
Chapter 7

Michael couldn't recall how many times Drake had complained about how much he was huddling himself up in the office, bent over different files and not having a social life that didn't include boring contract signings and businessmen conferences.

   "I have the perfect place for you to go to ease up all this tension you've been carrying on your broad shoulders" Drake told him that afternoon as he walked into the office with the remaining files from the project.

   Michael didn't hesitate to air out his views, "If it's a party, I'm not interested" The look on Drake's face afterwards should have warned him but Michael knew he really needed a break so he complied anyways and found himself at Emmys that night.

   Unlike himself, Drake was a regular at Emmys and Michael didn't understand the pleasure anyone was getting from watching half naked women dance on a pole until the redhead with the mask climbed her podium. It was like a spell was cast, he couldn't take his eyes off her as she twirled expertly on the pole with so much grace it was obvious she had had years of practice. The performance went on for quite awhile and he was spellbound till the end, Drake was bent on making him drunk and after over 6 glasses of their best scotch, that feat was achieved.

   "Go to hell" The stripper had spat out as she slammed the door in his face. There were many things that had happened the previous night that Michael wasn't exactly clear on but he could remember the struggle she looked like she was having when he made his offer. Deep down, he knew she wasn't like every other girl in the club but she was who he wanted and if going back to the club meant he would get a chance to see the face of the woman that had implanted herself into his head, that was exactly what he was going to do.

  The drive to the club was quiet without Drake but Michael knew it was best he didn't include his friend in his mission, if anyone would call it that. Drake was a very nice person but there were things he just couldn't understand and Michael wasn't even sure he understood what he was doing either. All he was sure of was that he needed to see Amber again and that was what he was going to do. 

   The crowd erupted into cheerful screams as the owner of the club climbed the stage that evening, "Good evening, gentlemen and the few ladies that derive pleasure from watching sexy women do things they can't do" everyone roared in laughter, even the ladies he had thrown shades at.

   "Even if you've had a bad day, you're definitely going to have an amazing evening. So, get some drinks from the bar, open your mind and prepare to be dazzled" his smile was contagious and everyone was clearly in good spirits. "An horny too" he added with a wink earning another round of cheers.

   It was a spicy Saturday night, weekends were the main deal at Emmys and Michael could see why but he was confused as the strippers filed out without Amber in attendance.

   "Where the fuck is Amber?!" Someone yelled from the back and Michael frowned. Where is she?

   "She must probably be running late, she'll be here soon" Stephen answered, hoping he was right. The rest of the night passed in a blur for Michael, he didn't come for any of the strippers, he came for the redhead and he couldn't shake off the feeling that she didn't show up because of him.

   There was no way he could look for her, he didn't see her face nor did he know her name. What exactly was he doing? Then it hit him like a soccer ball in the balls, he had seen her talking to a girl. Michael had no other options, he had to at least ask the girl.

   "...I have a lot going on for me right now, June. You shouldn't just bail out on me like this, what do I tell Stephen?" June?

   Michael walked up to her, "Excuse me, are you Anita?" Stephen had told him the girl's name was Anita and by looking at her, he knew she was going to give him all the information he needed.

   "Yesss" Anita purred as told someone to hurry up and then she hung up the phone. Whoever she was talking to wasn't as important as what she wanted to do with him. Michael smiled, this was going to be as easy as a walk in the park, I said to himself as he introduced himself.

   "Hi, Anita. My name is Michael Stahom and I'm looking for your friend" She gave him a look of recognition, Michael was used to the look but it didn't stop the satisfaction he felt to know he was well known everywhere.

   The stripper pulled herself closer to Michael as she whispered, "I have lots of friends, Mr Stahom. Which one are you looking for?"

   Michael laughed, "You know who I am talking about" her smile told him she was just playing hard to get. Two could play the game.

   Michael rested his back on his car as he waited patiently for the Amber masked redhead to finish whatever she had come to do at the club and meet him. He couldn't deny that he had somehow hoped her name was Amber but June was way better. June Skylar, stripper at night, a devoted daughter by day.

   Michael was glad he had kissed his daughter goodnight, he didn't know what the driving force was but he wasn't quite done with the stripper and if what her supposed friend had said was true, the amber masked redhead was going to be needing more than a hundred thousand dollars and he was going to benefit from whatever arrangements they were going to settle on. It was a win win situation, she most definitely couldn't say no. Or could she?

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