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Submitting to My Ex-Wife Hot Chapters: The Story of How Pearl Gave Up Her Love and Reclaimed Her Past Life

Creation time: Apr 18 2024Update time: Apr 18 2024222

Summary of Submitting to My Ex-Wife


"Submitting to My Ex-Wife" by Daisy Woods is a Billionaire Romance novel that revolves around Pearl Shepard, initially a carefree young woman whose life takes a drastic turn after losing her parents in a tragic car accident. This event leaves her vulnerable to the malicious intentions of her cousin and ex-partner, who conspire to seize her substantial inheritance. In a shocking betrayal, they take Pearl climbing and push her off a cliff, intending to end her life. Miraculously, she survives the fall and decides to take drastic measures to protect herself. Changing her identity to Pearl Woolery, she seeks refuge in anonymity and eventually marries Marc Males, perhaps as a means of starting afresh and finding stability in the wake of trauma and betrayal.


This is an ongoing novel with 42 chapters and a 9.9-star rating on its reading platform.


Delve into a story of the complexities of love and transformation between Pearl and Marc in "Submitting to My Ex-Wife."


Plot of Submitting to My Ex-Wife


Pearl survives a car accident that claims her parents' lives but faces betrayal by her cousin and ex, who attempt to murder her for her inheritance. After assuming a new identity, Pearl marries Marc, a wealthy man paralyzed in an accident and coerced by his mother into marrying for practical reasons. Despite their union, Marc lacks affection for Pearl and plans to divorce her upon recovering, driven by his renewed feelings for Clarissa Santos.


Pearl's hopes for their marriage crumble upon Clarissa's return, leading to Pearl's decision to sign the divorce papers and leave behind a symbol of her emotional investment. Departing in a luxury car with a supportive companion, Pearl signifies her reclaiming of independence and identity.


After discreetly removing any record of her presence from the surveillance system, Pearl leaves behind a parting gift-a gold pendant adorned with a beautifully carved rose-and a note announcing her departure on their third anniversary. When Marc returns home to find Pearl gone, he discovers the divorce papers signed but untouched, alongside the sentimental pendant and a cryptic farewell message. Confounded by Pearl's sudden disappearance and the enigmatic events surrounding her recent actions, Marc instructs his assistant to launch an investigation to trace her whereabouts.


Meanwhile, upheaval unfolds at Woolery Group's headquarters, where an unknown benefactor has rescued the company from bankruptcy by acquiring its stocks. Speculation among employees runs rife about the identity of the new CEO until Pearl Woolery herself makes a grand entrance, transformed and poised to take charge. Her unexpected return captivates and intrigues the executives, as she prepares to reclaim her identity and wield her newfound power.

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Main Characters in Submitting to My Ex-Wife


Pearl Woolery Shepard

Pearl was once the heiress to her family's fortune until a tragic accident claimed her parents' lives, leaving her vulnerable to the malicious schemes of her cousin and ex-boyfriend. They plotted to kill her to seize her inheritance, but Pearl miraculously survived. To protect herself, she assumed a new identity as Pearl Woolery, a nurse, and eventually married Marc Males, whom she met through a blind date.


Despite enduring hardship and betrayal, Pearl displays remarkable strength and resilience. Her decision to conceal her true identity and reinvent herself as Pearl Woolery showcases her strategic thinking and ability to navigate challenging circumstances. Through her transformation, Pearl demonstrates her determination to adapt and survive in the face of adversity.


Marc Males

Marc is a handsome man from a wealthy family who faces significant challenges after becoming paralyzed from the waist down due to an accident. His mother pressures him to pursue blind dates with the aim of finding a doctor who can provide long-term care. Marc reluctantly chooses Pearl, a nurse, based on practical considerations rather than love. As Marc's health improves and he regains mobility, he begins to feel trapped in his marriage to Pearl and harbors the desire to divorce Pearl in search of genuine love and connection.

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Hot Chapters of Submitting to My Ex-Wife


Chapter 2


Marc returns to his mansion, where he finds the signed divorce agreement alongside a gold pendant adorned with an exquisitely carved rose. This symbolizes Pearl's farewell gesture on their anniversary, evoking Marc's realization of her departure and the emotions associated with her departure.


Chapter 42


Pearl confronts Tina after a night of turmoil. Tina, nursing injuries from a physical altercation with Manfred, directs her anger and jealousy towards Pearl, accusing her of causing Manfred's mood and subsequent violence.


Theme of Submitting to My Ex-Wife


The central theme of this novel delves into one's resilience as you experience transformation and empowerment in the face of tragedy, betrayal, and unrequited love. Throughout the narrative, characters like Pearl and Marc undergo significant personal challenges and traumatic experiences. Pearl, in particular, demonstrates remarkable resilience by surviving attempts on her life, changing her identity, and ultimately reclaiming her power by revitalizing a struggling company.


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Author Introduction


Daisy Woods, the author of "Submitting to My Ex-Wife", is known for her skill in crafting suspenseful and emotionally charged storylines. She excels in creating intricate plots filled with dramatic twists and turns, seamlessly blending elements of romance, betrayal, and personal transformation.


Writing Style


Woods' writing style is characterized by descriptive language that vividly portrays scenes and emotions, drawing readers into the characters' experiences. She has a knack for developing complex characters with multifaceted personalities and motivations, adding depth and authenticity to her narratives.


Final Thoughts


"Submitting to My Ex-Wife" is an enthralling romance novel that delves into complex relationships and intense emotional dynamics between the characters. The story's intriguing plot keeps readers engaged with its twists and turns, unveiling mysteries surrounding the characters' motives and connections.


For readers who appreciate compelling dramas with strong character development, this story offers a captivating journey. Join Pearl as she navigates her path, uncovering secrets and unraveling the complexities of relationships in "Submitting to My Ex-Wife"!

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