, willing my growing erection to go down.

Fuck. I suddenly felt doubtful that I would be able to have a platonic relationship with her until the job was over, but I needed the money for my next sojourn.

So, I have no choice but to keep my side of the deal and be as professional as I can.

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