
Ch 3: Rose

We always have the same arguments when the Graycorts sleepover. We almost always end up with Mel Brooks movies on the first night with renting new releases on the other nights. Then there’s what to have on the pizzas. I like veggie pizzas, but all the Graycorts insist on having a meat lover’s supreme. We usually get both with a Hawaian for Mallory and Dad.

The five of us were in the living room watching Young Frankenstein when Mina began to look a little uncomfortable. Almost at the same time, Kamron and Kimea inhaled and looked at her. 

“You okay, Mina?” Kimia asked.

“Mmhum,” Mina nodded. Mallory started to notice her friend’s discomfort.

Kamron stood up and held his hand out to his little sister. “Maybe we should go for a walk, huh?” he asked. Mina nodded and took his hand. “Kimi, wanna come with us?” 

“Sure,” she said and stood up to follow her siblings.

“I’ll come, too,” I volunteered. 

“No!” All three practically shouted at me.

“We’ll be back in just a few minutes. Just a walk around the block,” Kimia said.

“Ooookay?” I responded. Mallory looked at them in confusion as well. This wasn’t like them, and it was already dark out. The three of them walked out of the room and out the back door.  Mallory and I looked at eachother. Mallory shrugged and turned her attention back to the movie.

I was curious. I waited a half a minute before following them out the back door. I couldn’t see them anywhere. I turned to walk around the house when I heard it.

“It hurts!” The voice was Mina’s. It was soft and filled with pain.

“I know, sweetheart. The first time is the worst, but Kam and I are here for you. You can do this!” Kimia’s voice was soft and compassion filled. 

“Suck it up, buttercup. You’re a Graycort. Embrace the pain.” Kamron’s voice came through just as soft as Kimia’s, but with more command to it.

I followed their voices to the treeline between our houses. Our houses backed up against a wooded mountainside, and we used the trees and bushes to separate the properties on our side of the street.

“If you’re not going to be helpful, Kam, then go back inside. Rose is probably worried about us by now.” Kimia snapped at Kamron.

“I want Mom!” Mina cried. I heard a series of cracks and quickened my pace to the trees.

“I’m sorry, Mina. You’re stuck with us, but you can do this. The pain won’t last forever.” Kamron said as I heard more cracking. I’d gotten to the tree line by that point and peered around some bushes. Mina, Kamron, and Kimia were just on the other side. Kimia was spooning Mina on the ground while Kamron was crouched by Mina’s head. Mina’s eyes were closed and her body looked contorted. Tears streamed down her cheeks distorting her face making it look longer in the moonlight. My heart began to break for her. Why wouldn’t they tell us something was wrong with her?

I looked away as more cracking noises sounded through the air. When I glanced back, Mina’s hair looked like it was brushing over her face. Wait! Mina’s face was covered in hair! Her face looked longer because her nose and mouth WERE longer! She began to whine as her body contorted some more. Her clothes tore and a whimper escaped her lips. 

“Ho. Ly. Shit!” I whispered. Kamron’s head snapped up and looked right at me. In a blink of an eye he was in front of me blocking my view of his sisters.

“Hey, Rose!” He said with a fake smile on his face. “Let’s go back inside and watch the movie. Has Fronkenstein raised his monster yet?”

I looked around him and pointed at his sisters. “Mina’s a. . . a . . .”

“She’s maturing into a teenager,” Kamron sighed. “It’s just a natural part of growing up. . . .”

“Bleeding out of your vagina is a normal part of growing up for a girl. Hairy legs and armpits are normal. Turning into a wolf is NOT NORMAL!” I almost shouted at Kamron while he tried shushing me.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look him in the eyes. “This is normal in my family,” he said. 

I was stunned. Was he saying what I thought he was saying? Silence filled the air and we looked back at Mina and Kimia. Kimia was cradling a young wolf. Her pelt was gray with flecks of white on her stomach and around her mouth. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was beginning to slow. Kimia petted her and made shushing sounds between soothing comments. 

I didn’t take my eyes off of them when I asked the question burning on my tongue. “Are you guys werewolves?”

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