
Chapter One


Slowly awakening from my slumber, I am greeted by the comforting warmth of my cozy bed, making it difficult to leave its comforting embrace. Extending my limbs, I release a hearty yawn, sensing the weariness from a restful sleep gradually fading away. My eyes, still weighed down by drowsiness, find it challenging to adapt to the gentle morning sunlight seeping through the curtains.

 With a lazy movement, I shift my head to steal a quick glance at the clock resting on my nightstand, fully expecting the comforting sight of the familiar digits displaying the time. Yet, as my eyes land on the clock, a sudden jolt of fear courses through me, causing an involuntary gasp to escape my lips. To my utter shock, the once radiant numbers on the clock are now concealed in an eerie darkness, leaving the entire face blank. Panic instantly floods my veins, and I find myself desperately struggling to grasp the gravity of this perplexing situation.

 While I sit up straight in my bed, my mind becomes a chaotic whirlpool of numerous thoughts, each one more bewildering than the previous. My gaze swiftly sweeps across the room, my eyes darting from one corner to another, desperately seeking any sign of activity or a plausible explanation. The absolute silence that engulfs the entire house feels suffocating, intensifying the uneasiness that has taken hold of me.

 My thoughts turn to my parents, the pillars of my existence, who are usually the ones to rouse me from my slumber with their gentle voices and warm smiles. But today, their absence is conspicuous, and a sense of foreboding washes over me. Where could they be? Why on earth didn't they wake me up like they usually do?

 Questions swirl in my mind, each one more perplexing than the last. Did something happen to them? Were they in danger? The weight of uncertainty presses down on me, urging me to take action. With a newfound determination, I throw off the covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed.

 Upon stepping onto the cold wooden floor, a shiver runs down my spine, both from the chill in the air and the fear that grips my heart. I make my way through the silent house, my footsteps echoing in the empty corridors. The rooms, once filled with the familiar sounds of life, now seem hauntingly vacant.

 With each passing moment, my anxiety intensifies, and I find myself calling out for my parents, their names echoing through the empty hallways. But my pleas are met with only silence, as if the house itself holds its breath, withholding the answers I so desperately seek.

 When I finally make it to the bottom of the stairs, I can feel a small glimmer of hope starting to flicker inside of me. Perhaps they had left me a note.

 I quickly dashed into the kitchen, my heart pounding with anticipation, only to find an empty table devoid of any notes. Feeling a mix of fear and confusion, I slumped down at the table, resting my head on my arms. It was unusual for them to leave without leaving me a note or even waking me up. Just as I was about to rise from my seat, a sudden knock on the door startled me, causing me to jump up in surprise. My feet hurriedly carried me to the door, where I was greeted by the sight of our alpha standing there, his presence both comforting and intriguing.

 His tall, imposing figure filled the doorway, his broad shoulders and strong jawline exuding power and authority. His piercing blue eyes, usually filled with warmth and kindness, now held a hint of concern. I couldn't help but feel a rush of relief wash over me at the sight of him.

 “Alpha,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. “I… I didn't expect to see you here.”

 He nodded, his expression softening slightly. “I sensed something was off. I couldn't just ignore it.”

 A strong wave of gratitude towards him was impossible for me to ignore. Our alpha was not only a leader, but also a protector, always looking out for the well-being of his pack. His presence alone brought a sense of security, like a shield against the unknown.

 “What happened?” he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

 I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain the emptiness I felt in the pit of my stomach. “They…they left without a word. No note, no explanation. It's not like them.”

 His brows furrowed, a flicker of worry crossing his face. “That is indeed strange. We must find out what happened. Come, let's gather the pack and search for them.”

 I nodded, grateful for his guidance and support. Together, we rallied the pack, spreading out in every direction to search for any sign of our missing members. The forest echoed with our howls, a symphony of unity and determination.

 As we ventured deeper into the woods, the alpha's presence beside me provided a sense of reassurance. His strong, steady strides matched my hurried pace, his unwavering determination fueling my own. We scoured every inch of the forest, leaving no stone unturned, until finally, we stumbled upon a small clearing.

 The missing members of our pack are right there, huddled closely together. However, to my dismay, my parents were not among them as they were not part of the pack border patrol. This realization struck me so deeply that I couldn’t help but cry out in anguish.

 “Alpha, I desperately call out to you. My parents are not among the border patrol. I’m worried sick. Do you have any idea where they might be?” I sob, seeking solace and guidance from the alpha.

 “Jazz, I’m truly sorry to say this, but your parents bravely sacrificed their lives to protect us from the ruthless rogues who launched a surprise attack in the dead of night,” one of the border patrol officers solemnly informs.

 “Oh my god, no, no, no! They can’t be gone, they’re everything to me!” I cry out in despair, my voice trembling with disbelief and anguish. As the weight of the devastating news hits me, my legs give way beneath me, and I crumble to the ground, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions.

 Before I even have a chance to comprehend the situation, I find myself being scooped up and carried back to the pack house. As I’m gently placed on the couch, I notice the alpha taking a seat at the table in front of me. It’s hard to ignore the fact that he seems completely devoid of any remorse as he speaks. “Jazz, I’m truly sorry about your parents. I’ll make sure to find you a suitable place to stay.” Despite his words, his expression remains stoic, leaving me unsure of his true intentions.

 I can’t help but feel a mix of confusion and anger as I try to process the whirlwind of events that have unfolded before me. The suddenness of it all leaves me feeling disoriented, my mind struggling to catch up with the reality of the situation. It’s as if someone has ripped away the ground beneath me, leaving me floating in a sea of uncertainty.

 While I am sitting on the couch, my attention is completely captured by the alpha, and I can't help but observe the striking difference between what he says and how he behaves. His voice may carry an air of sympathy, but his face remains impassive, almost cold. It’s as if he’s detached himself from the emotions that should accompany such a tragic event. I can’t help but wonder if his lack of remorse is a carefully constructed mask to hide his true intentions.

 The alpha’s promise to find me a suitable place to stay feels hollow, lacking any genuine concern for my well-being. It’s a mere formality, a duty he feels obligated to fulfill as the leader of the pack. But deep down, I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something more to his words, something hidden beneath the surface. Is he truly concerned about my future, or does he have ulterior motives?

 I find myself torn between wanting to trust him, to believe that he has my best interests at heart, and the nagging doubt that gnaws at the back of my mind. The alpha’s stoic expression only fuels my skepticism, making it difficult to decipher his true intentions. Is he using my vulnerability as an opportunity to gain control over me? Or does he genuinely want to help me navigate this new chapter of my life?

 While I delve into the depths of his eyes in search of answers, a realization dawns upon me that I may never truly comprehend the depths of his true intentions. The alpha is a complex being, his motives shrouded in mystery. All I can do is tread cautiously, keeping my guard up while cautiously accepting his help. I must rely on my own instincts and intuition to navigate this uncertain path that lies ahead, never forgetting that appearances can be deceiving.

 “Take a breath and relax here for a while. I’ll head to my office and begin the search for a suitable place for you to settle in,” Alpha suggests. Getting up from his seat and exiting the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I’m sitting here, completely stunned, trying to process the devastating news that my parents have been killed. It’s an unimaginable blow, and my mind is racing with a mix of emotions. Amidst the chaos, I can’t help but remember the countless times my parents warned me to keep my wolf a secret, urging me to let no one discover her existence. As I close my eyes, a flood of memories rushes in, transporting me back to happier moments we shared together.

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