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Attack on Titan Fan Fiction Wiki & TOP 5 List: Introduction, Storylines and Characters, Best Themes, Works and Authors, Popular Websites

Creation time: Feb 19 2024Update time: Feb 19 2024109

The dynamic world of Attack on Titan Fan Fiction is no less than a literary haven where enthusiasts breathe life into the beloved series. Beyond Hajime Isayama's narrative, fans forge their own tales, pushing the boundaries of creativity. In this article, we'll unravel the allure of this genre, exploring the reasons readers are hooked, the riveting storylines and characters that fuel imaginations, and a glimpse into the most captivating works and authors. Get ready to step beyond the walls and into a universe where fan fiction weaves a tapestry of limitless possibilities.


Understanding Attack on Titan Fan Fiction


Before digging deeper into any form of fiction, it's crucial to have a better understanding of what exactly is it all about. Below is what lays the foundation of Attack on Titan Fan Fiction.


What is Attack on Titan Fan Fiction?


Attack on Titan Fan Fiction is a captivating literary genre where enthusiasts craft narratives set in the established universe of the original series. Essentially, it involves fans creating their own stories, expanding upon the world and characters created by Hajime Isayama.


Why people love to read Attack on Titan Fan Ficiton?


The popularity of Attack on Titan Fan Fiction can be attributed to a fervent admiration for the source material. Readers are drawn to the opportunity to delve deeper into the intricacies of the original work, exploring uncharted territories and witnessing characters evolve in unexpected ways.


Moreover, the allure lies in the creative freedom it offers, allowing writers to imagine scenarios beyond the scope of the manga or anime. This personalized interpretation enables fans to contribute to the expansive narrative tapestry of Attack on Titan. In essence, Attack on Titan Fan Fiction serves as a testament to the enduring impact of the series, fostering a community of storytellers who continue to breathe life into the captivating world Isayama has created.


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Introduction to the Attack on Titan


Attack on Titan, created by Hajime Isayama, is a Japanese manga and anime series that has taken the world by storm. Set in a dystopian world where humanity resides within enormous walled cities to protect themselves from giant humanoid creatures known as Titans, the series explores themes of survival, sacrifice, and the mysteries surrounding these monstrous beings.


What's like in the world of Attack on Titan?


In the gripping world of Attack on Titan, humanity resides within enormous walled cities, defending themselves from colossal humanoid creatures known as Titans. The narrative follows protagonists like Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, and Armin Arlert as they combat the existential threat posed by the Titans. This dark fantasy anime and manga series has captured the hearts of fans worldwide due to its compelling plotlines, intricate character arcs, and persistent mysteries.


Why people love to read Attack on Titan?


Readers are drawn to the intense struggles and moral dilemmas faced by the characters, fostering a deep emotional connection. The multifaceted story not only explores survival but delves into the complexities of power, sacrifice, and the consequences of human actions. This rich narrative tapestry serves as a fertile ground for Attack on Titan fan fiction, allowing enthusiasts to explore alternative scenarios and expand the universe with their own creative endeavors.


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Captivating Storylines and Character Arcs of Attack on Titan


As fans navigate the expansive landscapes within the towering walls, their pens become the architects of alternate destinies and unexplored territories. At the heart of this creative odyssey lie the captivating storylines and character arcs that fuel the imaginations of dedicated fan fiction creators.


Highlighted Storylines


In the vast world of Attack on Titan, fan fiction creators find inspiration in the gripping narratives of the original work.


The Titan Origins Mystery

Delve into the captivating enigma surrounding the origins of the Titans. Fan fiction can explore alternative explanations or uncover hidden aspects of this perplexing narrative, offering fresh perspectives on the Titans' existence.


Political Intrigue Within the Walls

The political landscape within the Walls adds a layer of complexity to the original work. Fan fiction creators can spin tales of intrigue, power struggles, and secret alliances, expanding on the political dynamics that shape the world of "Attack on Titan."


Beloved Characters


Here are some of the most popular characters from the original work.


Eren Yeager

The protagonist's transformation from an earnest young recruit to a conflicted and powerful figure resonates with fans. His evolution invites exploration of diverse scenarios in fan fiction, from alternate timelines to unexpected alliances.


Mikasa Ackerman

Mikasa's unwavering loyalty and formidable combat skills make her a fan favorite. Writers often delve into her backstory or explore hypothetical situations that showcase her strength and resilience.


Levi Ackerman

The enigmatic and skilled captain of the Survey Corps captures fan imaginations. Levi's mysterious past and stoic demeanor provide ample material for character-driven fan fiction, unraveling the layers beneath his tough exterior.


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What are the Best Themes in the Attack on Titan Fan Fiction


In the vast realm of Attack on Titan fan fiction, enthusiasts delve into multifaceted themes that extend beyond the original storyline. These narratives often transcend the boundaries of friendship, love, and familial ties, weaving intricate tales that explore the uncharted realms of human connections. Fan fiction writers skillfully navigate social issues, injecting thought-provoking perspectives into the narrative tapestry. Themes of resilience, sacrifice, and the human condition resonate prominently in these creative expressions. As fans immerse themselves in this literary playground, they uncover unexplored facets of the Attack on Titan universe, adding depth and richness to the beloved saga. In this captivating realm of imagination, writers ingeniously expand the narrative canvas, offering readers a tapestry of emotions and reflections.


Five Most Popular Attack on Titan Fan Fiction Works


Attack on Titan fan fiction has proven to be a treasure trove of creativity, with writers crafting emotionally impactful narratives that transcend the confines of the original series. These five highly praised fan fiction works not only subvert the established plotlines but also introduce entirely new story arcs, showcasing the limitless potential within the vast and captivating universe of Attack on Titan.


1. On The Care And Keeping Of Titans

This is an AU story where Eren was born as a titan and lived alone on the island until he met the Survey Corps. It explores the relationship between Eren and the other characters, especially Reiner and Bertolt, who are also titan shifters. It has humor, angst, fluff, and hurt and comfort elements.


2. Fly back to Paradise

This is a post-rumbling story where Eren has to take Falco and Gabi back to Paradis, the only safe place left after he destroyed the world. It deals with the consequences of his actions and the guilt he feels, as well as the hope for a new beginning.


3. City Comma State

This is a Levi-Hange story that is set in a modern AU, where Levi is a successful businessman and Hange is a scientist who moves next door to him. It follows their developing relationship, as well as their interactions with their friends and colleagues. It has humor, romance, drama, and smut elements.


4. Rogue

This is a story where Eren is a rogue titan who lives in the forest and protects the people of Shiganshina from other titans. He has no memory of his human life, until he meets Mikasa and Armin, who recognize him as their friend. It has action, mystery, and friendship themes.


5. Worlds Collide

Worlds Collide by TitanDreamWeaver pushes the boundaries of the AOT universe by introducing unexpected crossovers with other fictional worlds. This fan fiction explores the infinite possibilities of storytelling, bringing characters from different universes together in a seamless narrative that surprises and delights fans.


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Five Most Notable Attack on Titan Fan Fiction Authors

In the expansive universe of Attack on Titan fan fiction, certain authors stand out as pioneers, weaving captivating narratives that seamlessly integrate with Hajime Isayama's masterpiece. Let's delve into the realms of creativity and storytelling prowess with these five notable fan fiction authors.


1. hatredwithpassion

With over 200,000 words and 4 works in this fandom alone, hatredwithpassion has captivated readers with their unique and creative stories that cross over with other universes such as DC, Marvel, and Naruto. Whether it's exploring the moral ambiguity of Eren Yeager, the trauma and resilience of Peter Parker, or the dynamics of the Batfamily, hatredwithpassion delivers engaging and compelling narratives that keep fans hooked.

2. RedCoaster

RedCoaster has amazed readers with their original and immersive story that features a titan version of Eren Yeager. The story, titled "Rogue", explores the relationship between the mysterious titan and the human characters, as well as the challenges and conflicts they face in a world where titans are not only enemies, but also allies.


3. The_duke_is_back

This author has written 16 works in the Attack on Titan fandom and is known for their original and diverse ideas, ranging from reincarnation, rebirth, torture, romance, and more. Some of their most popular works in the Attack on Titan fandom are "Big Friendly Titan", a collaboration with CursedObjects that features a titan version of Eren Yeager who befriends the Survey Corps.


4. M1ke_H0ncho

M1ke_H0ncho is known for their original and adventurous ideas, such as a crossover between Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan, where the Starks encounter Squad Levi on the moors outside of Winterfell. The story "Wolves and Titans" explores the impact of these new soldiers on the fate of Westeros and the war against the White Walkers.


5. galaxies_of_little_moments

This author has written one work in the Attack on Titan fandom, titled "Let's Live Again". The story is set in a world where the Rumbling was completed and Jean Kirstein tries to bring life back into Pieck Finger, who is one of the few survivors from outside Paradis. The story is a romance with elements of angst, healing, hurt, and fluff.


Where to Read Attack on Titan Fan Fiction


Engaging with the captivating world of Attack on Titan fan fiction is made accessible through various online platforms. Notable sites like Archive of Our Own and Fanfiction.net offer a plethora of creative narratives that delve into the series' intricate universe. Additionally, platforms like Tumblr host a vibrant community of writers contributing to the ever-expanding realm of Attack on Titan fan fiction. Unleash your imagination and discover new narratives in these virtual realms.

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