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Love by Contract GoodShort Full Movie & Hot Episodes: A Dance with Love, Deceit, and Power in Nia's Gamble

Creation time: Feb 1 2024Update time: Feb 26 2024368

Love by Contract is a drama miniseries of Romance on GoodShort that follows the life of Nia, a woman whose life changes drastically when she is chosen by Leo, a wealthy businessman, to be his wife by contract. As she navigates her new status and a scheming half-sister, Nia is challenged to decipher her true feelings amidst the chaos. Her life takes another unexpected turn when she discovers her husband's infidelity with her half-sister while working at an adult novelty store.


This amazing miniseries has 65 episodes, 78.6k views, over 30k followers, and 3.6k likes. Also this TV miniseries has an excellent rating on the GoodShort app.


This miniseries is a fascinating exploration of love, power and betrayal, ideal for you to watch. 


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Love by Contract Plot

The plot thickens when Nia discovers that her husband, Marcus Hayes, is one of her customers at the adult novelty shop. The shock of this revelation is compounded by the fact that Marcus is having an affair with Arielle. This betrayal sends Nia into a tailspin, as she grapples with feelings of humiliation and anger.


As the series progresses, Nia must figure out how to handle her newfound power and wealth, her husband's betrayal, and her half-sister's manipulations. She is torn between her contractual obligations to Leo and her growing real feelings for him. This internal struggle forms the crux of the series, as Nia must decide what she truly wants.


Throughout the series, Nia's character evolves as she learns to navigate the treacherous waters of wealth, power, and love. She grows from a naive woman thrust into a world of deceit and betrayal to a strong woman who learns to stand up for herself and fight for what she believes in.


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Main Characters of Love by Contract


Nia Turner

Nia is the protagonist of the series. She is a resilient and strong woman who works at an adult novelty shop. Her life takes a dramatic turn when she becomes the contract wife of Leo, a wealthy businessman. Nia is a complex character who must navigate her new reality, deal with her manipulative half-sister, and grapple with her husband's betrayal. Her journey of self-discovery and understanding her true feelings forms the crux of the series.


Leo Mitchell

Leo is a wealthy businessman who chooses Nia to be his contract wife. He is a powerful figure whose actions and decisions significantly impact Nia's life. His character represents the power dynamics in the series. Es uno de los personajes con mas poder y dinero, jamas piensa lo que esta por suceder y todas las consecuencias por sus actos.


Marcus Hayes

Marcus is Nia's husband who she discovers is having an affair with her half-sister. His betrayal adds another layer of complexity to Nia's life and the series as a whole. Also, sometimes Marcus is a very cold character who doesn't care about a lot of things. But, he is a very handsome character who easily attracts the attention of girls.


Arielle Turner

Arielle is Nia's manipulative half-sister who is involved in an affair with Nia's husband, Marcus. She is a scheming character whose actions contribute to the turmoil in Nia's life. She is a pretty bad character who is capable of deceiving anyone in order to make a profit. Arielle only cares about herself and her well-being.


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Love by Contract Cast

Rachel Coopes plays Nia in Love by Contract.

Noah Fearnley plays Leo in Love by Contract. 

Jordan Morgan plays Marcus in Love by Contract.

Natalie Stavola plays Arielle in Love by Contract.


Love by Contract Hot Episodes


Popular Episode: Episode 6

Latest Episode: Episode 65

Love by Contract Full Movie & Episode



Love by Contract is a captivating mini-series drama that masterfully explores the intricate dynamics of love, power, and betrayal. The series centers around Nia, a woman whose life is dramatically transformed when she becomes the contract wife of a wealthy businessman, Leo. As she navigates her new reality, she must also deal with her manipulative half-sister, Arielle, and the shocking discovery of her husband's infidelity.


The series stands out for its complex characters and their intertwined relationships. Nia, the protagonist, is a compelling character whose emotional journey forms the heart of the series. Her evolution from a naive woman to a strong individual who learns to stand up for herself is both inspiring and relatable. Leo, the wealthy businessman, and Arielle, the scheming half-sister, add depth to the narrative, making it a riveting watch.


In conclusion, Love by Contract is a compelling mini-series drama that offers a riveting exploration of love, power, and betrayal. With its complex characters, intricate plot, and raw portrayal of human emotions, it's a series that leaves a lasting impression. Whether you're a fan of drama series or looking for a thought-provoking watch, "Love by Contract" is a series that's worth your time. It's a testament to the power of storytelling and the complexities of human nature. A must-watch!


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What is the central theme of Love by Contract?

The central theme of the mini-series Love by Contract revolves around the complexities of love, power dynamics, and betrayal. Nia, the protagonist, is thrust into a world of wealth and deceit when she becomes the contract wife of a rich businessman, Leo. As she grapples with her new reality, she also has to deal with her manipulative half-sister. The plot thickens when Nia discovers her husband's affair with her half-sister, adding another layer of betrayal to her already complicated life. The series delves deep into Nia's emotional journey as she navigates these challenges and tries to understand her true feelings amidst the turmoil. It's a compelling exploration of how power, love, and betrayal intersect and influence one's life.

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