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The Exiled Dragon Hot Chapters: An Unforgettable Journey of Odessa

Creation time: Jan 24 2024Update time: Jan 25 2024106

"The Exiled Dragon" is an enthralling paranormal fiction novel by Veronica Fox. It invites readers into a captivating world filled with supernatural creatures, where Odessa, the determined protagonist, escapes from a vampire duke and embarks on a dangerous journey toward freedom. Fox's compelling narrative and intricate character development have earned her rave reviews.


The novel has received an impressive rating of 10 out of 10, demonstrating its popularity among readers. With 77 chapters of gripping plot and themes of resilience and independence, it has captivated audiences for 286.6 views on GoodNovel.


Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of "The Exiled Dragon" and join Odessa on her unforgettable journey. A must-read for all fans of paranormal fiction!




The Exiled Dragon" is a thrilling tale of survival and resilience. The protagonist, Odessa, is a captive in the clutches of a menacing vampire duke who intends to claim her as his own. Despite her dire circumstances, Odessa seizes an opportunity to escape, demonstrating her courage and determination.


Her journey takes her through a dense, perilous forest where she must evade the duke's forces and survive the harsh wilderness. Along the way, she encounters various challenges that test her resolve and resourcefulness.


Amid her escape, Odessa crosses paths with a mysterious Viking-like warrior and his unique hybrid animal companion. This encounter adds a new layer of intrigue to her journey, leaving readers in suspense about the role this warrior will play in Odessa's fate.


Main Characters



Odessa is the protagonist of the story. She is depicted as a human held captive by a vampire duke. Despite her circumstances, she manages to escape, showing her courage and determination. Her journey through the forest, her survival skills, and her ability to adapt to her surroundings further emphasize her resilience. She is also depicted as empathetic and thoughtful.


The Vampire Duke

The Duke is the antagonist of the story. He is a vampire who has kept Odessa captive for his purposes. He is depicted as a powerful and menacing figure, with a predatory nature. Despite his handsome appearance, his true intentions are sinister, and he sees Odessa merely as a source of sustenance and a means to satisfy his desires.


The Viking-like Warrior (Creed)

This character is introduced later in the story. He is depicted as a strong and rugged individual, with a physical appearance reminiscent of a Viking warrior. His hybrid animal companion suggests a connection with nature and the supernatural. His interaction with Odessa suggests a potential ally or a new challenge for her.



Razak is the hybrid animal companion of the Viking-like warrior. He is described as a cross between a wolf and a tiger, indicating a unique and powerful creature. His loyalty to his master and his playful nature add depth to his character. His interaction with Odessa could potentially influence the course of the narrative. 


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Hot Chapters


Chapter 14


In this chapter, we explore Creed's inner turmoil and his growing bond with Odessa. The tranquility she brings to his life is disrupted by a message from Alpha Adam, stirring up painful memories and hinting at challenges to come. The chapter ends with a promising development - Odessa's determination to communicate better with Creed, introducing him to the alphabet and igniting hope for a deeper connection.


Chapter 38


This chapter is a passionate exploration of Creed and Odessa's growing physical intimacy. As they surrender to their desires, they navigate the complexities of their relationship, with Creed's dragon nature adding a unique dynamic. The chapter is filled with intense emotions and sensual moments, culminating in a powerful bonding experience that deepens their connection. The chapter ends on a high note, leaving readers eager for more of their captivating journey.


Chapter 57


In this chapter, Odessa and Creed share a tender moment, rekindling their love after Creed's memory loss. Despite his initial confusion, Creed's feelings for Odessa resurface, and they reaffirm their bond. The chapter also sees the tribe's warriors pledging their allegiance to Creed, recognizing him as their Alpha. However, Creed declines the leadership role, prioritizing his relationship with Odessa. The chapter concludes with an offer from Osirus to provide shelter for the tribe until their village, which was destroyed in a brawl, is rebuilt. 


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"The Exiled Dragon" explores themes of survival, freedom, the supernatural, power dynamics, and the forces of nature. The story delves into the resilience and determination of the protagonist as she fights for her freedom. It examines the allure and mysteries of the supernatural world, where vampires and hybrid creatures exist. The power dynamics between characters highlight the corrupting influence of power and the importance of standing against oppression. Additionally, the forces of nature serve as a backdrop, challenging the characters and reflecting the harsh realities they face.


Author Introduction


Veronica Fox is an accomplished author known for her captivating narratives in the fantasy genre. She has a unique talent for creating immersive worlds and compelling characters that resonate with her readers. Her works are highly rated, demonstrating her ability to weave together elements of fantasy, romance, and adventure.


Her notable works include the "Under the Moon" series, which has nine books to date, and the "Under the Moon: God" series. Some of her popular books include "Under the Moon," "The Alpha's Kitten," "Twinning and Sinning: From Mutts to Mates," and of course, "The Exiled Dragon." Each of these books has received high ratings from readers, reflecting Fox's skill as a storyteller and her ability to engage her audience.


Fox's writing style is engaging, with a knack for suspense and detailed world-building. Her works are a testament to her creativity and imagination, making her a notable author in the fantasy genre.


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Writing Style


Veronica Fox's "The Exiled Dragon" is characterized by a descriptive and engaging writing style. Fox masterfully paints vivid pictures of characters and settings, keeping readers immersed in the narrative. The pacing of the story is well-balanced, maintaining suspense and tension throughout. Fox's use of dialogue is effective, providing deeper insights into characters and driving the plot forward. The narrative also explores themes of survival, freedom, and resilience, adding depth to the story. Overall, Fox's writing style creates a captivating and thought-provoking reading experience.


Final Thoughts


In conclusion, "The Exiled Dragon" by Veronica Fox is a riveting paranormal adventure that immerses readers in a world of vampires, supernatural creatures, and human resilience. Fox's vivid descriptions, engaging dialogues, and suspenseful narrative create a thrilling reading experience that is hard to put down. The characters are complex and intriguing, and the themes of survival, freedom, and the unknown add depth to the story.


For fans of the paranormal genre, "The Exiled Dragon" offers a fresh and exciting perspective. It's a testament to Fox's ability to weave together elements of fantasy, suspense, and character development in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.


We highly recommend "The Exiled Dragon" to anyone who enjoys paranormal fiction or is looking for a captivating and suspenseful read. The book promises a thrilling journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat, making it a must-read in the genre.


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Q: Is "The Exiled Dragon" part of a series?

Yes, "The Exiled Dragon" is part of a series. It is the fourth book in the "Under the Moon" series by Veronica Fox. The series is highly rated and includes other popular books such as "Under the Moon," "The Alpha's Kitten," and "Finding Love with the Fae King."


Q: Is "The Exiled Dragon" suitable for all ages?

"The Exiled Dragon" contains themes and scenes that may be more suitable for mature readers. It's always recommended to check the book's content advisories if you're considering it for a younger reader.

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