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When There is Nothing Left but Love Book Review: A Romantic and Chaotic History

Creation time: Apr 27 2023Update time: Sep 5 2023885

PART 1: Introduction by the Author of When There is Nothing Left but Love


The author of When There is Nothing Left but Love, known as Bean Sprout, is a novelist with a passion for reading and writing, well known among her readers for her exceptional work, When There is Nothing Left but Love. A story that has managed to touch the heart of more than one, for its tragedies and emotional scenes. Her specialty is romance and multi-million-dollar drama. You can find the full book on the app or on the Goodnovel website.

PART 2: Introduction to the New Factors of When There is Nothing Left but Love


Main Theme


The theme of this novel centers on Julia's cunning, courage and willpower to follow her path despite being deeply in love with a man who always despised her and let her know he would never fall in love with her and whose heart is occupied by another woman, his former partner. Their marriage was arranged by Curtis's grandfather, who before he passed away forced him to marry Julia. But as soon as he passes away, Curtis files divorce papers with Julia so he can be with his beloved, Anna. However, what Curtis did not see coming is that Julia is pregnant, but as soon as he finds out he lets her know of his rejection, so she decides to have an abortion in secret as she does not want to suffer for carrying in her arms the child of the man who does not love her, thus ruining her life and reputation forever.

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Julia Moore

Julia is the main protagonist of this novel, she is a young woman with a sensitive and passionate personality, who is married to Curtis Blake, she was studying a university career but failed and abandoned her studies. And after two years, she got pregnant but decided to abort because Curtis did not want the baby.


Curtis Blake

He is a billionaire tycoon with a cold and bitter personality and works in the family business. His father died in a car accident, so his grandfather Blake decided to raise him, and who forced him to marry Julia. He is in love with a woman named Anna, however, maybe Julia will be able to get into his heart.




Julia Moore in her first year of marriage thought she had found the perfect person for her, her infatuation with Curtis made her believe she could have a beautiful and magical relationship, so when she collides with the bitter reality, she realizes she has wasted her time trying to force an unrequited love. However, a pregnancy was not part of her plans, for although Curtis did not love her, he used her to satisfy his sexual desires and because of this she became pregnant, but he did not want the baby. So, when Julia miscarries without telling him she decides to set off on her way to a new life away from him, but what she doesn't know is that deep down Curtis is beginning to fall in love with Julia and will do everything he can to prove to her that his feelings are genuine.

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Hot Chapters


Julia and Anna had a confrontation, thanks to Julia discovering that Anna pretends to be a good person but is really someone cunning, cold and calculating, who wants to stay with Curtis at all costs. So that's why the lines below are the ones that made the most impact among readers, because it clearly shows Julia's intentions to hold on to her beloved.


"When are you going to sign the divorce papers?"

"Are you really forcing me to divorce? You're the mistress here!"

"Julia, if it wasn't for you, I would have been the mistress of this villa instead of you. Since Grandpa Blake is dead, there's no one to protect you and let you stay here. If I were you, I would just sign the papers and go somewhere far away after taking Curtis's money!"

"But I'm not you, Miss Blunt!"

"Julia, he doesn't love you, why do you keep clinging to him?"

"If you know he doesn't love me, what are you afraid of? And what am I clinging to him about...his abilities are so good!"


At that moment, Anna tried to push Julia down the stairs, but the opposite happened, Anna fell, and her blow caused her to miscarry. And it was at that moment, Julia's world collapsed because Anna's pregnancy came to light.


Writing Style

The author's writing style is informal, uses everyday and common words, easy to understand writing. He uses a first-person point of view where the main character narrates the novel. He also manages to convey with transparency the emotions of each character when scenes full of feelings such as sadness, uncertainty, fear or joy occur.


PART 3: Conclusion and CTA of When There is Nothing Left but Love


When There is Nothing Left but Love is the most revealing description of how complicated love life can be for a person who is married to someone but whose heart belongs to someone else. The book is full of expectations on Julia's part that strike deep into her heart as, deep down, she still hopes that Curtis is in love with her and not Anna. But she summons all the courage and dignity to walk out of her life and not look back. A powerful message of this book is that even if love for someone is unconditional, if it is not reciprocated then it cannot work. Although Curtis, after a long time, wants to rebuild that love that he himself had destroyed. If you are looking for a book full of drama, reunions, passion and love, then you must read When There is Nothing Left but Love.




1.Where can I read the book When There is Nothing Left but Love?

You can read this book on the Goodnovel app or website, or you can also find it available on the website.


2.How many chapters does the book When There is Nothing Left but Love have? Is it finished?

The book When There is Nothing Left but Love it has a total of 265 chapters and is still being updated.

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