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The Luna is Gone Hot Chapters: The Transformation of Diana and Nathan's Toxic Relationship

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Summary of The Luna Is Gone


The Luna is Gone by Angelique Quinn is a Werewolf love story between Diana and Nathan. Diana threw away her high-status social status for love. After accepting Nathan as her mate, she lived only to please him. However, her Alpha, Nathan, takes her for granted. He would sleep with other women and flaunt his mistress, Zoe. Nathan also opposes everything Diana says. He always views her as a person with an attitude problem. Diana gets fed up, breaks their mate bond, rejects him, and leaves the pack. The events made Nathan uneasy. Is it a sign of guilt or something more?


This Romantic novel has 143 chapters, a score of 9.3 rating, an equivalent of almost a maximum of 5 stars on various reading platforms.


Can the two headstrong people like Diana and Nathan figure out the solution? Read to find out in the novel The Luna is Gone.


Plot of The Luna Is Gone


The story begins with Nathan drugging Diana to go into another man's bed while he has fun with his maid, Zoe. Diana escapes the trap but ends up in the hospital with extreme stomach pain. The members of the Dark Moon Pack refuse to help her, even her mate Nathan does not care. Diana resolves to call her brother Marc, the Alpha of the Blade Moon Pack. He comes over to take Diana home.


Nathan stops them and forces Diana to spend the night with him. After the passionate night, Diana left Nathan and never looked back. However, they meet again, and Nathan discovers Diana has a child. He initially assumes he is the father, but Diana denies it. Her childhood friend Victor claimed he was the father to help Diana out. However, how long can Diana hide the truth?

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Main Characters in The Luna Is Gone



Diana is a brave and intelligent woman. She is famous under the pseudonym of the healer. Only people close to her know this secret. Diana threw away all she had for love. However, her mate Nathan fails to give anything back. She chooses to protect herself and exit the toxic relationship.



Nathan is the strong Alpha of the Dark Moon Pack. His strength is known all over the werewolf world. He is unfaithful and abusive towards Diana. However, he is possessive of Diana and even after breaking up, he refuses to let her go. Nathan is yet to understand himself and his feelings.



Marc is the dependable brother of Diana. He loves his sister and nephew. He is also faithful to his Luna, April. They are expecting a child together. Marc is strong and unlike many, he is not afraid of Nathan.



Zoe is the envious mistress of Nathan who works as a maid. She is extremely jealous and insecure of Diana. Zoe tries to build rumors about Diana but is stopped after Marc reveals that Diana is his sister. Zoe is a liar and will do anything to make Diana life's miserable.



Victor is the childhood friend of Diana. He tries to help her in any way he can. He pretends to be Lionel's Dad and he gives Diana a motorcycle. Victor knows the things that will make Diana smile and he manages to provide it as much as possible.


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Hot Chapters of The Luna Is Gone


Chapter 8


Nathan pursues Diana due to possessiveness. He is angry to know that Victor is the father of Lionel. Diana fights back, and Victor comes to her rescue. The two men got into a violent argument, and it resulted in a physical fight. Diana chooses to be on Victor's side and angers Nathan more.


Chapter 100


Diana, together with Moss, is investigating the drug Gummy Skull. The drug causes severe medical problems. They discover there is research for the antidote. However, William, the one who has access to it, refuses to cooperate.


Chapter 143


Nathan is once again pestering Diana with his request to heal Avia. Avia is the new woman Nathan wants to get engaged with. He demands that Diana donate blood for Avia to get better. Diana refuses and stands by her word that she will not submit to Nathan ever again.

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Author Introduction


Angelique Quinn is a talented writer of the romantic Werewolf book The Luna is Gone. The author has a growing fanbase. The increasing number of views on the story is proof of that. Readers love her storytelling style and cannot help but wait for more chapters.


Final Thoughts


The Luna is Gone is a heartwrenching Werewolf novel featuring a headstrong and intelligent woman. Diana gave up everything for love, but Nathan took her for granted. Audiences applaud Diana's courage to walk away from the abusive relationship. As an independent woman, she manages to survive and make a name for herself. Nathan has yet to realize his feelings and sort out his thoughts. The anticipation of how everything will conclude keeps the readers hooked and guessing. People who like toxic love, regrets, reconciliation, and humility will love this book.


Get ready to experience a whirlwind of emotions in every chapter of The Luna is Gone!

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