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The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance Book Review: From Physical Attraction to Deeper Connection

Creation time: Jun 21 2023Update time: Jun 21 2023406

The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance is a completed young adult romance novel series with 102 chapters. It is the alternate name of Ella Mile's standalone novel, Pretend I'm Yours.


It follows the story of a twenty-two-year-old virgin named Larkyn, who decides the night she wants to lose her virginity. Initially, she believed her first time should be magical, with the perfect date, place, and guy, and she wanted to be in love. However, her desperation leads her to seek out any decent-looking guy who will treat her well for the night. She unexpectedly finds a man who fits her idea of perfection-attractive, dreamy, and incredibly wealthy. So they engage in a sexual encounter that surpasses her expectations. Despite knowing it's just supposed to be a one-night stand, the man surprises her by faking proposing to her. He suggests continuing the charade of being a married couple beyond that night.

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Ella Miles is the esteemed writer who brought The Virgin's Billionaire Fiancé to life. She is an international bestselling author who writes steamy and dark romance, romantic suspense, and contemporary romance novels. Ella is famous for her great series like the Retribution Games, Lies, and Sinful Truths Series. She has also published nine standalone books, including the novel under review.


Get updates about her new releases on her website, https://ellamiles.com. You can also join her book discussions on Ella's Bellas Facebook group.




This novel explores self-worth, empowerment, the consequences of reckless behavior, and personal growth. It delves into the complexities of relationships, emphasizing the importance of valuing oneself and making choices that align with one's true worth and desires.


Empowerment is seen through Larkyn and Kade as they undergo personal growth and make choices that empower them. Larkyn realizes her strength and resolves to preserve her virginity until she finds someone who values and respects her. Kade takes matters into his own hands to save Larkyn's life, demonstrating his resourcefulness and determination. Transformation and redemption are also part of the journey as Kade's initial physical attraction to Larkyn evolves into a deeper connection based on respect and care. Through their journey, Kade supports Larkyn during her panic attack and helps her overcome her fears, leading to transformative experiences for both characters.

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Larkyn is a twenty-two-year-old woman who feels insecure about her lack of sexual experience. She is determined to change her status as a virgin before graduating from college. Larkyn initially longs for an idealized first-time experience, complete with love and romance. However, after unsuccessful attempts at finding the perfect guy, she becomes desperate and more focused on simply losing her virginity. She is self-conscious and constantly worried about how she appears to others, especially when surrounded by the popular crowd.



Kade, Sebastian's responsible older brother, displays integrity and empathy throughout the narrative. His initial encounter with Larkyn sets him apart as he advises against engaging in sexual activity with Sebastian. Despite his own desires, Kade's commitment to protecting Larkyn is evident. Following an accident, Kade's guilt-ridden visit to Larkyn in the hospital leads to a transformative conversation, where he offers to make amends and becomes her pretend boyfriend. Kade's unwavering support and commitment deepen their connection.



Sebastian is the epitome of popularity and attractiveness within his university. He is the object of Larkyn's infatuation, and she has had a crush on him for some time. He is charismatic and confident, effortlessly drawing attention from both men and women. While initially unaware of Larkyn's presence, he becomes interested in her after Serena's intervention. Sebastian's interest in Larkyn surprises her and raises her hopes, although she is skeptical about his true intentions.




At the Party


Larkyn, determined to lose her virginity, attends a party hosted by Sebastian, with her friend Serena by her side. Insecure about her lack of experience and appearance, Larkyn manages to enter the party when Serena catches Sebastian's attention. Thrilled to be Sebastian's date, Larkyn enjoys the moment and contemplates the possibility of him being her first sexual partner. Amidst dancing and drinking, Larkyn wrestles with conflicting emotions about Sebastian's intentions. She desires both physical pleasure and a deeper connection. Sexual tension lingers between Larkyn and Sebastian, tinged with a hint of jealousy involving Naomi. Eventually, Larkyn sheds her clothes and joins Sebastian in a pool, where they share intimate moments and passionate kisses, leading to them making out in the bedroom.


Larkyn and Kade Meet


Their encounter is abruptly interrupted by Kade, who informs Sebastian about a fight that broke out. Larkyn, now alone with Kade, briefly considers engaging in sexual activity with him, but he reveals that he knows she is a virgin and advises against losing it to someone like Sebastian. Kade's remarks anger Larkyn, making her knee him in the groin as she storms out and realizes she deserves better. Meanwhile, Kade feels strongly attracted to Larkyn but refrains from acting on it due to her age and inexperience. He is frustrated by his own physical arousal and the temptation he feels.


The Accident


Throughout the party, Kade harbors anger towards Sebastian for his reckless behavior and drunk driving incidents. Despite hiring a lawyer to protect Sebastian's record, Kade is determined to prevent him from driving intoxicated. As Sebastian drives under the influence with Naomi in the car, Kade becomes enraged and intends to confront him.


Following Sebastian's car, Kade witnesses a severe accident as Sebastian's vehicle flips over. Kade rescues Sebastian and Naomi from the wreckage, but to his surprise, he discovers an injured Larkyn lying on the roadside. Larkyn has been hit by Sebastian's car and is critically wounded. With an ambulance delay due to bad weather, Kade takes matters into his own hands and rushes Larkyn to the hospital, urging Sebastian and Naomi to come along.

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In the hospital, Larkyn suffers from intense pain and headaches. Guilt-ridden, Kade visits her and they have a conversation. They discuss her injuries and Larkyn expresses her dislike for Sebastian. Kade offers to make things right on Sebastian's behalf, and Larkyn asks Kade to be her pretend boyfriend at her graduation party to impress her father. Kade agrees, hoping to change Larkyn's negative opinion of him.


Kade arrives at Larkyn's apartment in a fancy car, but he notices that she has healed faster than expected. Larkyn wants to maintain a friendly interaction, but Kade insists on pretending to be her boyfriend. During their conversation, Larkyn has a panic attack triggered by the highway where Sebastian had injured her before. Supporting her, Kade continues their journey to the party, deepening their understanding of each other along the way.


Writing Style


This novel is narrated from the first-person point of view, focusing on Larkyn's and Kade's perspectives as the main characters. Their recounting of events and sharing of their thoughts and emotions are all crafted by the author in a casual and conversational tone. The language used is straightforward and often includes informal expressions and profanity, reflecting the character's frustration and anger with the situation. The writing style also includes elements of introspection and self-reflection as the character contemplates their actions and feelings. The author skillfully displayed how she focuses on the character's inner thoughts, reactions, and desires, providing insight into their emotional state and the dynamics between the characters involved.

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Final Thoughts


The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance is a compelling romance novel that young adult readers would love to read! It is such a treat for those who like the unfolding story of a heroine navigating the consequences of her past decisions, embarking on a journey of self-discovery, and finding the love and fulfillment she truly deserves.


Follow the blossoming connection between Larkyn and Kade, as they move beyond initial attraction and form a profound bond. Experience the heartfelt emotions and the joys of being cherished by someone who sees you for who you truly are in Ella Mile's The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance.




Q: What is The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance novel all about?

A: The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance follows the story of Larkyn, a 22-year-old virgin who is determined to lose her virginity at one of the hottest parties hosted by a popular guy.


Q: How many chapters does The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance novel have?

A: The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance is a completed romance novel with 102 chapters.


Q: Who is the author of The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance?

A: Ella Miles is the author who wrote The Virgin's Billionaire Fiance.

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