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The King's Avatar Web Novel Thrilling Review - A Must-Read for Gamers and Non-Gamers Alike

Creation time: Apr 11 2023Update time: Apr 26 2023363

The Kings Avatar leads you to a fantasy land where you become the hero of your own story -- fighting battles and winning them in the end despite all the obstacles. Not everyone is up for this kind of web novel but The King's Avatar broke that prejudice even non-Esports fans will appreciate and enjoy.

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What is The King's Avatar


"The King's Avatar" follows the story of Ye Xiu, a professional Esports player who was forced to retire after ten years of winning tournaments for his team. After leaving his prestigious life as the former captain of the Excellent Era, he worked as a network manager at an internet cafe a few blocks away from the headquarters. It was during his hiatus in the professional gaming arena that he rebuilt himself and founded his own team to reclaim his throne, competing with his former teammates.


The novel explores the world of competitive gaming, as well as themes such as teamwork, perseverance, and the pursuit of one's dreams. With a large cast of memorable characters and thrilling in-game battles, "The King's Avatar" has become one of the most popular and influential esports novels of all time.


The Characters of The King's Avatar


Ye Xiu

He is a fascinating professional Esports player whose love for the game "Glory" can be traced back to his childhood. Staying true to his passion, he rose up in the gaming arena with his intelligence, passion, and leadership skills. Despite his flourishing career, he kept his identity mysterious and shied away from promotional activities and social interactions. His social animosity has led the organization to drive him out of his team, among other reasons, replacing him with a younger gamer to take over his character and his team.


Sun Xiang

The new captain of Excellent Era inherited the avatar One Autumn Leaf from Ye Xiu. He is a self-absorbed professional game who wanted to prove that he is better than the former captain.


Chen Guo

The owner of the internet cafe, Chen Guo, hired Ye Xiu as the network manager. She became Ye Xiu's biggest fan and cheerleader and helped him rebuild his team.


The characters and their relationships


Ye Xiu's setback where he had to start from square one, he meets various people who either pulled him up or pushed him down. While working at the internet cafe, he had to create a new character Lord Grim battling out with newbies in the field while searching for new team members, Happy.


Chen Guo opened new opportunities for Ye Xiu to play again on the battlefield after ending her losing streak in the game. He met Tang Rou, Chen Guo's friend, a talented gamer who refused to lose and became the Assassin on the team. Ye Xiu also recruited an old friend and a former captain of the Blue Rain to join his team as the vice-captain, playing as Battle Mage. Other members were recruited and trained, among them were Bao Rongxing (Launcher), Qiao Yifan (Blade Master), An Wenyi (Cleric), Luo Ji (Summoner), and Mo Fan (striker).


As Ye Xiu slowly rebuilt himself, his team prepared for a battle with his opponent, Excellent Era under the leadership of Sun Xiang. Although the individual members of the team were powerful, their team's performance was going haywire.


At this, came one of Ye Xiu's unforgettable lines, "Victory is not determined by who is stronger, but by who is better at cooperating."


In-Game Battles and Strategies


The online game Glory is a Chinese MMORPG that works like any other game where you can see multi players interacting, and forming alliances to defeat opponents on the battlefield. Action scenes are intense and exciting, and you will be on the edge of your seat during the in-game battles.


Each player has a unique set of skills and abilities that they can use to gain an advantage in battle. Players can combine their abilities to create powerful combos and overwhelm their opponents. Each member has their specialties from healers to sharpshooters, led by the captain, to victory.


In "The King's Avatar," players must be adaptable and able to change their strategy on the fly. They must analyze their opponent's strengths and weaknesses and adjust their gameplay accordingly. It is one of the strengths of Ye Xiu that Sun Xiang falls short of. In the words of Huang Shaotian, "as a professional, we fight for victory, but we should also fight for our dignity."

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Themes of Perseverance and Pursuit of Dreams


The theme of "The King's Avatar" revolves around the world of professional esports and the journey of the protagonist Ye Xiu to reclaim his status as the best player in the game "Glory." The novel explores themes of loyalty, teamwork, and competition, as well as professional gamers' personal sacrifices and struggles.


Ye Xiu's Journey

Ye Xiu as the main character of the novel was depicted as arrogant and selfish, but as the story progresses, he becomes more humble and caring towards his friends. Ye Xiu's dedication to his profession and passion for the game is evident throughout the story, which adds to his likability as a character.


Tests, Allies, and Enemies

Due to his mysterious personality, only limited people knew about his backstory. Su Mucheng, Ye Xiu's former teammate, was an exception as she grew up with Ye Xiu and her brother, Su Michiu. The latter was Ye Xiu's partner in developing weapons for the game Glory. However, he died in an accident which took a toll on Ye Xiu. The weapon was revealed in Chapter 128 when he used it to win a crucial match.


After he was forced to retire, he knew he had to form a new team (Happy) for his comeback. Happy team members clashed with each other due to their differences which were later resolved resulting in a relationship based on trust and respect. The camaraderie between the characters is evident throughout the story, and it adds to the overall enjoyment of the novel.


The Road Back

In Chen Guo's words, "When a person has a dream, it's the most beautiful thing in the world. It's like a shooting star that illuminates the sky, and if you reach for it, it's yours." Ye Xiu's passion for the game is evident, hailed as Battle God, he rose back from the ashes after being forced to retire. His tenacity was evident as he uttered these lines. "I am not a god, but I will not let myself be defeated so easily."



In conclusion, The Kings Avatar is a fantasy, comedy, slice-of-life web novel that will surely touch gamers and dream chasers. It is a well-written story that transcends culture, language, and interests as its core is about friendship, grit, and camaraderie.


In an interview, Butterfly Blue stated that he wanted to explore the concept of "peak performance" and explore the dynamics of teamwork and how it can be applied in both the virtual and real world. He has also mentioned that he wanted to challenge the common stereotypes of gamers being lazy and unproductive by showcasing the dedication and hard work required to excel in the esports industry.


Are you ready to experience the adrenaline rush of "Glory" and Ye Xiu's journey to the top? Start reading The King's Avatar web novel today and become immersed in the exciting world of online gaming!"

If you are someone who loves online gaming and wanted to be inspired to charge forward toward your dream, grab the novel now. Get ready to enter the world of gamers where you become your own superhero.



Q: Who wrote "The King's Avatar"?

A: The King's Avatar was written by Butterfly Blue (real name: Hu Dielan), and first published in 2011.


Q: How did the author come up with the idea for "The King's Avatar"?

A: According to the author, Butterfly Blue, he was inspired to write "The King's Avatar" by his own experiences playing online games. Butterfly Blue is an avid gamer himself, and he drew on his knowledge of gaming culture and strategies to create the world of "The King's Avatar."

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